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Topics - Master Matthew²

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General Discussion / Modern Pool Party | Save Files Available!
« on: November 27, 2017, 08:26:19 PM »
Modern Pool Party | Save Files Available!

Activity Status: Offline

This new pool build is Based on:

On this server Building is enabled, however no one can build without permission. I will provide areas where you can build if you request to build. If your build meets or exceeds the standards of the build, then It can stay. If it does not, it will not be allowed to stay.

You can request on the server itself, or on this thread here.
There is no request format, just post in whatever form you like.

I Will re-enable eventing after I have done some more testing to ensure that people will not be able to glitch out of the area.

This has been fixed

Either way, the green grass area and the brown dirt areas are going to be potential building areas, as well as the open stone area in front of the pool. However I request that if you are going to request to build on the side of the pool, that you build a bar or something similar to that, but if you plan to build infront of the pool, I would prefer a table and chair seating design. If you want to do something else, I may be open to it, but that depends on how it's created.
I WILL be adding more bricks in the future than what I currently have, until then, Enjoy.

The Post Net Neutrality Bunker Thread | BRACE FOR IMPACT

Our attempts to stop the FCC's Madness through congress more than likely WILL FAIL.
If they do not, then great, but chances are it won't work.

Most videos on Net Neutrality only seem to yield about 25 to 60k views TOPS.
What the forget?
Do they even care?
No one gives a stuff until it's already happened.
And in most circumstances, the aftermath would blow up on facebook, twitter and other social media platforms.
Unfortunately, once they repeal net neutrality, these will not be an option to most people.

Do you enjoy paying more money for no good reason?
Do you HATE being able to access most websites?

Then fighting against Net Neutrality is for you!
You loving broken condoms.

Off Topic / It's Okay to be White
« on: November 04, 2017, 02:14:25 PM »

Off Topic / [News] This is an Apple
« on: October 26, 2017, 11:40:07 AM »
This is an Apple

CNN released a video recently as an advertisement. This video is unbelievably unaware and showing no signs of self awareness anytime soon. Now it is quickly becoming a meme. CNN accidentally turns themselves into a meme to fight Annoying Orange. 10/10


Off Topic / Back from the Dead - Memified Edition
« on: October 22, 2017, 12:47:24 AM »
Back from the Dead - Memified Edition

I'm back, no I did not die.
I know that contradicts the title, but whatever. Anyway, I've been busy fixing my Dead 3DS and Edu-learnology. So sorry I haven't been as active since that time. But To commemorate my return, I have changed one of my older avatars appropriately. This has nothing to do with any embarrassing interests being revealed or anything similar to that, as that didn't happen.

Anyway, for those who care, you can ask your questions, if you have any. 

Clan Discussion / Majin Madhatters
« on: September 10, 2017, 12:09:36 PM »

We have always existed, no one knows where we came from, or where we go when we go. But we never leave.

Welcome, to the Majin Madhatters...

The Majin:
Master Matthew²

The Madhatters:

Master Matthew
C. Bleck

Off Topic / -
« on: September 07, 2017, 11:55:54 AM »

Off Topic / Dragon Ball Z Abridged is Dead - How Did this Happen?
« on: August 29, 2017, 11:28:46 PM »
Dragon Ball Z Abridged is Dead - How Did this Happen?

TeamFourStar just uploaded a video claiming that "Dragon Ball Z Abridged" is on a Hiatus due to reasons they cannot discuss, and if anyone remembers a similar issue occurring with a similar abridged series they worked on, your gears start turning, the pieces come together, and you may be borderline pissed with a certain company. Before I go any further though, i do want to point out some things they pointed out in their video. They're working on an official dub for a new anime, and that's a red flag to me. It seems that either TeamFourStar finally sold out, and DBZA is Dead, and probably Yu-Gi-Oh! TAS along with it, as well as their other smaller anime projects, or that TFS got hit hard by Toei in a Lawsuit they can't talk about. Either way there appears to be some sort of NDA keeping them from revealing why they can no longer create, upload and involve themselves in Dragon Ball Z Abridged.

That's it, Dragon Ball Z Abridged is Dead, K thanks, enjoy the rest of your day.

[SPOILERS] The Netflix Death Note Movie - Mom! Holy forget!

The Death Note Movie on Netflix was one of the most controversial bullstuff out of Netflix since "Dear White People" both for racial reasons, aka utter bullstuff, and tbh the Trailers made it out to look like a stuffty movie that didn't follow or use the source material very well. And while I can understand someone wanting a retelling of the original Netflix but in live action, I can't say I want a frame for frame rewrite because that's just lazy, and would just be watching a Death Note story come to life, rather than watching a new idea with old referential source material, but others would definitely be up for that.

Alright, before we go any further this is the SPOILER warning that we all need to have. So I will be discussing specific plots in depth, but don't expect this to be a Nostalgia Critic level indepth review, in either of his famous or infamous formats, this will be discussing very very key points and will only give context when needed.

That being said don't read past the 3 lines if you don't want to be spoiled.

So, let's start off with the opinion before the piece and then you can get a grasp and put your perspectives against mine. Death Note the Netflix series was not going to be a great movie, I knew that, after all it would take someone incredibly skilled to make a series like Death Note better due to it's inherent flaws with it's base plot, you would have to throw that plot out the window and make a death note spin-off which would also be a big risk. That being said, I also knew that this movie was going to be stuff, but when you know things, sometimes you knew wrong, and oh holy stuff, I knew wrong times 10.

This movie does not follow the source material to a T, hell it even changes some of the death note rules, like touching the Death Note will NOT reveal a shinigami to whoever touched it, and there was no mention of the Shinigami Eye Deal, and they even implied that Light could Kill Ryuk if he was just able to write his name down in time. So no, this is not going to be your run of the mill Death Note live action movie, this is more like Death Note: ReImagined than ReLight.

So lets get started talking about some major changes, Ryuk is no longer a sideline character who just exists to study the plot like the audience does, Ryuk plays more of a mysterious character, you never know if he's actually influencing events or if he's just loving with Light, until about a quarter of the way through the movie when Ryuk supposedly causes some deaths of his own, and Here is where we talk about Light's differences. Light's character is very different, Light isn't the Death Note equivalent of Yugi, where he pulls stuff out his ass to randomly win in his mind games. Light makes many mistakes throughout the series, but you do see that while he is smart, he does make some mistakes, and sometimes he loses, instead of being one big build up where Light always wins no matter what, and then loses at the end. Light makes many mistakes because he is not willing to break his morals, or twist them, he only kills people if they're criminals, not who he deems to be immoral or challenge him, so when Ryuk supposedly kills innocent people to go along with his mysterious plan that he's lazily slapped here and there throughout the movie, Light is Furious. Light eventually goes very close to breaking his morals, but when he does he steps back and explains that his intention is to spare his victim, being L's right hand man, Watari, as he is only a means to an end, and that end doesn't need to be death, but through out this movie Light has a girl friend who didnt' show up half way through the movie to look good and act loving handicapped. No, Light's Girlfriend actually is more like Light from the Anime, cunning, quick thinking, but her morals are non existent, she's searching to survive and keep killing criminals, where as Light is just out to eliminate crime, and by no means will he kill the innocent, but when She takes Watari's Death Note page, that supposedly in this version if light burns, Watari would survive so long as it's done before the death date, but he can only do this once. Her reasoning is that, if light left watari alive he would reveal his plan to L or the Police incriminating light. So eventually Light hit's a point where everything seems to be falling apart, since Watari Died, L turned over his morals, breaking the law and acting out of emotion. While it isn't known to me if L would have killed Light, L did go against his morals where Light didn't. Eventually we hit this Ferris wheel where the whole shabang goes down, Light's girlfriend Dies, Light Survives via a Coma, and L is aprehended by the police, because Light's Father saw L as a threat to his son in a way that didn't help the Kira Case.

But the ending is where stuff gets insane, and I really get a "The Killing Joke" vibe from the movie, but if the Killing Joke's Ending was 2 Endings mixed into one. Light's Father reveals to Light that he knew he was Kira all this time, as he reveals a news paper that he claimed was in his Safe, and that eventually he put two and two together and found out the Light was Kira. He then asks light how he survived, and he explains a plan that Light thought up on the instant, and we saw, but we didn't see what happened at the time, which ultimately killed his girlfriend who turned on him, allowed him to survive, and get his death note returned to him. Then during this scene we see L infiltrating Light's home and finding a Piece of the Death Note that Light's girlfriend hid from him, the one that Watari was killed with, and as L finds the paper, he pulls out a pen, and then it switches back to Light at the hospital where Ryuk Laughs and says his infamous line "Humans are so interesting" then the movie fades to black and the credits roll.

Holy stuff, this movie was too good for a netflix movie, surprisingly good considering the Trailer, but still pretty bad due to some shotty acting here and there, some cringy scenes here and there, as well as the shoehorned pop music.

"7/10 - Too Many Pages" - IGN

Off Topic / [IDEA] Blockland Trading Card Game
« on: August 24, 2017, 05:35:37 PM »
[IDEA] Blockland Trading Card Game

Okay, so the other day I was playing Yu-Gi-Oh, and I started off with the Dark Magician in Attack mode, but this other guy like summoned his whole loving deck, and kicked my ass.

Wtf? so I have to buy these stuffty ass forgetin' Spell Monster card things in order play well? Not go and buy stuff tons of packs and try to build a decent deck?

Gah, whatever that's not the point, the point is, I'm fed up with this card game, and I think it's failure comes down to it being too damn popular, and also because Konami may be legally handicapped. So what if instead, we created the Blockland Trading Card game?

So, the Blockland TCG could work like this:
You have Build Cards, Player Cards, Event Cards, Weapon Cards, Vehicle Cards and Environment Cards.

Build Cards can be builds for your player cards, and your player cards are important, they are the basis of your field and must be in place, if you have no Build Cards out, your player cards are open to attack.

Player Cards have HP and they are protected by the Build Cards, Build Cards can be destroyed however.

Event Cards can be used to create interesting obstacles for your opponent

Weapon Cards give your players an arsenal to fight opposing enemies.

Vehicle Cards are needed for transportation and build card defense, YOU MUST TRAVEL VIA VEHICLE IN ORDER TO REACH THE OTHER BASE.
Depending on your vehicle's Level will determine how quickly you can reach the base, and the HP will deal in how much it can handle before it explodes and deals it's penalty damage.

And finally Environment Cards must be selected every 10 turns, and they will be selected by each player in turn, EX. Player A chose the environment last time, so Player B can put down a different environment card. Player A could also Choose to leave the environment card be.

Environment cards will deal penalties and also give advantages to certain player types and vehicles.

Now this is a very vague outline, I know, but it could be done, and the best part is, once it's stable it won't have anymore updates!


A Petition to Declare Antifa a Terrorist Organization on

"Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims”. This definition is the same definition used to declare CIA and other groups, as terrorist organizations. AntiFa has earned this title due to its violent actions in multiple cities and their influence in the killings of multiple police officers throughout the United States. It is time for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions – and just as they rightfully declared CIA a terror group, they must declare AntiFa a terror group – on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety." - Petition


Fixing/Cleaning up pictures for avatars - Taking Requests!

There really is no long explanation for this, just give me a small image, gif, png, jpeg, doesn't matter, I'll fix it up assuming its fixable, but for reference, check my pictures and gifs i've done above.

Basically, if it has a background I can make it clear, if it needs to be resized, I can do that too.

Off Topic / -
« on: August 01, 2017, 02:34:24 AM »

Games / [Nintendo Megadead] | Thread is forgeted, and Cancelled.
« on: July 30, 2017, 08:51:56 PM »
-Thread Cancelled because Tables have been Removed-

How do you feel about calling your significant other Mommy/Daddy?

For many eons this question has plagued humanity. Whether or not to call your SO (significant other) Mommy/Daddy is a turn on or not. So I pose this question to the most socially efficient place on the internet, you, the blockland forum. Does calling your SO/being called Mommy/Daddy give you tinglies, or does it make you sick.

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