Author Topic: Bot Events (v1.1)  (Read 25288 times)

Node, decal, and face lists:
$nodelist = "armor bicorn bucket cape chest cophat epaulets epauletsranka epauletsrankb epauletsrankc epauletsrankd femchest flarehelmet headskin helmet knithat larm larmslim lhand lhook lpeg lshoe pack pants plume pointyhelmet quiver rarm rarmslim rhand rhook rpeg rshoe scouthat septplume shoulderpads skirthip tank triplume visor";

$facelist = "smiley asciiterror memeblockmongler memecats memedesu memegrinman memehappy memepbear memeyaranika smileyblonde smileycreepy smileyevil1 smileyevil2 smileyfemale1 smileyold smileypirate1 smileypirate2 smileypirate3 smileyredbeard smileyredbeard2 brownsmiley chefsmiley kleinersmiley male07smiley orc adamsavage jamie";

$decallist = "aaa-none medieval-eagle medieval-lion medieval-orly medieval-rider midieval-tunic medieval-yarly meme-mongler mod-army mod-daredevil mod-pilot mod-police mod-prisoner mod-suit space-nasa space-new space-old hoodie alyx archer chef dknight drkleiner hczombie knight linktunic worm-sweater worm_engineer";

I know it seems like I'm ignoring the setBotTransform event but I don't see the use for it and there wouldn't really be any way to target two bricks or a bot and a brick with 100% accuracy. I'll put BotShoot in the next version.
Also, does anyone think that a "setAsGhost" event (makes the bot/player transparent and glowy) would be useful?

I'll repeat, you can keep node as a list in the events.

I'll repeat, you can keep node as a list in the events.

It's way over 255 characters though.

I'll repeat, you can keep node as a list in the events.


You could sepperate it into multiple events?


i dont quite can wrench a bot....then to it?

No DL link D:?
Are you blind?
i dont quite can wrench a bot....then to it?
No, it's still bricks. Most of the events are for vehicle spawns.
You could sepperate it into multiple events?


Can you do a bot throws someone

No it's a good idea.
I'm trying to make as few outputs as possible because I don't like super-long output event lists. I don't know about you, though.

Suggestion for output; doBotTalk (time), to make them bounce as a player does when chatting.
With that, you'd have a full bot event set to make movies.

I'm trying to make as few outputs as possible because I don't like super-long output event lists. I don't know about you, though.
It's already long. 2 extra inputs wouldn't make that much of a difference.

Suggestion for output; doBotTalk (time), to make them bounce as a player does when chatting.
With that, you'd have a full bot event set to make movies.
Actually I'm putting in playThread and hoping people don't start spamming servers with hump bots.