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Topics - Conservative

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I'm trying to make an object with two 'names', I need a string that does this;

$a = "Bleh$blah$";

echo($a); >> "Bleh"

echo(SecretWord($a)); >> "Blehblah"

I'm working with an object with a null name, and in order to target it for this function, it cannot be null.

This is a default object that already has many functions that search for the null object, so giving it a name is not an option, I need to give it a name that only shows up under a certain function.

Modification Help / Delay part of a function?
« on: March 19, 2013, 09:32:12 AM »
I need a way to delay these two lines.


I don't have the schedule knowledge I require, my best bet was..


Modification Help / Mount an object to an object in GuiObjectView?
« on: March 17, 2013, 09:21:54 PM »
Trying to mount an object to a player model in a GuiObjectView, anyone know how, or if its possible?

Add-Ons / Default Bot
« on: March 14, 2013, 04:57:09 PM »

The Default Bot
Absolutely void of any life, the Default bot will do nothing but stare into space waiting for you to give it life.


Icon courtesy of Masterlegodude.

Game Modes / Lego Town DM
« on: March 13, 2013, 12:18:07 PM »
Lego Town Deathmatch



Tapeworm - the build.
Lord Tony - the palm trees.
siba - the lego revolver and packaging the whole gamemode.

Required Add-Ons

Assault Rifle
Black Knife
Flak Cannon
P90 pack
High Explosive Grenade
Lego Revolver
Sniper Rifle
Drop Item On Death

Games / ~RazorWind PVP faction - raiding server~ Minecraft server
« on: March 08, 2013, 06:32:58 PM »

What is this?

A faction raiding server is a server that runs a faction plugin; allowing you to create miniature clans and invite players to your faction, set a faction home, and claim land that is safe from anything but TNT.

Players can use TNT and launch it into a faction; destroying chests and raiding it; or if you're lucky, you can kill the players and lower their power, allowing you to claim land they don't have enough power to protect.

You can protect your base with obsidian, which is destroyed in 2 TNT hits, or cover the vulnerable spots with water (or combine the two for ultimate power)

[8/10 power] - You can claim two of their existing land, if they have 10 claimed land in total.

You can also exchange ingame items in the shop for cash, and then buy other objects in the shop.

Everything from raiding, to scamming is allowed.

Mcmmo allows you to level up your skills ingame, such as mining and weapon usage.

Each level up makes it easier to do these skills, and ultimately become a very dangerous player.

The server has a 99% uptime, and the only time it is down is during scheduled restarts.

[Cheaters/Hacking will be banned on sight, no exceptions, no warnings]

Player - Rank
Zach               Owner
Treti                Admin
SibaBL            Moderator
Thantoarauin  Donator
Cmoore           Donator
Customable    Graphic designer
redbulldog      Tester
xxpowerxx1qz Chatmod


Custom Auto message
Anti pvp logger


1. Cheating or hacking in any way will result in a permanent ban.
2. Chat spam, advertising, or harassment will result in a ban.
3. Excessive swearing or capitalization will result in a mute.
4. Discussing hacks/cheats/exploits will result in a kick (This includes DDoS!)
5. Asking for staff/items/ranks/xp will result in a mute.
6. Asking for a time change/weather change will result in a mute.
7. Any sort of religious discussion/racial discussion will result in a mute.
8. No lava-ing spawn points, that includes enemy faction homes and player homes.

Server IP


You can also vote on these three sites daily, for $100 ingame cash and a single diamond for each vote, to help the server gain more publicity.

As it is, the server has a low daily player count, so we could use your help.

General Discussion / siba's Lego Town DM
« on: February 25, 2013, 02:13:02 AM »

Simple 25 kills to win gamemode complete with classic weapons and classic lego buildings.

[Click the image]

Build created by Tapeworm, credit to Lord Tony for the palm trees.

[I am rendered powerless as a result of disabling brick damage not being possible , so just try your best at not exploiting the server]


[Special thanks]
[]----[] - Creating the terrain.
Demian - Providing me with the logo.
Jetz - Providing me with code that deletes dropped weapons.

I am accepting admin apps.

Admin App:

Name: Frosting

BLID: 20848

Why?: I've had much recent experience administrating servers and I enforce the rules. Players will be helped if need be and I make sure to have a justified reason when it comes to resorting to punishment (ban, kick, etc.) if this situation should arise.

Previous Experience: Jasa's CRP, Kong123's Deathrace, Glass' Fortwars (version before this one).

On another note, I really enjoy the server and it has a lot of potential.
Follow these guidelines when making one.

Admin list
[name] [BL_ID]

[BETA 4]
- Added builder mode
- Weapons now cost points

Modification Help / Figure out which client saves bricks on a server?
« on: February 15, 2013, 07:51:23 AM »
I'm trying to transfer variables placed on bricks between the client and the server anytime he saves bricks, but don't know if its possible to figure out which client saves bricks.

Suggestions & Requests / Old Tier+Tactical?
« on: February 13, 2013, 04:27:32 PM »
I'm looking for the version of Tier+Tactical, before the whole ammo system was implemented, where you had unlimited ammo but still had to reload your weapons after a certain amount of discharges.

Or to be more specific to a few of the users here; the version used in TomTom's TTDM.

General Discussion / Anyone know what happened to Lunar?
« on: February 10, 2013, 01:23:54 PM »;u=35263

It seems like 90% of his posts have been completely cleared, along with the topics he posted in being removed from each post.

Is there a reason nobody has really said anything about it?

Suggestions & Requests / Brick Inventory weapon inventory replacement.
« on: February 09, 2013, 08:47:04 AM »
If the minigame canbuild rule is off, and you switch on another variable, entitled "Item Inventory Replace", or
something similar, your brick inventory replaces the normal 5 item inventory in the top right, and weapons you pick up are placed in your brick cart instead.

I have been de-admined from Jasa'c city RP for banning users linking to researchographic, or the shock site "meatspin".

I had gotten on the server today, and had decided to overrule Jasa's way of administration after it went unpunished the first time.

I've posted massive posts regarding the administration abuse, and the starfishs that reside in the server and are free to roam about for reason of "the internet is full of starfishs", ~Jasa

research, Meatspin linking

The argument at hand, unfortunately, was so long and outstretched that I am unable to take a reasonable ammount of images to put my point across.

Jasa has dismissed shock sites, and researchographic sites as simple 'jokes', that don't deserve any actual punishment unless the user sends them a second time.

I had banned user "DOU", for sending a meatspin link to the public server with around 24 other players within.

My first instinct, was to permanently ban the user, based on what I had learned from administration in Pecon7's Boss Battles, this ban was soon revoked after a bunch of idiots called 'badmin', and 'too harsh'.

I left it alone and actually appologized to DOU, and went my seperate way for a couple hours.

Only till yesterday night, did I realize the true stupidity that lies beyond the situation, and I messaged Surburb about the issue, and Jasa over steam.

Surburb dismissed it as a 'joke', aswell as Jasa the next morning.

Since I had decided to overrule Jasa's faulty administration system, I had banned DOU for a day for posting researchographic links, and Day for unconditional hating.

Shard the Owl had a problem with my ban regarding the meatspin link, and took it upon himself to start calling me a badmin, along with a few others, and took it to RTB.

DOU was soon unbanned by Jasa, and after demanding to know why he was unbanned, Jasa again told me "it was just a joke", which lead me to rebanning him for a day.

One of the users in the server, decided to take his chances at creating a fake research link that looked real.

"", I assumed this was a search for research, and banned him for a day aswell.

I was then de-admined and at this point, full caps raging.

I cleared my bricks, said some last minute stuff to Jasa, and left the server.

A Cheating admin, and his friend friend.

Herecy was a six star criminal, and I was a lawyer.

Herecy wanted me to pay off his demerits, with cash he would provide me.

He lead me to the second floor of his high-rise building, closed off any entrances, and to my surprise, he had about 10 - 15 lumber trees.

Lumber trees are buyable for $1000 in the server by regular players, so I figured he just had a lot of cash.

I also did not know he was an admin at this time.

While I sat in the corner of the room, Herecy would mine lumber, and give it to me to exchange into cash, and paying his demerits off.

After bringing up the issue that I need to get to a lumber exchange monitor for the cash, he planted a lumber exchange monitor next to the trees and allowed me to exchange the lumber for cash.

I had still not known he was an admin, and assumed the monitor was paid for aswell.

After a while of him mining the lumber, I got bored and left the building; but not before he said "I'm probably just gonna keep the cash".

Only after I was an admin, did I realize he cheated, so I confronted him about it.

I had not been an admin for even a day before this happened, and I had already dealt with a problem between Kalphiter and PressMe aswell.

Everyone hated Kalphiter for how much he complained in the server, and I can see why; many of his complaints were simply to add, or fix a certain part of the mod that lets criminals get away with killing the bike you ride, but he also called on admin cheating, and I'm starting to think he was telling the truth.

The admin, believed he could do whatever he wanted, and ordered me not to piss him off.

His argument, was that he contributed to the server, and therefor, he is more valuable than the other players and could cheat at will.

Herecy broke rule 5.

Jasa himself, supported this argument, by saying Herecy helped with the terrain around the city, and that alone, is reason enough to give him more of a chance than anyone else who would attempt this.

My personal belief; cheating is cheating, doesen't matter if you're an regular player, admin, contributor or even the host, cheating makes you an starfish and danger to the server.

At some point, Herecy talked to Day about the situation, and Day began attacking me with everything he could.

I am now unable to join the server due to Icanhasfire! and Day saying stuff about me, and getting away with it.

Day is angry at me for calling Herecy out on his cheating.

Icanhasfire! is angry at me for not unmuting him when he asked, and possibly mislead by the argument.

Bishop and MDMA

I really don't know how to rephrase this further, due to how largely it spun out of control, so I'll put a link to the beginning of the argument here.


Bishop and MDMA were pissed that I took action upon them hiding in their inaccessible basement with Demerits.

Off Topic / Live Action Toy Story
« on: January 14, 2013, 03:36:04 AM »

I'm speechless, this is the most incredible video I have ever seen.

Modification Help / Playertype animation help?
« on: January 10, 2013, 01:16:36 PM »
I've created an animation in blender 2.49b that upon export, and loading ingame, only appears to play the first 1 - 3 frames at an extremely rapid rate.

It is a root animation that I want to play and loop.

-- Detail Level is 1.

-- Cyclic is unchecked.
-- Export is checked.
-- Blend Animation is unchecked.
-- FPS is 24
-- Priority is 0
-- Frames is 60
-- Seconds is 2.4
-- Ground Frames is 0

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