Beta Stuff

Author Topic: Beta Stuff  (Read 35931 times)


  • Administrator
Will it have full mover support?
No.  Movers are fun and all, but they can't be made to look proffessional without a tremendous amount of effort that I don't have time for. 

Will it have lots of vehicles that are easy to access? (in a gui)
Vehicles are created via a vehicle spawner brick and the wrench.  You do not have to use the mission editor.  There will be a few vehicles out of the box and new ones will be easy to add.

Will it have lots of admin tools?
There is a banning and unbanning gui that allows you to easily specify the length of ban and reason.  Bans are based on master server authentication and cannot be circumvented by changing your IP.  Admins can view and clear the bricks of specific users, even after that user has left the game.  If a user builds something offensive and leaves, an admin can identify who built it, clear the offensive build, and ban the user without the original builder even being there.  Spy on specific users (orbit cam).  Change maps through a gui.  Save and load builds over the network, even on a dedicated server.  Destructo wand for clearing bricks.

Will it have a capture the flag?
No, but there is a minigame system that allows you to sort of host a game within the game.  Basically it allows you to define your own rules.  So say you want to have a deathmatch - what you do is build a few spawn points and a few weapon spawns, then you start a minigame and enable weapon damage, set it to give 1 point for killing another player, enable using spawn points, and give the players a starting weapon like a sword.  Then anyone who wants to DM with you can join your minigame and you're off and running.  CTF could work the same way, all a modder would have to do is create a special flag item, then you could build a CTF game in much the same way.

Will u have to pickup the bricks?
No, you select them through a gui. 

Will it have a money sytem? (For rpgs)
That's mod territory.

Will it have guns?
Perhaps one gun.  One of the main goals is to make it easier to add new components to the game.  You can place weapons and items with the wrench, and the wrench list is automatically filled in with all available items.  So if someone adds a new gun, you wont have to edit the maps to play with it.  Ideally, to add a new gun all you'll have to do is drop the files into the add-ons folder (I don't actually have this part working yet but I should be able to manage it)

Will it have skis ( I love those things)
Yes.  The feel of the skis and camera have been improved.  There are still some stability problems (torque is a real bitch in this department), but I've improved it greatly. 

Will it have any circle bricks?

Will the textures stretch if u make block bigger? (For the love of good make them loop not stretch)
There is no brick stretching. 

Will it be user freindly? (Make like a proper in game tutorial for n00bs)
I plan to make an in-game tutorial level.  Like, actually made out of bricks.  Also there will be a complete help file under F1.


  • Administrator
PS.  Wedge you suck for posting screenshots on low texture detail. 

Does your rocket shoes make noices when you  fly? =O

Why do people always misquote me >_>

The new admin tools sound awesome. Then i can distroy that spam 1000 units away from everything :)

PS. Wedge you suck for posting screenshots on low texture detail.

2GB, haha. I wish I had that much. I have 256MB. :(

I'm on medium detail anyway.

I'm on medium detail anyway.

so how bad does it lag for you wedge with only 256mb?

None? I run on lower quality because I'm usually running some background applications.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 03:26:11 PM by tails »

At 31k bricks, I had a latency averaging around 80.

does retail still have no floating bricks? it would take me a while to get used to no floating bricks.

Will the textures stretch if u make block bigger? (For the love of good make them loop not stretch)
There is no brick stretching. 

Will it be user freindly? (Make like a proper in game tutorial for n00bs)
I plan to make an in-game tutorial level.  Like, actually made out of bricks.  Also there will be a complete help file under F1.

Lol the love of good.

I thought of doing a tutorial like that.  Then I said, nobody would use it (in the current version that is).  Make a first-run thing, and people will use it.   :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster:

does retail still have no floating bricks? it would take me a while to get used to no floating bricks.