Author Topic: Barack Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize  (Read 5720 times)

Obama has done some thigs you idiots who think hes a terrorist or hes lazy.

1.He helped the DOW and rest of the economy hit a 1 year high which collapsed during bushes presidency

2.He improved our relationships with other countries like russia,england and some other european countries

3.He rescued a dog from a shelter, encouraging other people to adopt animals before they are euthanized

4.He is making a simple health care reform with a goverment option and rules so insurance companies treat you better that doesnt restrict medicare and medicaid.

5.He is helping decrease amount of Nuclear weapons in USA, Russia, and other countries

So you conspitribals flaming obama, stop watching FOX, looking up on exaggerating News sites, and watch real educational news like CNN and TIME magazine.

hey dodger your a dumbass.

That dog wasn't from the shelter I am pretty sure
He hasn't helped the economy yet
we already had relationships with england
Good job lets get rid of our nuclear weapons so if someone decides to bomb us we can't do anything

hes spent almost as muhc time out of country as he has in it lol.
hes visited like 40 countries already working on diplomatic relations.

most of EU just like to wait around for the US to make friends or enemies and they tag along it seems.

Dude i said DECREASING YOU IDIOT. And the dog is from a shelter. LOOK IT UP. The economy is going up a little due to better budget policys and a little regulation. And due to his visits, Russia will now support us in making sure irans nuclear site is for peace.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 11:23:46 AM by Grumpy »

ohey it's obama kanye west

ohey it's obama kanye west

Ima let you finish after Obama does his speech

Many people think that Obama doesn't deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. Many think he is a bad president overall. But if you really think about it, the only reason why they think that is because he was elected at a VERY hard time in economical history.

Obama is not a bad president. The Right is just too butthurt about not being able to forget up the country any more.

We aren't even shure if hes a citizen.

We aren't even shure if hes a citizen.

GET. THE. forget. OUT.

inverted is a hardcore democrat

I was like


as soon as I heard this.

He won? He hasn't done stuff yet...