Author Topic: New [USSR]  (Read 160006 times)

Map suggestions for it will be taken into account.

I have backups for older maps, and newer maps alike.

Face, think we could team up (or have others) to build a EAST v. WEST Berlin map?

It would be:

-Set at the height of the Cold War (1950s-60s)
-buildings with floors and strategic spots
-Berlin Wall (or Check Point Charlie)
-graffiti? (walls)

I'd say this would be like the Afghanistan 1979 map, but slightly larger

« Last Edit: November 17, 2006, 10:25:55 PM by Ronin »

cool idea
maybe we could do that

i want to be in war!:D we need vintage rifles :D

cool idea
maybe we could do that

Sounds good, i have to google my facking router so I can unlock it loel, but that should be done tomorrow.

I'll post some preliminary shots (I was reminded by this post I did)

Lets do it, I wouldn't mind hosting!

(This goes for everybody)I don't want to sound rude, so try not to take offense:

But this is a build that I will be working on with people that I have worked with in the past, or Facechild's personal request for a person to join the team of builders. (if all works out)


1. Trust, Can I trust you to get the job done, while maintaining a positive attitude and not fooling around too much?

2. Artistic qualities, I am looking for people that have displayed their profeciency in finding resources and recreating buildings, this mainly applies to the people who build sloppy things and can't take constructive critisim.

3. Workmanship, in a build, and especially in a DM, the lag must be maintained at a low level, so a castle built out of 1x1 may look nice, but sadly can't be allowed into the save file.

4. Ideas, I have my own set of views, but your ideas help make the build look non-linear and immense with different styles.

5. Attitude and Availbility, these are key, if your attitude stinks, then I would suggest waiting this one out, and if you aren't available, then I can't work with you.

If meet these critirea then contact me, I will make a list of the build team. (this was inspired by the Afgahnistan DM which was a priviate server so work was done faster)

we should draw out a map first, really plan this one through

agreed, i was talking to my friend who visited Germany, there are things like European street size and building structure which have to be accounted for.

I've planned this one out on a basic Flat map, which would work for an urban city.

sounds good, we should work on the rough map tomorrow

Was not that map released on USSR Primary before Facechild left?

I don't know, I'm making sure we are on the same page with maps.

There's huge baseplate spam in the second buildzone of USSR Primary, might want to clear it.