Author Topic: Snowboard  (Read 39090 times)

Oh yes I just did. Behold the snowboard works perfectly and looks awesome too!
*yes you are sideways well riding it.

Download your welcome!
Model by phydeoux(spelling?)
other stuff by me.
Model fixup by heedicalking
Some code by Kaje
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 05:24:47 PM by Poiuyt »

« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 12:50:32 PM by matham2 »

Oh man TY :D

no need for my suggestion post anymoar XD
Only reason I finished this.

Yay you finished it :D

forget yeah.

NINJAEDIT: In FP view, do you face the way your head faces, or do you face the way you are supposed to be going (providing that you are not going backwards.).

forget yeah.

NINJAEDIT: In FP view, do you face the way your head faces, or do you face the way you are supposed to be going (providing that you are not going backwards.).
Never checked haha

looks like skies, but longer, with a strap

Not Downloading Cause its Mediafire. STOP POSTING ADDONS FROM THAT SITE!

Not Downloading Cause its Mediafire. STOP POSTING ADDONS FROM THAT SITE!
I don't get any pop-ups. There is nothing wrong with mediafire.

Not Downloading Cause its Mediafire. STOP POSTING ADDONS FROM THAT SITE!

Just because your popup blocker sucks ass doesn't mean that people are gonna stop uploading files to a free file hosting site.

On topic: love.

Delicious. The skis needed salt, and you added it. Nice job.