Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523790 times)

wish granted, but you fail terribly, crawl under a rock and die

I wish for eternal elderlyness.

Wish granted but you die of a stray bullet.

I wish to break a wall.

Granted, but it's not your wall and you're charged with property damage.

I wish I could sleeeeeeeeeeeep.

Granted, but you emptied your tube in bed and it knocked your mom up.

I wish for a large fries from Wendy's.

Granted, but it has zombie in it and you start the apocalypse

I wish I had 1337

Granted but you're still a scrub.

I wish I had some Coke.

Granted, but you OD and die

I wish I had some 1337

wish granted but you died in a tragic explosion.

i wish to have an ion cannon so i can aim it at my face.

wish granted but its to long so you can't shoot yourself.

I wish i could beat everyone at tic-tac-toe

Wish granted, but you have to be X's. [True fact!]

I wish that people would shut up about children's shows and grow up.

Granted, but some grow down.

I wish I could see clearly now.

Granted, but some grow down.

I wish I could see clearly now.
wish granted but the claratin (?) doesn't work

Wish granted, but... You didn't wish for anything

I wish the Melee losers were in SSB4.

Melee losers - Mewtwo, Roy, Dr. Mario, Young Link, Pichu

Granted, But they are only trophies.

I wish I had SSB4 right now.

Granted, but it's just the original with a 4 painted by the logo

I wish the melee losers weren't trophies