►►►The Daily Life of Badspot

Author Topic: ►►►The Daily Life of Badspot  (Read 27193 times)

11:07 Badspot wakes up in a cold sweat, that was a terrible nightmare.

11:30pm -
It wasn't a dream! Badspot tries to eat Gordon Frohman. So, Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan decides to go back in time to turn Badspot back to normal. Vader melts someone's brains.

Badspot wakes up again. It was a dream, after all!

11:36 It wasen't! Badspot finds a cat and trys to eat it. Instead he pukes it up and tries to shoove the cat up his ass.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 11:36:54 PM by Blockk dude »

Badspot wakes up again, it was a drea- Wait! No it wasn't, he's still a zombie. He passed out from shoving the cat up his ass.

11:40 p.m.

2.5 minutes later the cat turns into a NES and turns on and takes over his zombie brain
« Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 11:40:53 PM by mr.64x64 »

The NES finds a hudge cave behind Badspot. The NES crawls up and gets stuck, only to realise the cave is his ass.

11:46 - Badspot passes out from having an NES up his ass, raping him as we speak.

2 years later 11:46 PM

He then wakes up in a room with only a bed , a cup , a toliet , and a radio playing a cacthy song , "At blockland sceince we do what we must because w can since you never maded V9 we will cut off your hand " Badspot procedes to throwing the cup in the toliet Then a voice calls out to him . "Welcome to the blockhead science enrichment center ." The smell of  :iceCream: is in the air . must be from that cave

11:49 BlaDOS then puts the zombie badspot into a firepit


The wieghted compainon cube swings across a rope calling out "BEROYYYYYYY LENKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS" he saves badspot and give him the pill item.

11:50 p.m.

then companion cube gives badspot a portal gun and tells him to solve 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  mazes.

Badspot then figures out that he is in Gmod and the portal gun is teh suckzorz .

12:00 PM
Badspot says "happy new year!"

11:30pm -
Badspot tries to eat Gordon Frohman.

hlcomic FTW!