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Topics - Planr

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Help / How do I get critical hits/headshots to work on T+T?
« on: May 16, 2016, 04:08:10 PM »

DirtyGal69's "Crime Town RP" - Awful server; Abusive, hostile, and elitist administration

So I was browsing the "Stupid bans, kicks and mutes" thread earlier tonight when I stumbled across this gem of a server being discussed:

there's apparently a server called -DirtyGal69's Crime Town RP and it has a rule of saying if you ever say 'hi' or 'hello' you will be kicked, but if you say 'Hello' you're fine, and this guy named 'chewer' was saying hi

this was the rule:

this was a handicapped rule to begin with...
i don't have pics for one thing but she also said she would drama someone

maybe it's a followup to this ban i also screencapped:

Seeing how bad this server sounded, I decided to try joining it and see if it was really as bad as Timestamp described it to be.
After my experience on the server, I have to say Timestamp's description of how bad it is was a gross understatement. Thus I feel a specific thread for this server is warranted.
Here's what happened.

I quickly found the server in the master server list, with only a few players and ~800 bricks.

Spawning in I got a good look at the amazing "crime town" build:

This was on the side of the gun store building in the previous shot. Definitely some real "veteran"-tier quality stuff.

I go in the gun store and get some weapons, but forgot to get ammo. Walking back outside, a random user immediately began to assault me with guns. Player names were disabled, so I couldn't see who it was, but through the chat I quickly realized it was -DirtyGal69.

After I dodged multiple attacks from her successfully, -DirtyGal69 gave up with shooting me, and decided to try tazing me instead with a modified lego star wars blaster.

Once she successfully managed to taze me, she decided to use the rapemod on my player for the lulz.

After dying from an "STD", I respawned to see DirtyGal having a vehicle deathmatch with her buddies.

Getting a bit too close to her "mature veteran roleplay".

I got ran over by DirtyGal's friends quickly after the last screenshot.

Dirtygal putting on a pink wig hat and running off to kill/taze more people.

Seeing as how the server was a free-for-all deathmatch at this point, I decided to try and join in by spawning myself an AT-ST.

However, before I could even get a shot off with the AT-ST, -DirtyGal69 destructo-wanded what I had planted and handcuffed me.

She then proceeded to demand I "take my clothes off" while dressed in blocko-panties and pointing a lego star wars gun at me. Marvelous roleplaying at work if you ask me.

Her right-hand admin "Futuristic" showed up and started pointing a gun at me while I confronted -DirtyGal69 about her ridiculous problem with people saying "hi".

DirtyGal then challenges me to run a better server than her, I tell her I have been for many years and better than she has; She tells me to "forget off", and then orders her admin Futuristic to ban me. Right before I get banned, I challenge DirtyGal to treat her server guests better.

Futuristic then banned me for the reason "kill yourself"

Wanting to see if it was short or long ban, I tried rejoining a few minutes later, only to see it was a one-minute ban. -DirtyGal69 quickly permabans me this time, saying I "should not have come back" (if you're going to ban someone and don't want them to come back, why not permaban them the first time????).

-DirtyGirl69's "Crime Town RP" is an absolutely horrid server. There is no legitimate roleplay whatsoever, it's just an abusive free-for-all rapemod deathmatch forgetfest. The host touts him/herself as a "mature, veteran blocklander", as implied by her welcome message, yet acts like an immature elitist twat, and treats her server guests like stuff (and openly brags about it).

I suggest avoiding this cancerous server and its admins/hosts like the bubonic plague. I was unable to get -DirtyGal69 and Futuristic's BL_IDs, but if anyone knows them or can find out, please share. I recommend banning these people from your servers as well.

Mr. Render's SCP Server - Badly designed; Host cheats at his own game and bans people for fighting back

I was browsing the server list earlier today, and decided I'd give Mr. Render's SCP server a try, as I am a big fan of the SCP containment breach game.

Upon loading in to his server, I was put on the "Class D" team. I spawned in a tiny 6x6 jail cell, with plain walls made of 1x2 bricks, extremely bright default lights overhead, and "after school special" blasting over music bricks all around me. This was supposedly the spawn room. Mr. Render, dressed up in a white labcoat decal, came and let me out, then walked away.

I checked to see what the rules where, but I could find none listed anywhere, neither through commands such as "/rules", nor around the build itself. I looked to see what the objective was, or what we were expected to do, but I was given no information. Others asked what we were supposed to do as well, but they received no response from the host.

Not sure what to expect, I went and explored the build some.

While exploring, I was suddenly attacked by Mr. Render - who was branding an assault rifle - without any provocation; I was totally unarmed and unable to defend myself.

Luckily there was no lives system enabled, so I could respawn as many times as I needed. I continued exploring, making sure to avoid Mr. Render this time, while I figured out what I was supposed to do, and what was going on.

However, it didn't take long before I was shot to death again without any provocation or means to defend myself, this time by "The Craig Cast", who was on the dark-blue team.

After dying twice with no way to fight back, and with no stated rules or objectives about what I was supposed to do/not do, I decided I'd try to escape the area and find some weapons to defend myself with.

Unfortunately, I once again encountered "The Craig Cast", who this time demanded I "line up at the door or die". I was in a room with multiple doors, so I decided to try going to the one closest to me, to try and appease him. However, he decided to kill me anyway.

At this point, I was starting to realize that the server was basically just a Jail RP with no rules; players on a dark-blue team were armed with assault rifles, ordering around people on the Class-D team and shooting them when they felt like it. To make matters worse, the host had started teleporting around the build, pretending to be SCP-049, and killing people.

I soon witnessed another player, "Vinski 40", get killed for no reason, at which point I confronted the host about whether the whole server was just a DM or what. He promptly ignored me.

Not long after this, Vinski 40 somehow found a Humvee, and managed to successfully defend himself against an attack by the guards. He was almost immediately permanently banned by Mr. Render for a completely unintelligible bullstuff reason.

I tried to protest and ask the host about it, but he ignored me and continued on his "monster roleplay" and killing spree.

While exploring a courtyard with Riot Patrol Parrot, Mr. Render teleported into the courtyard, fetched a guard, and started killing us. There was a howitzer there which I tried to use, but it did no damage.

I managed to escape over the wall in the corner with the howitzer, which was fairly low and easy to jump over. The map was so badly designed, it was extremely easy for me to get out.

Seeing me walk out, the host immediately fetched me back inside, so he could have his way and kill me.

Shortly after this happened, Riot Patrol Parrot was walking around in a different room in the build when Mr. Render yelled at him to get out, claiming it was "admin-only". I called him out on why Riot was able to get in there in the first place if it was supposed to be off-limits.

I managed to make it to the courtyard again and jump the wall without catching the attention of anyone, and went for a humvee I saw earlier. I tried to escape, but got stuck back in the courtyard.

Soon I was attacked again by a player pretending to be SCP-173. I wasn't about to be helplessly killed again purely for someone else's entertainment, so I fought back with the Humvee's turret.

A few seconds after I successfully fought off the attack, Mr. Render permanently banned me for the same bullstuff reason that Vinski 40 was banned for.


Mr. Render's "SCP Server" is anything but an SCP gamemode. It's a poorly-run and poorly-designed free-for-all Jail RP with no set rules, and an abusive host who runs around massacring everyone as part of his stuffty roleplay, and banning players on the prisoners team when they manage to fight back. The host cheats at his own game, teleporting around the build with admin orb, fetching and killing people, while people on the class D team are expected to just sit around and continuously be camped and slaughtered for no reason.

I highly recommend everyone avoid this server.

I joined this server earlier today looking for some action and fun and I got just that! It's really fun to play, with a heavy emphasis on teamwork as the rounds get harder.

Some screenshots I took while I was there:

Gearing up with teammates to take out the incoming horde

The survivor compound under attack at night by rocket zombies

Fighting 3 bosses at one time! Kompressor, Badspot, and a Giant Rocket Zombie boss.

Our survivor compound getting shelled to death by Demolition zombies on round ~27. This is the round where we all died and had a game over, because the shelling was just so intense we couldn't make it.

So yeah, I really enjoyed playing this server and I think everyone should give it a try. No I was not asked to post this by anyone. I just want to advertise this server because I really like it and I think you guys might too.

General Discussion / Does anyone have v1 of T+T?
« on: May 06, 2016, 02:52:22 PM »
I'm looking for the v1 T+T weapons, the ones that have less bulky models and with the slick fast-shooting combat shotgun.

Does anyone have them by any chance?

I am using the Sentry mod with Slayer and for some reason, teammates can damage other teammates' sentries. How can I prevent this?

Off Topic / What happened to Badspot?
« on: April 26, 2016, 04:10:28 PM »
It's been 6 days since Badspot was last online. What's going on? Is he just super busy with PAX? Or did he go d-e-d dead?

All things considered, i'd say the forums have been relatively calm so far in his absence. Rotondo is still around at least.

Off Topic / Help! I can't feel the top vertebrae in my neck!
« on: April 25, 2016, 11:22:12 AM »
I've been having a lot of pain in my neck lately, and I noticed this morning that I can feel all the vertebrae in my spine up until I reach the upper vertebrae in my neck. Is this normal? Do I have some sort of messed up neck?

Help me doctor forum pls

I'm in need of some event-spawned explosions for my Star Trek ship project. Basically like the Test explosions but that don't do brick or player or vehicle damage, and also come in a variety of different camera shaking intensities and effect radiuses. It would be an invisible explosion; its purpose though would be to shake the player's camera to help simulate the ship getting hit.

Is this possible? I feel it is and if so I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to script.

If anyone's up to the challenge, I need them in 8x, 16x, 32x and 64x stud explosion ranges for the camera shaking, and I want the camera shaking to not be too intense at the center of each. Is this doable?

So i'm trying to set up a paypal account for personal use but every time I enter my address it says "Address invalid". What can I do? I'm entering it correctly as i'm supposed to, yet it tells me it doesn't recognize the address.

Anyone else had this problem with PayPal?


I built this back in 2012 but no longer have the save of it. Does anyone else happen to have a copy of it? I was an idiot and didn't give out the save file publicly so i'm kind of boned at the moment. If i'm unable to find the save though, i'll just be rebuilding it. But if I can get the original save I can more easily just renovate it. That'd save a lot of time and heartache.

If you have it please let me know. I really want to host this again for all of us to enjoy.

Help / Pure virtual function call runtime error crash
« on: April 14, 2016, 12:42:12 AM »
The PVFC crash is apparently triggered by players disconnecting from the server. I have had this crash on at least 3 occasions so far and every time it has been caused by players disconnecting. The console log shows that as the last action that happens with the server before it crashes, every single time. At the same split-instant.

Just throwing this out there so Badspot can know what's related to it.

Help / Super Creeper devkit tool doesn't work right
« on: April 03, 2016, 08:57:05 PM »
I'm trying to test out the super creeper mod with the devkit, and so far it seems mostly identicaly to mrwallet's creepmod (only better in some regards)

However, the creepkill doesn't work. It just paints bricks around me and doesn't affect the creeper at all. The creeper can also not kill me.

Is this normal?
How can I fix this?

For some reason, Blockland keeps crashing on a runtime error every time I try to launch a server.

I have no idea why. The only mods I recently downloaded are flashlight and mrwallet's creeper mod.

Console log HERE.

Suggestions & Requests / New firefight mod for slayer please?
« on: April 02, 2016, 04:52:01 PM »

This is the previous attempt at making Firefight for slayer. However, it has long since been broken and I was hoping someone would be willing to make a new Firefight mod for Slayer.
How about it?

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