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Messages - Col. Derontchi

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 159
General Discussion / Re: CRP2 - Update Pg8
« on: July 13, 2021, 11:12:17 AM »
What would you guys like to see in a CityRP? (other than removing prison)
Malone Brown

You get a $4 payout followed by a $30 citation for using disposable plastics

I insert a 21st birthday

Reading this thread is making me uber emotional.

To add my own:

Furdle. The misunderstood stepchild of Blockland. An interesting fellow and benevolent if you piqued his interest. I think about him often.

SailorMan and Kreon. I remember being in short films these dudes made. Was especially good friends with Sailor. Kreon’s City RPs were fun as heck.

Evelkinevel (BLID 8119). He was my right hand man for years, starting when I was just a noob. He would help me day and night on silly projects, never asking for anything in return. Taught me so much about the game and about life. I still have him on Xbox, but he hasn’t been online in years. I miss him to death. I know his name and his state, but there are a lot of people with his name in the state of Texas lol.

GravityCat. He needs no introduction.

Wizzard. Actually met him on Reddit last year. Before that hadn’t seen him or heard from him since his legendary Dogfight days of 2010-2011.

Kalphiter. What a guy.

Heedicalking. If I remember correctly, he vanished sometime in 2013. His servers hold a very special place in my heart.



Killer 217/Exrouse. Not a super prominent BLer, but we got close enough that we started texting IRL. I still have his number, but I haven’t spoken to him in probably 5-6 years.


Pie Crust. Degenerate.

There are so many more. I hope I think of them.

Off Topic / Re: Swimmers Ear
« on: July 13, 2021, 01:31:20 AM »
Put alcohol in your ear and tilt your head. Wait a minute and then thrust your head to the other side, expelling the alcohol. Source: I’m a former swimmer

Off Topic / Re: i can't believe these forums are still here.
« on: July 13, 2021, 01:29:08 AM »
I’ve started popping in every so often after the last few years (even just describing something using that amount of time seems batstuff crazy to me wow). I had a dream the other night of Blockland and immediately rushed to the forums when I awoke to make sure that something was still left of my beloved virtual adolescence. To my relief, a few users were still keeping vigil. I was nearly driven to tears. I remember exploring countless worlds that players had built piece-by-piece with amazing friends from around the globe. I remember surviving zombie apocalypses. I remember the dozens if not hundreds of Bedroom DMs. The death races. The freebuilds. Kalphy’s legendary NYE parties. I remember so much of it, and I owe so much of this to people who have seemingly vanished from the face of the earth. I will likely never know them again. But in these moments, we were adversaries, comrades, and friends. Our fates converged at the same time a bright flash known as Blockland consumed us, if only for that moment. After all, that’s all it was: a flash. An fantastical eyeblink in time that we will always carry with us.

Friends, we’ve made it. We sit stoking the embers of a once-raging inferno, tending it if only to be in each other’s company for just a little bit longer. Soon, the sun will rise again, and the fire will no longer needed. Still, we will always know that the fire not only kept us warm, but gathered us around it to enjoy the warmth together.

Edit: crazy to think that Blockland used to be populated by several hundred users (if not more) at a time. Hope to see y’all on Brickadia someday.

You get a half-eaten McDouble from the floorboards of your buddy's 2004 Corolla

I insert a post onto this forum after an ungodly amount of time

kreon's still active and alive, just on his discord server tho / in arma 3 with frankie
Oh word? That's pretty cool I guess.

General Discussion / Re: CRP2 - Update Pg8
« on: November 16, 2020, 09:40:40 PM »
Bump. Not ready to let this die just yet
Glad you did. This looks sick.

Creativity / Re: Made part of ACM City out of Legos, plus some BL avatars.
« on: November 16, 2020, 05:41:40 PM »
This almost brought a tear to my eye.

Well done man. Looking forward to seeing more!

Figured this thread would be as good as any to say hi after a bit.

Back on my first account (Ten Speed, ID 25627), I used to play a ton with a dude named EvelKinevel (ID 8119) and he became a really good friend and confidant of mine. We're still technically friends on Xbox, but he hasn't been online in years. I think about him from time to time. A few others are Wizzard, snk, GravityCat, Furdle, Crown, and Kalphiter. Some of these guys may very well be active, but I haven't personally seen or heard from them since I was active. I've also been out of the scene for a moment.

Edit: Heedicalking, SailorMan, Kreon

Hey folks, long time no see. Glad to be back with you beautiful bastards.

I’ve been heavily considering building a gaming PC more and more, so I figured this would be a good place to get some input. In short, I don’t plan on playing games very often, I’d just like to be able to play whenever and whatever without worrying about console generation. That being said, I would like to put a nice chunk of change into it because I would also like to be able to create music content on it. I have a budget of probably $900, hopefully with monitor included. Drop some suggestions for a brother.

Thanks in advance!

Off Topic / Re: Share your family's war stories
« on: May 30, 2018, 12:29:05 PM »
sorry, it's classified

no seriously, it is.
Then how do you know about it?

Off Topic / Share your family's war stories
« on: May 30, 2018, 12:26:50 PM »
I'm very interested in peoples' family war stories, so I encourage you all to share them. I don't have many myself, as my only relative that served in combat was my great-grandfather. He was a Lt. Col flight surgeon in the Pacific during WWII. He was shot down and my grandfather was only a child at the time, so I don't have any stories of him.

Share your stories. Any conflict, any nation, any type.

Games / Re: FALLOUT Thread 2.0 - Nope, blow the whole town up.
« on: December 24, 2017, 04:51:19 PM »
New Vegas is the best ducking fallout ever don't @ me

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: December 24, 2017, 04:49:24 PM »
did you forcefeed paintballs to the other team
Aye. Used a pump too

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