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Topics - naturemon

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Games / Pc game worth getting? ($50 Budget)
« on: August 05, 2010, 01:01:11 AM »
I have $50 and I want to buy a game for the PC, suggestions?

I currently have:

Left 4 Dead
Team Fortress 2
Fallout 3
Garry's Mod
Blockland (Obviously)

Suggestions please? (I don't want MW2 btw)

Games / TF2 crafting servers..?
« on: August 04, 2010, 07:24:21 PM »
Are they like forgeted up or something? Because it constantly resets my loadout every time I start TF2 this just me?

Off Topic / How much RAM do you have?
« on: July 30, 2010, 11:35:53 PM »
I am curious, how much do you have?

I currently have 3.00GB

Games / COD 4 Modern Warfare (I just got it for PC)
« on: July 30, 2010, 09:31:25 PM »
Does anyone else have this? I just decided to get it, Modern Warfare 2 seemed a bit..over rated I guess would be the word for it. So does anyone else have it?

General Discussion / Does this sound alright for a server?
« on: July 28, 2010, 12:35:34 AM »
This is just a server in theory (Meaning I may not get around to it), alright there are two teams, it is a TDM, however, it's got a bit of a twist to it and I'm not sure if it's possible at the moment due to some add-on limitations.

Anyways, these teams are unnamed as of now.

Team 1: Humans using Cyanian's(Was that the right spelling?) Super suits
and classes:
Defender: Has a deflecter, Laser Repeater, Health kit, (Some other item)
Assault: Has a Laser Carbine(Not sure if that's the correct name) A laser repeater, flash bang, (Some grenade)
Tactical: Beam Rifle, Alien Blaster, flashbang, (Some futuristic sub machine gun), and the defraction gun.
Heavy: Flash Cannon, 2 Health Packs, Defraction gun, (some other weapon)

Now here is where it gets a bit interesting,

Team2: Made up of a bunch of random enemies which I may call them something else in game, Creatures:


Super Mutant (May only be picked once every 2 minutes) (Tank from L4B)

Mutant (Prototype player with some sort of melee weapon)

Assassin Bug (Some bug that is small that I will modify to do half a players hp in one hit, can sneak in holes that are made specifically for it so it goes unnoticed)

What do you think? I may replace some minor things I mentioned such as changing around some of the classes/ creatures.

Faces, Decals, Prints / Blockland Graffiti Style Print
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:46:57 PM »
I have created Blockland prints, if enough people like them I will gladly make a few more.

(This text was not personally made by me however I did create the images and prints themselves)



Suggestions & Requests / Someone needs to make a zergling
« on: July 26, 2010, 08:37:22 PM »
We need to start seeing nicely put together SC server IMO.


Games / Fallout 3 (Random CTDs?)
« on: July 21, 2010, 09:12:45 PM »
Does anyone else get these? I just got this game today and I get random crashes with no explanation(No error or anything) as to why.

General Discussion / List of Bad hosts/admins
« on: July 20, 2010, 04:38:59 PM »
Based on SPY!'s previous topic in drama, I am creating this, for an admin or host to get on this list, you must provide the ID, the name of this host or admin, and proof he/she deserves to be on this list.

This list is for all people curious at what servers should be avoided if you do not want any drama/a bad time.

You may also add people who have had a drama topic made about them, with a link leading to it as proof. (Only counts if they have pictures)

Please use this as an application to add someone to this list.

Code: [Select]
Name of server(At the time) ____________________

Host/Admin status:__(A, SA, H)


User's ID: _____

Reason: _____________________________________________________

Proof:(Pictures, video, witnesses)

Current list of users:


Games / Divine Souls
« on: July 16, 2010, 08:56:12 PM »
I just installed this game and it's in closed beta(Which means no telling everyone about the game's contents besides the already known) , so is anyone else playing?

It is made by Outspark(Looks like their first decent game maybe), and looks as if the play style(Fighting) is similar to that of Fable TLC, they encourage you to play with an Xbox 360 gamepad if you have one(Which I do :D) and I hope it is what the trailer made it out to be.

Off Topic / YouTube is down???
« on: July 14, 2010, 04:35:21 AM » anyone else getting a server error for youtube o.0?

Games / Fable: The Lost Chapters
« on: July 11, 2010, 02:24:15 PM »
I got this game two days ago and cannot stop playing. The game is very addicting, has anyone else bought this game for the computer/Xbox at some point?

If you have it for PC post pictures of your character if you feel like it.

I really wish the developers of Fable made Fable 2 for the PC :/

Also, if you have Fable 2, how is it?

Off Topic / Sig Sauer P226
« on: July 08, 2010, 08:36:26 PM »
Uh, I have a gun here, my dad thinks it's an air soft gun but I'm not fully convinced. their website "Happens" to have knives for sale and this gun doesn't have an orange top like a lot of them. I am not very good when it comes to guns, the most I know about them is in games, so can someone please tell me if the Sig Sauer company does indeed make air soft guns...

General Discussion / Bot events
« on: July 05, 2010, 05:07:03 AM »
I have a question about one of the events it gives, is it just that I am using it wrong or does the TeamAttack event not work?

I have tried time and time again to get it to work, when I leave it blank, it attacks everyone, when I put some team's name, nothing at all happens to anyone.

Help / Eventing a Sentry Turret
« on: July 05, 2010, 02:35:39 AM »
Alright, I have no idea why but for some reason when I try to event the sentry nothing happens with it, so can someone give/make their own version of what they would do to event it?

The sentry must shoot only at a team called Red and it is team 1. Please help.

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