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Topics - Spartan224

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Suggestions & Requests / Fall damage SFX
« on: December 06, 2015, 07:41:44 PM »
When a player falls from a velocity of whatever that can lower their health, a random SFX from the file would play.

Suggestions & Requests / Rampaging Vehicles that doesn't effect ModTer?
« on: December 06, 2015, 03:18:36 PM »

In case you need the download to Rampaging Vehicles, but basically what the title says. If a vehicle hits bricks, it will also effect modter in some occasions.

Help / Changing name shape distance
« on: December 06, 2015, 03:10:37 PM »
Is there a way to change the name shape distance, like is there some command I have to put in the console?

I know Slayer has this feature, I just want to do this manually.

Suggestions & Requests / Texture fix for the Apache helicopter
« on: December 03, 2015, 10:37:47 PM »
The Apache attack helicopter is a great vehicle, but the roosterpit glass is opaque when in first person.

The texture here looks transparent without shaders enabled.

If you go over minimum, this happens. This is impossible to see in first person.

Here is a perspective in first person with shaders disabled.

Then enabled...

All I'm asking for is a fix to make the roosterpit glass compatible with shaders. This is a great helicopter mod and I don't want to give it up because of a little issue. Here is the mod just in case.

Suggestions & Requests / Battery items for Flashlight Energy
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:15:14 AM »
I thought of adding battery items to add more energy to your light. I thought of this instead of your personal light just magically regaining energy. I'm mainly getting all these ideas to work for my survival server.

There would be different types of batteries, a weak one that doesn't provide as much energy, a standard one, and one more that basically adds up to 50% more energy to your personal light.

This is the mod

Suggestions & Requests / Right click to melee
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:29:23 PM »
I know there's such thing as action melee and the right click melee system from gamemode_zombie, but can anyone make the right click to melee system from gamemode_zombie as a standalone mod with functional RTB prefs to enable/disable it and to make it for mini-games only?

Re-made the topic because I put it in the wrong section.

Add-Ons / Wrong section, sorry
« on: November 27, 2015, 04:42:25 PM »
I know there's such thing as action melee and the right click melee system from gamemode_zombie, but can anyone make the right click to melee system from gamemode_zombie as a standalone mod with functional RTB prefs to enable/disable it and to make it for mini-games only?

Suggestions & Requests / Working links to these sound files?
« on: November 26, 2015, 04:13:16 PM »

These are broken which I needed.

Suggestions & Requests / Modified Local Chat
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:26:08 PM »
I thought if anyone could modify the script from the old local chat mod and add it with more features, and a few tweaks. Here's a list that would be great. I made this topic again since it was "too old'.

* Talking animations would play instead of those star things after a message is sent to local chat or global. Example

* Global chat, by using the team chat key, or only on death. A RTB pref would be added for enabling this feature. I also understand that there's preferences to speak only on death, but why not add a feature to use Y for global chat as well?

* Another RTB preference for enabling or disabling the mod instead of typing /L to toggle it each time you play Blockland with this mod.

* Compatibility with this great mod?

* Toggling that bottom print message that notifies which players have heard you, if any others need/wanted it, a RTB pref would go with this.

* Dynamic voices

CHAT WITH CAPS EVERYWHERE would result in the chat distance to be some where in the 40's or 50s, or it can be changed with the RTB preferences system. When people have mostly caps in their message, instead of say "PLAYERNAME says,", it will rather say "PLAYERNAME yells,".

Normal chat with one capitalized word and a period at least would be normal chat, which would be the normal chat distance. There's already a pref to change the normal chat distance.

Some other mods don't have the talking animation when the player sends a message. So that's the main reason why I ask if someone can modify the script for my needs. And some RP chat mods overwrite player clan tags, or custom ones from the server, which is not what I want. This local chat mod doesn't overwrite clan tags though. But anyway, it would be pretty nice to see new features as the ones I listed for this old mod.

Suggestions & Requests / Quick fix for Swollow's Scavenge mod
« on: November 10, 2015, 07:59:45 PM »
In Scavenge Mod V2.5, I use the spawn scavenge mod event, then whenever I enter a mini-game and click on the brick with said event, it'll tell me "This item is not part of the mini-game".

I have asked Swollow if he had the time to fix this, he'd told me he will be able to do it sometime, but it's been 2 months since. I don't want to bother him in whatever's he is doing since I have asked him already. I need this add-on fixed to reduce the amount of events I use.

All I ask for is the events to work with mini-games, as I stated that it isn't compatible with them. Here is a download to the add-on.

Suggestions & Requests / Need help with a playertype
« on: October 22, 2015, 07:35:23 PM »
For the NoCombat playertype, can someone make the same thing but with no jetting?

Here is the link

Suggestions & Requests / Some more JVS ports?
« on: October 22, 2015, 01:45:26 AM »
I do know for the fact that we (I think) have the garage door, the light switch, security door, normal door, and glass door, but we could port some more right? Can we port all of the doors from JVS content?

Or we can probably port everything, I'm patient to wait a bit for that.

Yes, I know I could just use the JVS mod itself, but I don't want to. There's a few issues with it in my server, removing it was all I could do to fix some problems. Anyway, back to ports.

Suggestions & Requests / Revive System from Gamemode_Zombie
« on: October 19, 2015, 07:57:20 PM »
Well, I thought if anyone could make the revive system from the Zombie Gamemode as a separate add-on. With just the revive script.

I have used the Downed Mod from Pecon98, but it doesn't seem to work properly, or I just don't know how to use it.

And is there a way to add a check box in the minigame GUI to toggle player damage?

Suggestions & Requests / Server_Levels to work with Bot_Hole
« on: October 17, 2015, 06:55:18 PM »
Basically, from this mod, I wondered if someone can code it to make it so people can level up by killing bots as well.

Suggestions & Requests / Toggle walk/run keybind?
« on: October 11, 2015, 02:31:24 AM »
I know this originally came out as an addition from Blockland essentials, but can someone make it a client mod?

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