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Modification Help / Blockombat sound error.
« on: January 07, 2013, 07:06:19 PM »
Players who join my server get;
ERROR: AudioProfile::preload() could not resolve description id 1921 for sound Add-Ons/Weapon_Blockombat/BoltOut.wav

datablock AudioDescription(QuietRange3d : AudioClose3d)
maxDistance = 10;
referenceDistance = 5;

datablock AudioProfile(BoltOutSound)
   filename = "./BoltOut.wav";
   description = QuietRange3d;
   preload = false;

(reposted from help)

Help / Blockombat sound error.
« on: January 07, 2013, 06:56:50 PM »
Players who join my server get;
ERROR: AudioProfile::preload() could not resolve description id 1921 for sound Add-Ons/Weapon_Blockombat/BoltOut.wav

datablock AudioDescription(QuietRange3d : AudioClose3d)
maxDistance = 10;
referenceDistance = 5;

datablock AudioProfile(BoltOutSound)
   filename = "./BoltOut.wav";
   description = QuietRange3d;
   preload = false;

Drama / gaycrotchliker25, 23300, spambot
« on: January 05, 2013, 01:35:16 AM »

Off Topic / True Facts About The Angler Fish
« on: January 01, 2013, 03:37:52 PM »

EDIT: I found this without even knowing about the other topic, at random.

Drama / Kalphiter and the default tank. [Image Heavy]
« on: December 25, 2012, 10:06:17 AM »

I joined Gravity Cat's CTF and played for a bit, enjoyed the game, all went well until Kalphiter showed up.

Upon spawning, he went straight for the tank, and proceeded to abuse it to the full extent of his abilities.

The opposite team quickly became dwarfed compared to Kalphiter.

Kalphiter likes to speed up to the opposite base, jump out, grab the flag and come back and win it, through which nobody has a real chance at stopping him due to how quickly he does this.

To kill someone, he will either run over them, or switch to the turret and fire at them, the turret has no delay upon switching seats of whether or not it should fire, so it only requires a single player to become the deadliest weapon in the server.

He does this in Heedicalking's TDM too, but its much less noticeable since the map is so large, and the amount of vehicles include flight types.

He does not care if the other players dislike the tactic he is using to win, and by the looks of it, the other idiots on his team believed the opposite team just sucked.

Also, might I suggest someone make the default tank less abusable?, this deathmatch in particular had the use of an RPG, but it barely had any effect.


Subpixel has posted an add-on that goes by the name "SayAs", allowing any admin to anonymously talk under another players name.

He has removed it due to bad pole results, and just re-posted it with a new pole that has nothing to do with the add-on.

He acts like we haven't provided a valid reason as to why the add-on is abusive, and will most likely ignore any further argument against the add-on.

Help / gameBase::unpackUpdate()
« on: December 12, 2012, 02:39:43 PM »

Playing a server, when I get some really bad lag and then crash with this unpackUpdate() error.

I also noticed it had happened to a player in my server yesterday, around 20 times in the time he was there.

General Discussion / siba's minecraft freebuild.
« on: December 11, 2012, 05:14:25 PM »
Hosting a minecraft brick freebuild, join me and make some landscape/buildings :D

(preview looks strange because the preview doesn't render custom bricks/colors)

Will post pictures of the server once some things have been created.

Gallery / siba's minecraft freebuild.
« on: December 11, 2012, 05:10:47 PM »
Derp, wrong section, reposted in GD.

Off Topic / If you paid Badspot $50 to ban 5 players.
« on: December 10, 2012, 04:23:26 AM »
And also the added option of revoking that players key, who would these 5 players be?

I don't personally have a list because I probably couldn't bring myself to do it to anyone that hasn't done anything wrong.

How about you? :cookie:

These players don't need to still be here, it could be a past player that you would have been banned at the hands of you.

Modification Help / Blockocraft - One final attempt.
« on: December 09, 2012, 06:52:56 PM »

Blockland, despite what others might say, is a game for building other games.

I, and many others, want to see a minecraft gamemode created, not exactly, but very similar.

I have tried to make this happen ~4 times now, maybe more, and failed at the hands of my helpers.

I look to you, forums, hoping maybe someone here may be able to make this really happen.

(Old screenshot, many more bricks have been created since then, complete with a user-friendly GUI)

Badspot placed the Client_ChatLogger add-on in the list of failed add-ons, anyone know why?

Don't know if I placed this in the wrong section, seemed like the best place.

Suggestions & Requests / A different fullscreen
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:53:24 AM »
Covers your screen, but is still in window'd mode.

This is something that minecraft uses, and I find extremely helpful.

Suggestions & Requests / Deathmatch map parts
« on: November 25, 2012, 05:32:50 AM »
I was hoping a few of you could provide me with an image of like, a piece of a deathmatch that would be duplicatable but would still look good; also would fit in well in the confines of a cube.

Sorta like a GSF Mod Ter pack, but deathmatch parts.

If I can't find anything I like, then you'd need to beg someone else to do it.

Maybe something similar to the interior shown here; parts that may be pieced together and colored differently to make smooth looking deathmatchs with relative ease.

And if so, why?

I thought this would be an interesting topic considering the anger behind stealing one's internet identity.  :cookieMonster:

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