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Topics - VerticalHorizon

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Off Topic / Photogiga
« on: July 26, 2008, 12:03:20 AM »
I don't know how many other people know about this, but I thought I'd share it for the people who don't.

Photogiga is an image uploading site similar to Photobucket.
Some features are:
Up to 5MB per upload,
Unlimited Disk Space,
No time limit on storage (Never delete your files),
File types allowed:
jpg jpeg gif tif tiff bmp png swf psd ,
Option to resize picture on upload,
URL uploader.

While it doesn't let you upload more than one picture at the moment, a flash uploader is being developed which I assume will have this feature.
Also, there's only like 3 ads so it loads really fast.

Drama / My name is VerticalHorizon
« on: July 25, 2008, 12:47:02 PM »
Not verticle.
Not Vertical Horizon.
Not herizon.
Not horizin,
Not verticol.
Not verticle horizen.
Not verticle horizon.
Not virt.

It's VerticalHorizon, it's 1 word and it's spelled [capital]V-e-r-t-i-c-a-l-[capital]H-o-r-i-z-o-n.


Off Topic / New avatar
« on: July 24, 2008, 12:58:18 PM »
Check it out.

General Discussion / BLounge - The un-official Retail lounge
« on: July 21, 2008, 10:35:51 AM »
I made an IRC channel for random BL chat, I understand RTB has one but I decided to try my hand at one just for fun.

PM me if you'd like to apply for OP status, if this follows through I'll need help.

Channel: #BLounge

Off Topic / My elaborate dreams
« on: July 21, 2008, 10:02:13 AM »
It seems in all of my dreams for the past 2 years I am abandoned or I get lost, then I'll usually end up meeting people I've never seen before in my life and when I wake up I'll miss them and want to see them again so badly.
I'll also have chains of dreams that take place in one big scene that evolves with every dream, these dreams could be months, weeks, or even a day apart, they like to sprout up in random places.

So far the places I've mapped out are:

A shopping center in the middle of black nothingness with new stores that open up with each dream, it has a rather large front and back parking lot, the back ends at woods, the front ends at blackness, to the left and right are surrounding neighborhoods. There is no main road.

A big city with tall square un detailed buildings, there's a grassy hill with a staircase leading down to apartments, on the other side of the hill is a cabin with a pub inside (This is where I always spawn). I've seen and rembered the details of only 4 of the buildings: The tavern, the bank, the lazer maze, and the halloween shop. The bank looks like the ABC store mixed with the furniture store from my old IRL town, the tavern looks medievil with a bar and stools with swords and sheilds on the walls, the lazer maze is dark with tall walls that have lasers that reach across some doorways, if you touch them you get sent to start, the end of the maze is an indoor skatepark that looks like a house, the halloween shop just looks like a really small crowded dark costume shop filled with halloween attire.

A giant super Target with a set in ice caps in the parking lot was built into the shopping center mentioned at the top of the list, the entrance leads to an FYE-esque cd shop, then when you exit into the main store; the lane looks like a mall, only where stores would be there are bathrooms and gyms, the median in between the lanes has misc. excersize equipment on top of it, one of the rooms upstairs leads to a dark neighborhood full of crooked houses and people standing in rows on the sidewalk facing the road doing nothing. The ice caps has a frozen waterfall, a river going throughout, an "island" so to speak that is cut off from the rest with a bridge, an ice archway that the river flows under, this area is a lot smaller than it sounds. Next to the ice caps is the first road seen in one of the shopping center dreams, it's a very country road that strongly resembles the first track of that V.W. Beetle racing game on the N64, it's set in Fall and there's orange/red leaves everywhere.

There's one giant landscape that is like an epic RPG, it has towns, mountains, and canyons, it's only been in a few dreams so it's not really that clear to remember, it was in a recent dream of mine where I got lost on my bike and ended up at the base of a mountain after falling out of one different scenario.

I''ll edit the post if I can remember anymore reoccurring scenes.

Note: You can't make this stuff up. XD So don't accuse me of making up anything because these are actual scenes that reoccur.

Off Topic / So VH is dual booting...
« on: July 11, 2008, 03:50:05 PM »
I'm gonna dual boot XP with Ubuntu, and I have two questions: Will this be rough on my RAM? and does Wine support a very good range of programs?

Off Topic / The pain...
« on: July 10, 2008, 07:10:40 PM »
I just zipped my richard head up in my zipper on accident leaving a small red hole.

In agony.


Off Topic / Going to the beach
« on: July 01, 2008, 07:50:29 PM »
Going to the beach tomorrow, staying gone for five days.

If the hotel doesn't have a computer then I guess I'll see you when I get back.

Suggestions & Requests / Taking map requests
« on: June 28, 2008, 06:10:51 PM »
Didn't know where to post this, but this seemed like the right place, if it isn't then please move, Badspot.

Since I finally released my new map, I don't have any projects left, so if you have a terrain map request I will do it.

If you want interiors you'll have to supply them because I can't model interiors.

I can only take one request at a time, and un detailed posts like, "A forest" or, "A stormy range" will be ignored because I need to know exactly what you want (or at least a draft if you want me to use my imagination if you want) or else you may be disappointed.

ALSO: If you want the map to stay on your server and not be released, PLEASE let me know, because I might want to release one and not know.[/color]

Off Topic / Presidential surprise buttsechs?
« on: June 23, 2008, 10:38:08 PM »
Saw this add on Cryspace and my first thought was "Holy stuff, surprise buttsechsing has gone into politics."

Off Topic / All Hope is Gone (New CD)
« on: June 23, 2008, 01:12:38 PM »
I know some of you don't like them but for the people who do:

Slipknot is back with a new CD! Released in August, it will be titled, "All Hope is Gone"

Check out this article for more information:

Off Topic / Countdown to 1337 Gallery topics
« on: June 23, 2008, 12:40:14 PM »
Not too long.

Off Topic / Themes wont show up for SummerBoard
« on: June 15, 2008, 10:23:32 PM »
I got SummerBoard on my iPod touch (Firmware 1.1.4) and installed 2 themes for it, but when I go to the SB control panel and look under Themes, the page is blank.

I checked multiple posts about it on an iPod forum and they say to install the SB Themes Fix and Then re-download, but I did that and it still doesn't work.

Anyone know what's wrong by any chance?

Off Topic / My most epic MSN drawing
« on: June 15, 2008, 02:04:02 AM »

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