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Topics - AutoBahn

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Gallery / 8x8 cubes are shorter than 8 1x1s stacked on top of eachother
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:56:01 PM »
I was partially unsure as to where to put this, but I guess I'll put it here because it's partially mind-numbing.

Going from the left to the right is an 8x8 cube, an 8x8 modter cube, and an 8x8 zonebrick, as well as 8 1x1s stacked on top of eachother.

The 8 1x1s are 4 1x1fs taller than the 8x8 cubes.

Suggestions & Requests / WWII Weaponpack
« on: December 13, 2014, 09:42:45 PM »
So I was browsing around the forum looking for a WWII weaponpack and noticed none of the actually decent ones have working download links. Can someone provide me either a working download to nekram's WWII pack, or make a pack, or something?

Suggestions & Requests / Bullettime
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:15:02 AM »
Would it be possible to create a 'bullettime' system for combat, that would (presumably) set the client timescale of anyone within a certain range / in view of the player to a slower value (ex. 0.2)?
I'd imagine it'd be possible if there's a way to check if someone can see a player.

General Discussion / AutoBahn's Snowcliffs TDM[Update 4!]
« on: November 27, 2014, 09:09:46 PM »
That one TDM where you shoot stuff

If someone wants to take better pictures, I'll add them to this post. Thank you!

What is this?
This server is based around a class-based TDM. It's kind of a mash of TF2 and CS:S in Blockland.


What's there to do?
You run around in the gamemode, capture points, shoot(or get shot by) people, change classes repeatedly based on your situation(or your mood), etc...

What classes are there?
There's technically eight different classes, but there's four main ones, since there's two sub-classes of each 'main' class with similar setups.
The Rifleman
The Assault focuses around all-purpose combat. His automatic rifle tends to take care of most foes, and his pistol makes sure what's left still can't stand. He's also equipped with a frag grenade for clearing out packed areas, and a flashbang for disorienting his enemies.
The Sniper
The Sniper focuses on long range combat with his sniper rifle, keeping enemies out of the open so his allies can traverse the battlefield with ease. His smoke grenades help him in this matter, forcing the enemy back in fear of what's past the smoke. In close range combat, however, he's got his trusty sub-machine gun to save him.
The Grenadier
The Grenadier specializes in - you guessed it - grenades! He carries two frags for tossing into buildings and tight spots, and a stun grenade to blow down walls, among other things. He uses a burst rifle as his main weapon, and a desert eagle to back him up.
The Shotgunner
The Shotgunner focuses around clearing out those close areas where others may hide. He's got his trusty shotgun, his sub-machine gun to help him where his shotgun can't, and a frag and a flashbang to make sure his enemies are disoriented before he goes in.
The Engineer
The Engineer focuses around supporting his friends using his sentry, welder, and controller to hold chokepoints and help snipers clear out enemies in long range combat. He's also got a regular rifle to make sure he can defend himself, but his trusty .44 Magnum already does that job well.
Note: The Engineer can only be selected once every 45 seconds to prevent people from just spamming turrets everywhere. Also, if we see you doing stuff like putting turrets in walls, we'll ban you. Don't do it.

What times will this be up?
Just about whenever I feel like it, since I can't do dedicated servers. If someone wants to set up a dedicated server for me to have a 24/7 server of this running though, that'd be good.
What's the weapon pack?
The weapon pack is a somewhat modified version of Nekram's "stuffty weapon pack I made". No, I will not release the modified version. It's only a fix for something related to playertypes, so it's not useful. Besides, I can't release it in the first place, I don't have permission.
Who made the build/Where did you get it?
Conan, Paraplegic, Badger, I have not, Kinko, Phillip, and Tlp3000 made the build. You can find it here.
Any particular rules you need me to follow?
Yes. There are a few(although not many) rules you need to know to play on this server.
1. Do not abuse the Engineer / The Engineer's turret.
This includes -
  • Having everyone on your team go Engineer and place sentries all over the map (Note that you can have a sentry placed down as another class, but if we start seeing too many sentries(or if you abuse this privilege), we'll /clearsentries.
  • Placing Sentries in walls
2. Glitching out of the map in any form or fashion
It doesn't hold up the round, but it takes up slots and it's a stupid move. Yes, you can glitch out of the map. No, we cannot do anything else to stop people from doing this.
3. Please don't AFK for long periods of time.
This just screws up Slayer's balancing system and takes up server slots. We reserve the right to ban you for AFKing in the spawn, but our bans for such will usually be about a minute or two (just to get you off the server) unless you're being a dumbass and coming back onto the server and continuing to AFK on it. Why the forget would you even do this?
4. Being overly rude to administrators or harassing players is not tolerated.
We reserve the right to ban you at any time if you're an ass to people.
Need to appeal your ban? PM me here on the forums (or post it in the thread) and we'll talk.

Off Topic / -nope-
« on: November 17, 2014, 07:28:11 PM »

Games / favorite videogame soundtracks
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:56:43 PM »
yeah we're doing this again, post your favorite tracks from games and maybe your favorite games that have tracks

mine's Armored Core for a very simple reason

Off Topic / Windows 7/Mac problems
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:02:02 PM »
So, today when I got home, I noticed my mac had been unplugged for no reason. After plugging it back in and starting it up, I noticed windows 7 wouldn't start, and neither would the recovery. Mac OS works though(i'm logged into it as I type this), but it's slow as forget. The fans on the system are also going full tilt for no reason whatsoever. I also have only the most basic knowledge of how to use Mac.
Obviously, I don't want to lose all my files on the Windows partition, but I can't save the files to something external and reinstall because I have nothing on hand to transfer it to so that I can keep my files for when it reinstalls(For some stupid-as-stuff reason Bootcamp only wants me to have one windows partition, so it threatens to remove my old one before I reinstall it, and the only thing I have to keep my files on is the mac partition, but it's so slow it can't download a 6.5MB file[was trying to install rEFIt], not to mention it might forget over the files I want to save).
I can't fix it through BIOS because the bootcamp partition it has uses EFI, and I can't edit that because I can't install anything to edit it with(rEFIt).
Any ideas on how to unforget my system?

Gallery / Some stuff I'm working on
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:29:53 PM »
This topic will probably get updates as I make progress. Hopefully I'll manage to not drop my grasp on it like I did with some other stuff(that I really should finish except that school gets in the way).

A small-scale version of something bigger that I'll be working on.
please be aware this is subject to change at any time. It's simply a mockup.

More pictures to come soon.

General Discussion / What building style do you use?
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:15:03 PM »
Out of curiosity(and some things I've noticed in general on my time watching others build things), I noticed there's different styles that all variate between users, but there's also some more professional-looking ones that some seem to use a lot. So, I wondered what building styles people used.
Thus, this thread. So, guys:
What building style do you use? Is it one you've seen others use? Is it a mishmash of other's styles mixed up out of the best parts? Is it something only you have ever used? What would you call it, if you could call it something? Try to post examples of it, if you can.
I'm honestly really interested to hear responses about something like this, partially to see what's used most often, and to give others ideas on what to do as a builder.

Gallery / Island Template |WIP|
« on: August 31, 2014, 11:35:49 PM »
Island Something Or Other(name suggestions will be considered and possibly voted upon)

What Is This?
This is my attempt to build a template island build for people to create works upon and/or be used for just about anything. A lot of builds tend to take forever to get done, so this is basically a template terrain for people to work their way up from, as well as being something easily recognizable.

Current Status:
21094 bricks (at the moment, this also includes any temporary bricks that exist, which will be removed once I get around to replacing them)

The currently-flat terrain will not stay that way. They're each made up of a 1/2 64x modter cube(i think) per piece. The beach is made up of 16x, 32x, and 64x(varying height) pieces. The volcano is made up of varying size modter pieces.

This is nowhere near a 'refined' version of the build, so what you see in these pictures is bound to be changed or refined upon(grass will have hills, for one thing), so please keep this in mind when suggesting things.

Beach - 100% Complete
Grasslands - 50% Complete - Needs height adjustments
Inner Island - 5% Complete - Working on this at the moment. Height adjustments will come later for everything else.
Volcano - 100% Complete - forget it, can't get the water to work right

Current Ideas:
Some sort of volcano / big mountain area - Completed, for the most part.
Big forests(I might end up not doing this just to leave it as a template map. If someone could give me some nice tree bricks I might use them, though.)
Rolling hills
Possibly a lake or river
Feel free to make suggestions for what I could add. Please keep in mind that this will be a template however, so there won't be any buildings.

[I will be hosting on/off, with the server name being 'Autobahn's Building an Island'.] - Currently offline.


The best thing of all is I just managed to randomly find it when someone said something about how long they'd been playing BL. I'd gone to check and found this

Suggestions & Requests / Whatever happened to that ban info mod?
« on: August 06, 2014, 04:52:10 PM »
I remember at one point there was a request for a ban GUI mod that gave more information about the ban, ban history, and a user's ban history.
Whatever happened to that? I know it was left alone at one point because the guy who was making it left, but didn't someone pick the project back up again or something?

If nobody's currently working on making this mod possible, can someone please make this idea a reality? It'd be really nice to finally have something more useful than the default ban system we have now.

Games / Favorite Gaming Companies / Favorite games of all time
« on: July 23, 2014, 01:47:53 PM »
Post what gaming companies, and games, you love dearly and why. I'll start.

From Software
From created Armored Core in the early 2000's/late 90's. I picked up Armored Core 3 one day since I noticed it was in a small booklet of games that my family had at the house, put it in the PS2, booted it up, never stopped loving it since, especially the music tracks they use in their games.
Oh, by the way, they created the Dark Souls series.

Obsidian Entertainment
These guys are founded by people who originally came from Black Isle Studios, the guys who made Fallout 2 and quite a lot of the Baldur's Gate series. In particular, you might know Obsidian from KOTOR II and Fallout: New Vegas. My favorite of these guys games is Neverwinter Nights 2. It's a really good sequel to the original, which I also loved(even though they didn't make the original). They're currently working on Project Eternity, which got nearly four times the amount of money they asked for to make the game.

Off Topic / hey look, someone made actually good AI
« on: July 06, 2014, 04:29:18 PM »
so some guy that I found about a year ago released an AI kit he'd been working on for quite a while. It's actually pretty great from what I've seen.
Considering that it's better than the ai of most AAA games, anyway.

It's about $85, but it really seems to be worth it for using in a game dev scenario.
some (outdated) vids
Some newer videos, no actual gameplay though, just tutorials

Games / Dwarf Fortress - In other news, 0.40.13 is now released.
« on: July 04, 2014, 04:18:46 PM »
Dwarf Fortress
Losing is fun and repetitive!

What is Dwarf Fortress?
Dwarf fortress is a game developed by Tarn and Zach Adams, 'Toady One' and 'Three-Toe' respectively.

In a nutshell, it's an RPG/Strategy where you make your own world, then screw around in it for about five minutes before you attract the attention of your local nemeses, who then promptly kicks your face/your dwarves faces in(literally!).

There is no really detailed explanation, it's so utterly endless in the ability to do things that you'll just have to play the game for yourself or something.

There's three main modes (not including generating worlds), and those are:

Fortress Mode!
Fortress mode is the mode where you indirectly control a bunch of dwarves and order them to do things, ranging from cutting down trees, working on making that perfect fortress of yours, or killing things(especially killing things!)

Adventure Mode!
Adventure mode is a mode where you make your own character, and then take direct control of them, exploring the world with them, doing quests, and running away from your local wildlife that's probably foaming at the mouth.

Legends Mode!
Legends mode is essentially the great big history book of what exactly exists/has existed/has happened in your generated world up to the current point in time. It has all sorts of stuff it tells you about, like telling you about civilizations(the civilization map is useful if you want to know what civs there are, and where they've spread), a timeline, and some other stuff such as artifacts and important people. This is probably the least interesting mode, although you can sometimes run into some really cool stuff here.

Quickstart guide for Fortress Mode(Now updated for the latest version)
The Quickstart guide for Adventure mode(Now updated for the latest version[not really, it just got migrated])

System requirements!
This one probably doesn't seem too important for a 2d pixelated game, but Dwarf Fortress is actually fairly hardware-intensive in some respects(mostly related to World generation, however). Most specs will depend on your world generation settings, and for the most part anything beyond 100+ years of civ generation starts really slowing down your system. This is the only real issue though. This has recently changed with 0.40.X. It seems that it now depends much more heavily on world size, and that mass years no longer eats as much RAM, but I may be wrong.

Some links!
The main site's landing page.
The forums landing page.
The bugtracker. Useful if you run into a bug and aren't sure if it's been discovered yet.

Useful Tools! (Probably necessary for most users)
Large Address Aware(lets you use more RAM on DF)
Some other stuff will go here soon, but a lot of it isn't updated

Stories n stuff!
This game makes you think deeply about what kind of stuff dwarves have to put up with. No matter how loving safe your fortress is, you will always, ALWAYS have a grisly and borderline creepy death.

After securing stuff on a mountainside, I forgot to put a support to hold up a cave ceiling and it caves in and falls down the mountain side. The problem here is that it caught six other dwarves, including one loving child. It dragged them into the moat around the mountain, and pinned them there. I quickly sent a search party to recover the dwarves and only one made it out. That one was the one who fathered the child. He later jumped off of a bridge due to grief.

Yes, dwarves Self Delete. One failed fortress of mine ran out of rum, so all the dwarves gathered in the mess hall and preceded to constantly kill themselves. Everyone died that day.

Not to mention when you reach hell, and the demons are trapped, I accidentally forgot about one dwarf in the trapped tunnel, and I ordered him to dig a survival hole to get away from the demons. I tried to order another dwarf to dig a tunnel around the demons to reach the trapped dwarf, but before I could, lava killed the digging dwarf. The trapped dwarf just sat there until he died of starvation.

Then one of my fortresses didn't have a proper defense system yet, and it was raided by trolls. I had a mother lock herself and her two children including one baby in her quarters. The trolls got in her room and she immediately used her children as shields until she ran to the mines and tripped on something and fell off of a bridge over lava. The lava didn't kill her, she was pulled to this small little cavern where she was eaten alive by spiders.

Now, the most insane parts is that dwarves have special interestes. One time a dwarf was doing it with this other dwarf while holding AND using a lump of refined coal. What the forget?! What was he doing with that coal?!

Now you have this dwarf who lines her quarters with kittens all the time. Except that she kills them first. She actually lives and sleeps in the room filled with miasma and the stench of rotten kittens. They're not cats, they're kittens.

And lastly, you have the haunted table. This one dwarf took a fay mood, and built an iron table encrusted with emerald and gold spikes. He didn't want me messing with his loving table. After putting it in his room, he went off and died to a falling rock. Then I gave the table to this one dwarf who loves littering his place with logs (the whole room has logs everywhere). Afterwords the log guy trips on the table, breaks his knee and dies mysteriously.

I could have loving sworn something was moving that table, because after locking it in a room, it found itself a way out every time I moved my screen away from it.

And not to mention I would have these "Table sessions" where I unlock the door and the room fills with dwarves. The loving dwarves literally WORSHIPPED the table. Even to go so far as to make researcho of dwarves doing it on the table and then dying by the hands of a fish.
One time, my fortress got raided by goblins and I pulled up all of my drawbridges that went across a moat and the goblins were riding giant toads, which are amphibious, but goblins are not, so the goblins riding toads that tried to cross the moat all drowned. Then a human trade caravan showed up and cleaned out the rest of the goblins.

I've still yet to encounter forgotten beasts or candy, I'd imagine both will make for some FUN scenarios.

Oh and also one time I caught a sperm whale and butchered it and it gave me enough food for years and years of fortress operation.

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