Author Topic: 2012 Second Thoughts  (Read 8014 times)

They forgot to mention that they're full of stuff, too.
Yas :D

It'll happen when it happens.

Contrary to common believe the Mayan Calender doesn't completely end for about another 2800 years. It's already ended 12 times, but it resets (As it goes on a system of 20). The 13th Bak'tun is going to begin on the Winter Solstice of 2012. The only real evident piece of information connected to that date is a passage that states there will be a "New Enlightenment". Oh, and look at that, Obama's term will be over around then :D So, in truth, this whole thing was worked up because of media and ignorance to the subject. In Christianity, it doesn't really say a date and the closest that I have ever been able to find is somewhere between 2000 and the end of time.........even so, the Christian End Times takes, about, 1014 years, perhaps? I've never seen the other religion's End Times, but I heard the Jewish one is rather good! I should read it sometime....hmmm...I wonder how it ends......

Anywhom, we must live in the moment, and not dwell on the fact that one day we will all die in a burning inferno of pain and destruction, forever doomed to watch those around us die with us as our civilization crumbles......we should be worrying about important stuff, like how taxes just keep going up D;


I hope people realize that the mayan calenders were made a looong time ago when technological advancements have yet to bee made during that time.

I hope people realize that the mayan calenders were made a looong time ago when technological advancements have yet to bee made during that time.
Then again, they did successfully predict a large amount of astrological movements, and did create the calender on a very organized and intelligent system.

I hope people realize that the mayan calenders were made a looong time ago when technological advancements have yet to bee made during that time.

The mayans were a very advanced society. They had a very complete language, their writing style was unique and
Then again, they did successfully predict a large amount of astrological movements, and did create the calender on a very organized and intelligent system.

I mean, for being so isolated they did a lot for themselves.

You can't deny that it is physically possible for the world to end in 2012 so if someone can see into the future, prove me wrong.
i can see into the future, but i cant prove you wrong, right, or any combination of the two because i am nearsighted.

Contrary to common believe the Mayan Calender doesn't completely end for about another 2800 years. It's already ended 12 times, but it resets (As it goes on a system of 20). The 13th Bak'tun is going to begin on the Winter Solstice of 2012. The only real evident piece of information connected to that date is a passage that states there will be a "New Enlightenment". Oh, and look at that, Obama's term will be over around then :D So, in truth, this whole thing was worked up because of media and ignorance to the subject. In Christianity, it doesn't really say a date and the closest that I have ever been able to find is somewhere between 2000 and the end of time.........even so, the Christian End Times takes, about, 1014 years, perhaps? I've never seen the other religion's End Times, but I heard the Jewish one is rather good! I should read it sometime....hmmm...I wonder how it ends......

Anywhom, we must live in the moment, and not dwell on the fact that one day we will all die in a burning inferno of pain and destruction, forever doomed to watch those around us die with us as our civilization crumbles......we should be worrying about important stuff, like how taxes just keep going up D;

so true

On Jan 17, 2009 “NASA confirmed there will be a `problematic weakening´ of the Earth's protective magnetic field around 2012."

I found out that it's scientifically proven that sometime on December 21 of 2012, all the planets will line up which has the potential to knock Earth off it's axis and create another ice age.
I used to be like you guys and think that all the 2012 stuff was bull but know that science has been brought into this, I think it might be real.

Then again, they did successfully predict a large amount of astrological movements, and did create the calender on a very organized and intelligent system.
astronomical, not astrological

On the topic of possible doomsday that will most likely never happen, I think I may have Swine Flu.

I'm starting to cough and one classmate has a possibility of swine flu.

there will be a "New Enlightenment". Oh, and look at that, Obama's term will be over around then :D

Have a cookie.

i win

Yes, you do.

Planet X will disrupt out gravitation thingy-ma-bob and make us all die. :D

Pluto will? :o

astronomical, not astrological

Ohmy, I didn't catch that when I was typing. Silly me :P


On the topic of possible doomsday that will most likely never happen, I think I may have Swine Flu.

I'm starting to cough and one classmate has a possibility of swine flu.

Try to get the vaccine! Sure, it has killed more people then the flu does, but it's government approved! :D

Pluto will? :o

"Pluto loses Planet X title". Planets beyond Mercury are now (usually) referred to as Planet X before naming....I thinks :o