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Topics - Thorax

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General Discussion / Your top 10 favorite add-ons?
« on: August 23, 2015, 08:01:35 PM »
I've been playing Blockland on and off for years now and after I come back from a break, I never know which add-ons are the cool new things. RTB used to help with that, but since it has gone away, I have no idea what I'm missing. So I wanna know, what are your top 10 favorite add-ons? It'd be nice if you'd include a sentence or two on why you like using each one and a link to download. Bonus points if you post your favorite color set!

Suggestions & Requests / 1x1x5 collision brick
« on: June 14, 2013, 04:57:00 PM »
I want a 1x1x5 brick that stops cars from going through it like the terrain and ramp bricks do.

Help / Blockland crashes when joining games
« on: June 10, 2013, 07:54:26 PM »
Any time I try to join a game, it'll get the file manifesto, then when it starts to download the files, it'll crash and give me this error:

I've tried messing with some of the download settings, but no combination that I've tried has helped.

I am able to join default Speedkart gamemodes and Badspot's Block Party.

Suggestions & Requests / SOCOM-like TDM
« on: June 07, 2013, 12:09:30 AM »
I've requested this a few times over the years, but it never seems to get noticed. I want a TDM elimination game mode, where the team with remaining player(s) wins. However, instead of completely dying when you hit 0 health, you go into downed mode. Your body remains on the ground and teammates with health packs can revive you.

The reason for the title is because this is the type of TDM found in the SOCOM series of games.

Suggestions & Requests / Camera Events + Control Player command
« on: January 02, 2013, 11:27:12 PM »
I'm wanting an addon that allows you to use Port's Control Player with Chrono's Camera Events. It should create a seperate set of camera events that, in addition to fixing the player's camera to a brick, allows the client to control their player. They should be activated the same way as normal camera events (onActivation, onTouch, onRelay, etc.). This mod shouldn't be Super Admin only, and players don't exit out of the camera mode unless activating some other event that either switches the camera's position, or cancels the effect.

Suggestions & Requests / Balanced Minigun?
« on: October 23, 2012, 03:10:28 AM »
Miniguns, in most servers, tend to be overpowered. Players can fire walls of bullets that deal tons of damage, free of any movement penalties. Would it be possible for someone to create a minigun that can't be fired normally unless you toggle on the barrel with right-click? When the barrel is spinning, you can fire the gun, but your movement speed is drastically decreased and you can't crouch or jump. By right-clicking when the barrel is on, you turn it off and can move around freely.

I feel like this is one important change to the way guns operate in this game to make DMs more fair and fun.

Also, if at all possible, make it so that if the weapon is dropped, the player automatically switches back to the server's default player and isn't stuck on the slow moving player.

Games / Wii U
« on: June 08, 2012, 02:42:29 AM »
I was surprised to see that there isn't a Wii U thread, but then I thought, maybe it's because it's hardware and not an actual game. But then I saw the E3 thread and though, well, that's just a conference about games. This is a system for games. So forumgoers, post your thoughts related to the games coming to the Wii U. I know there are a few threads out there discussing some of the major ones (Pikmin 3, for example), but it'd also be cool if you posted your speculations about what games you think will come out, what should come out, and general thoughts about Nintendo finally addressing the "hardcore" crowd with some of these new games.

Personally, I thought Nintendo died after the Gamecube. The DS was a bit of a gimmick (though there were plenty of good games) and the Wii was a total gimmick. Out of everyone I know, the Wii was used great when it was released, but after a month or two, everyone packed it up and forgot about it, switching to the 360 or PS3. I am a die-hard Nintendo fan, having never bought another company's console (minus the PSP, which I don't count as a console), so I felt like a piece of me died when I finally purchased my 360. Between the two systems, my 360 gets 95% of my attention. The only times I ever touch my Wii is when I would boot up SSB with a few friends. That is all the appeal it offers to me anymore. And with less and less interesting titles (most catering to the younger, casual audience), the more resolute I thought that Nintendo's legacy as the system for everyone was over.

However, this E3 has given me hope. I had thought the Wii U was just going to be another gimmick. Why would I want to purchase another pointless system if I'm only doing it for LoZ? However, the lineup of games made me double take. The old Nintendo I grew up with is back. I will be buying the Wii U.


Pikmin 3 looks like it'll be awesome. I absolutely love the first one, which I found in a used game store for $5. The second one was just as fun.

Legend of Zelda is Legend of Zelda, so it's bound to be pretty great. I do feel like the games are getting a bit more "clonely" where you just use the item you found in the last dungeon to beat the boss. It'd be nice if they upped the difficulty a bit and made the boss fights more "epic", to where it doesn't feel like another minion to kill and actually feels like a foe. This opinion comes from a guy who hasn't played Skyward Sword yet, so there is hope that this has changed.

Super Smash Bros has a sequel coming, so that'll be amazing. I hope that the fighting is more like Melee, where it is less floaty than Brawl.

ZombiU is by far the game I'm most excited to play and is defiantly the one that sold me on the Wii U. Not only does it really take advantage of the new controller, but it also provides a really cool experience for the player with permadeath. I'm imagining it to be singleplayer ARMA II Day Z, but with better controls and stuff. I'm glad that they are focusing more on the "scavenge and survive" aspect rather than the "blow through hordes" concept that has been so over done. CoD zombies is fun, but I feel it gets stagnant and routine, having a general "best" plan on how to survive. L4D is to fast and "powerful" IMO. It feels to me more like a "race to the finish" more than a "we have to survive" thing. I'm hoping ZombiU is a nice balance between the two.

I'm hoping a new F-Zero game comes out. It is kinda hinted at with the Nintendo Land thing, so I'm hoping a full game is in the works.

The same thing goes for Animal Crossing.

I'm also hoping for a Monster Hunter game for the Wii U. I feel like a lot can be done with the new controller, but I also think it would just be cool.

Another Mario Kart would be fun as well.

Post any games you're excited for and games you speculate will be released.

Off Topic / 2D game engine/language suggestion
« on: April 09, 2012, 03:21:18 AM »
I'm currently in the process of creating a multiplayer, 2D, sidescrolling platformer. I've been working with a couple guys and have nailed down the main concepts. I started to learn Love2D to start building the engine and such, however, I've come across some information that suggests that Love2D might not be the best option to create this game.

So my question to you, forums, is whether Love2D will be able to meet my goals, or should I drop it and learn something else before I get too deep into it? If you recommend the latter, would you mind suggesting an alternative to Love2D?

Add-Ons / Modular Terrain Brick Extra Prints
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:45:53 PM »
Modular Terrain Brick Extra Prints

I've seen a few people asking for specific prints for [GSF] Ghost's popular Modular Terrain Bricks, so I decided to go ahead and start making them.

Corner Road Print

I edited [GSF] Ghost's road print to create this. The only issue is a small white line at the very edge of the brick that I can't figure out how to get rid of. It's not very noticeable, so I decided to upload it anyway. If you can figure out how to get rid of it, PM me the new image and I'll replace it and add your name to the credits.


Feel free to request textures, I'll try my hand at making them.

Modification Help / Active Baseplate Generator
« on: February 18, 2012, 04:51:40 AM »
I'm working on creating a minigame that uses baseplates to generate infinite terrain. I'd like it so that when you step on the baseplate that isn't completely surrounded by 2 layers of baseplates, it'll generate the missing plates. Here are some pics to help explain. I'm sorry about the quality, I didn't realize how small the images were when I made them.

The player starts on the purple square:

When the player moves to the square to the right of the purple square, the script would generate the 3 blue squares.

I'm not really sure where to begin as I'm pretty much completely new to scripting.

Off Topic / Everything is a Remix
« on: February 17, 2012, 10:47:40 PM »
I stumbled upon this great series of videos last fall.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Suggestions & Requests / Timer Event
« on: February 12, 2012, 08:02:32 AM »
It'd be nice to have a set of client timer events.


Suggestions & Requests / [New Forum Section] Build Techniques
« on: February 08, 2012, 12:06:30 AM »
In light of the incoming update, I feel like this would be a good section to have. Created perhaps as a subsection of the Gallery, users would be able to post build techniques they've come up with. They can also request techniques on the best way to make certain things, be it a wall, tower, or table. Each topic should have an uneditable poll that people can use to see if that technique gets compiled into a stickied megalist of the most popular techniques.

I feel like this would truly help people transition into the new "purebuild" era of Blockland.

EDIT: Very nice suggestion:
It should be called "Tutorials and Techniques", basically where people can post tutorials on events, or building certain things.
[Resource] Tree Pack
[Resource] Most useful brickpacks
[Tutorial] Making a table step by step
[Tutorial] Fishing with VCE
[Technique] 3 layer walls
[Technique] Brickcount Efficiency

I added a poll. If 100 people say yes, I'll message Badspot or another admin to show that there is quite a bit of support for this suggestion.

Creativity / 4v1 [WIP]
« on: February 02, 2012, 04:33:25 AM »
Four unlikely heroes face off against an omnipotent foe who had beset the land with evil creatures. They must journey to the lair of this foe. defeating all in their way, and break the source of it's power, for only then will the land be rid of evil.

4v1 (name subject to change) is the idea for a game that spawned from a discussion my brother and I had. Harboring this idea since 2008, I decided to finally go ahead and devote time to it. I plan on creating it using Love2D. Essentially, 4 action/adventure (read: Legend of Zelda) players compete against an RTS player in a fantasy setting. The team of 4 has to make their way to the Overlords base to win, solving puzzles and defeating enemies that the Overlord sends at them. The Overlord must simply kill the heroes in order to win, as nobody else can stop him.

Before I continue into greater detail, I would like to point out that so far, anything below is completely subject to change, along with any names. If you feel you have a better idea than any of the ones I present, please tell me and I'll consider adding it.

The map. Right now, I have really no idea what this will look like. I'd like it to be rather big and Zelda-ish, but I have no idea how to make that happen right now. I'd also like there to be either multiple maps, or randomization, so that it makes it a little more interesting.

The Heroes. The idea I currently have in my head is that of LoZ: 4 swords, where the players play identical characters. Items would be the only things that separate them. However, I am open to a possible class-based system or any other systems that would work just as well. I'm also not sure what to do about the character's appearances. I could have each player look exactly like a stock character, differing only by color (like LoZ). Or I could have each stock character look different (more like Final Fantasy 3 for the DS). If I do a class-based system, I could have each class be a different character, and multiples of the same class would differ by color. The final appearance idea I had was for that of custom characters. The options on this could range from minimal customization to total customization. For example, the player could simply choose a character, then recolor. Or the player would have the option of changing every detail of their appearance. As far as gameplay goes, the controls would be that of LoZ. This team would need to solve LoZ puzzles while fighting off any of the foes that the Overlord throws at them. They can venture into houses, dungeons, secret areas, etc. as well as speak with NPCs and the like.

The Overlord. Controls would of those found any any RTS game. Select/Action with the mouse, hotkeys for other things. The Overlord has control of basic minion units who, on their own, are weak. However, their main purpose isn't to fight, but instead, they are used to construct things. By joining these basic minions together, the Overlord can make advanced minions (Melee, Ranged, Speed, and Miniboss), each type having different stats and requiring different amounts of basics to make. In addition to advanced minions, basic minions can be used to form structures. This includes resource stuff, traps, and other things, as well as a few special buildings. As an omnipotent being, you have complete control of your minions, as you are able to see everywhere they might be. However, you are able to directly interact with them on a minimal scale. One of these special buildings would be to create a body for yourself. Having a super high basic minion cost, once completed allows the Overlord to use a MOBA style character. Until this body is defeated, the Overlord temporarily loses direct control of all minions. Instead, the Overlord has a skill that will call all minions in a certain range to follow it and attack whatever it's attacking. If this body is defeated, however, the Overlord is disoriented and loses control of everything for X seconds. Once that time is up, the Overlord is played as normal. The resources system I currently have worked out would be similar to LoL's gold system. The Overlord receives X minions every Y seconds, where X is however many minion spawns he controls (think of the minion spawns in games like Gauntlet). The Overlord is able to build more of these spawns. Final thing I'd like to mention is that of appearance. The original idea I had for this team was enemies that look similar to the phantom blot. I'd really like for this idea to stay, so I'm not sure about customization. I guess this team could be recolored, but I feel like that'd take away from the original feel I intended.

Balance. Probably the most important element in this entire game, yet it's the one I'm struggling with the most. I already have a few ideas in place to help balance things out, but I'm not sure exactly what to add.
First issue: A team of very good players could, in theory, rush to the lair and easily defeat the Overlord before he has a chance to set anything up. Solution: At the beginning of each game, the players are put into a 3-5 minute mini-dungeon. This dungeon has some incredibly hard challenges that the players aren't expected to pass. If the players make it to the end, they will unlock some sort of buff that will help them out. What that buff is, I'm not entirely sure, but my current idea is that of a secret shop found towards the end of the game that will grant the players some sort of special weapon or buff. While the players are trying to beat this dungeon, the Overlord has about 3-5 minutes to set up, making things a bit more fair.
Second issue: Even with that time, it's still possible for the players to rush through and defeat the Overlord. Solution: The map will have some neutral puzzles that will slow the progress of the heroes. The Overlord also has the ability to make these more difficult by setting up traps and surrounding them with enemies.
Third issue: Minions might be too strong for the heroes at the start of the game and too weak for the Overlord at the end of the game. Solution: The farther the minions get away from the tower, the less powerful they are.

Connectability. When I first had the idea, I originally imagined that each player would need their own computer. However, after talking with a friend, we concluded that this game would also make a fantastic arcade game. After finishing it, I'd love to be able to build a cabinet, stick this in it, and play it with my buddies. With this in mind, the number of systems needed to play should be 2-5, at least 1 for each team.

Now that I've pretty much wrote down as much as I can think of, I need your help! Please, help me out with this project. The thing I want the most right now are ideas, which requires little to no work on your part, so this should be easy for you. However, if you'd like to take a more active approach, scripters, spriters and mappers are welcome. I have a reputation with my friends as always having plenty of ideas, yet I am never able to finish them. Help me lose this reputation!

Suggestions & Requests / Scaling Playertype
« on: January 28, 2012, 04:40:03 PM »
The basic no-jump playertype except when you right-click, you are resized. There should be a server pref to determine what size.

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