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Topics - Greek2me

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Modification Help / Get IP of other clients in server?
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:34:35 PM »
Is it possible for a client to get the IPs of other clients in the server? I doubt it but it's worth a shot.

Maybe a better question would be, "Is there a way to authenticate users given only their name and the IP of the server they're on?"

General Discussion / Demo players to be allowed on servers?
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:12:52 PM »
I just noticed that the game contains code that could allow demo players to join certain servers. I think this would be a great idea. Has this code always been there or is it something that's being worked on right now?

General Discussion / The Tutorial needs a serious revamp
« on: January 15, 2015, 02:44:19 PM »
One of the largest complaints about the game is that people simply don't know how to do things. Many of them never even notice the tutorial.

Here's some suggestions I have:
 - On first run, a yes/no dialog should be shown asking if the user wants to play the tutorial.
 - The tutorial should be broken into several parts. The first should cover movement. This is basically the tutorial right now. The second part should cover building and should go into detail on the controls and how to use the numpad properly. The third part should explain how to install and use add-ons.

Modification Help / AiConnection alternative
« on: January 14, 2015, 08:10:32 PM »
Is there an alternative to the now-removed AiConnection class?

I used AiConnections to give some persistence to bots in minigames. For example, if the bot's AiPlayer died, the bot's objectives would still be stored on the AiConnection.

Having an AiConnection class that inherited from GameConnection also allowed me to very easily add bots to my minigames and have them interact with the game in the exact same way as regular clients. What was the purpose of removing this?

Is there an alternative? If not, is there a way to make ScriptObjects inherit from GameConnection? If not that, is it safe to make my own GameConnection objects?

Modification Help / Game Mode Cycle
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:49:13 PM »
This is very simple - it cycles between game modes.

Installation Instructions:

Note: You may skip step 2 if you have Support_Updater installed.

  • First, install the mod to your Add-Ons folder.
  • Then, start a server using the GameMode_Cycle game mode. Then close Blockland.
  • Next, create a list of game mode names, one per line, in "config/server/GAME_MODE_LIST.txt". (create the file if necessary, and use underscores instead of spaces)
  • Finally, start the game mode cycle with the instructions below.

Running the Game Mode Cycle:

Start the game mode cycle with either the "Cycle" game mode in the Start Game menu or the "-gamemode cycle" flag on a dedicated server.

Advance to the next game mode manually with changeGameModeNext();.


You can change number of minigame rounds per game mode with $Pref::GameModeCycle::MiniGameRoundsPerGameMode or the number of minutes per game mode with $Pref::GameModeCycle::MinutesPerGameMode. Set to 0 to disable either one.

Note: There is no "shuffle" feature yet.


Remember, this is a beta release. There will be bugs. Report all problems in this topic.


Modification Help / [Resource] CSV Reader (comma/character-separated-value)
« on: December 31, 2014, 05:48:55 PM »
This is an extremely simply CSV reader that allows you to read values from strings.

Usage example:
Code: [Select]
==>$csv = CSVReader(",", "Testing 1 2 3!,     spaces, \"This is in quotes, allowing commas.\",,and a final one");
==>while($csv.hasNextValue()) echo($csv.readNextValue());
Testing 1 2 3!
This is in quotes, allowing commas.

and a final one

Get the code here:

Modification Help / ATTENTION: Modders, fix your client add-ons.
« on: December 30, 2014, 08:21:10 PM »
There's a large number of client-sided mods that break the game mode system. When the game mode is changed on the server, clients are supposed to rejoin the server automatically. However, many client-side mods prevent this.

Make sure that your client-side add-ons don't contain code like this.

Code: [Select]
package example
function disconnect()

function disconnectedCleanup()

Code: [Select]
package example
function disconnect(%a)
return parent::disconnect(%a);

function disconnectedCleanup(%a)
return parent::disconnectedCleanup(%a);

Note how that variable is passed through to the parent.

This problem is preventing me from really working on an add-on of mine. If necessary I can fix the offending add-ons myself with my updater, but I'd prefer not to do that.

Let me know if you have trouble fixing the problem. Thanks for your help.

Let's try this instead. If you find an add-on with a problem (even if it's not yours), fix the problem, send it to me, I'll verify that it's safe, and I'll put it on the updater.
Offending Add-Ons

  • Client_CRP
  • Client_Dueling
  • Client_EventFavorites
  • Client_MiniGolf
  • Client_Mute
  • Client_RealisticSpace
  • Client_TMBI
  • GameMode_ZAPT
  • Item_Keycard
  • Player_Mech
  • Script_AdminApplications
  • Script_AutoWrench
  • Script_Healthbar
  • Script_ItemRotate
  • Server_Permissions
  • System_BlocklandEssentials
  • System_ItemStorage
  • System_LoadAddOn
  • System_ReturnToBlockland
  • System_StaticMaps
  • Weapon_BusterGun
  • Weapon_LaserPointer
  • Weapon_Package_QuakeType
  • Weapon_PortalGun
  • Weapon_TF2BasicMelee
  • Weapon_TF2DemoPack
  • Weapon_TF2ScoutPack
  • Weapon_TF2* (the rest of them)
  • Weapon_WH40k_Imperium
  • Support_RaycastingWeapons.cs

Add-Ons / Server Events v1.3 (2014/12/26)
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:23:04 PM »
Events for loading and clearing bricks, echoing to the console, and more.

This adds a new "Server" target, which includes these output events:

  • Server -> loadSaveFile Allows for a save file to be loaded. You can specify the file name and ownership.
  • Server -> clearAllBricks Clears all bricks in the server. In conjunction with loadSaveFile, this can be used to reset a map.

  • Server -> setPreference Used to change either server name, password, max players, game mode name, welcome message, or falling damage.

  • Server -> echo Prints an echo to the console.
  • Server -> warn Prints a warning to the console.
  • Server -> error Prints an error to the console.

  • Server -> chatMsgAll
  • Server -> bottomPrintAll
  • Server -> centerPrintAll
  • Server -> chatMsgHost Sends a message to the server host.
  • Server -> bottomPrintHost
  • Server -> centerPrintHost

Download (v1.3; December 26, 2014)

Please note: All events are host-only.

Feel free to submit ideas for additional server events.

General Discussion / Fix the server crashing bug.
« on: December 19, 2014, 05:51:45 PM »
There's no reason that it should take this long to patch a major bug. I'm tired of restarting my server every other day.

General Discussion / Steam sales and bad publicity
« on: December 18, 2014, 11:09:40 PM »
Does anyone know how many sales the game is getting through Steam?

I'm wondering if they balance out the negatives caused by the lovely backfire in the reviews. If they don't, it might be smarter to pull the game from Steam than have people get a false impression of it.

Modification Help / Play OGG file from zip
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:01:58 PM »
For some reason I can play OGG files with alxPlay when they're in a regular folder, but when placed in a zip file they don't play.

Any ideas? I'd prefer to use OGG as WAV is about 15 MB larger.

Modification Help / How should support scripts be released?
« on: November 09, 2014, 11:39:28 PM »
I'm curious what the preferred method is so I can follow it for my scripts.

Modification Help / Create Generic Datablocks?
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:07:28 AM »
I want to create some generic datablocks on server startup that could be used to send lots of static information to the client. Is there a way to do this?

RESOLVED: TorqueScript actually includes a datablock class called SimDataBlock for just this purpose! Reference:
Also, here's some more on datablock classes:

Modification Help / Slayer game mode API feedback
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:02:15 PM »
I'm working on a new game mode API for Slayer and I wanted your input on it.

This is the extent of the current API:
Code: [Select]
Slayer.GameModes.addMode("Capture the Flag", "CTF", true, true);It's very limited and doesn't have any flexibility.

This is a mockup of the new one:
Code: [Select]
new ScriptGroup(Slayer_GameMode)
//Game mode settings
title = "Capture the Flag";
scriptName = "CTF";
useTeams = true;
useRounds = true;

//Default minigame settings - player can change these
//Anything not defined here will use the global defaults.
default_title = "test minigame";
default_weaponDamage = false;

//Locked minigame settings - player cannot change these
locked_playerDatablock = nameToID("PlayerStandardArmor");

new ScriptObject()
//Prevent team from being deleted
disable_delete = true;
disable_edit = false;

//Default team settings
default_name = "Red";
default_botFillLimit = -1;

//Locked team settings
locked_color = 0;
This allows the game mode to specify its own default settings and to prevent players from editing settings. ("locking" them) The game mode can also create teams.

What do you think about the design and how can I improve it?

Modification Help / authQuery.php authentication failed
« on: September 22, 2014, 02:08:25 PM »
I'm trying to authenticate users using a PHP script. Up until recently, it was working fine. I did change web hosts recently, so that might be related.

Code: [Select]
function BlocklandAuthenticate($username)
$postdata = http_build_query(
'NAME' => $username,
printf("%s\n", $postdata);
$opts = array('http' =>
'method'  => 'POST',
'header'  => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => $postdata
$context  = stream_context_create($opts);
$result = file_get_contents('', false, $context);
printf("%s\n", "RESULT: " . $result);
return $result;

The correct data is sent to, but $result is blank. Any ideas?

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