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Topics - lord techno

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Forum Games / BFBB-3: Drawn To Life Edition [Level 1: Pinhead]
« on: June 29, 2018, 02:55:28 AM »


Ok so i'm kind of just winging it here, i'm going back to my roots and EXPERIMENTING
Basically i'm trying out a new system for how the game will operate. Lets see how it goes.

Also for this one everything is drawn, your characters and all of the enemies and bosses are drawn, they don't have to be good they just have to be drawn. You can be as detailed or as crappy as you like.

As you can tell this won't be serious in the slightest

Don't try to control the game
Drawing a character is not mandatory, but it would be appreciated. If you don't draw one, i'll just use your profile picture.
If you draw a character, at least put a little effort, just a little.


Use this link to be taken to the current turn so that you can contribute to our glorious empire!
Current Turn


Engineer: Aw, shucks.

Engineer: You are the worst dispenser i ever constructed.

Engineer: It ain't even my fault your this way, you are just handicapped.
Other Engineer: Sound of fast square dance Yippekeeyah-heeyapeeah-kayoh!

Engineer: Would ya look at that. c:

Engineers: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee-





How dare he abandon a dispenser as S E X Y as yourself! Just look at these guns!

The only question is...What do you do now..?

Forum Games / SCP: The Spiral Breach [Turn #002 - The Breach]
« on: January 28, 2018, 06:55:38 PM »

The Spiral Breach
The Spiral Gestalt Phenomenon suggests massive reality damage has afflicted the SCP Foundation and it's universe. With this, unfathomable effects can occur. Spatial Distortion, timeline collapse, and the potential for a ZK-Class end of the world scenario.

This can however, result in some interesting circumstances to occur...

How to Play
Players will be given category D classification and placed within holding cells as they await their next assignment. In order to be assigned to a cell, you must fill out this application.

Code: [Select]
[Name]: (Insert Name Here)
[Gender]: (Insert Gender Here)
[Desired Cell]: (Insert Cell 1-14)
Please post a filled out sign-up sheet down below to be assigned a position.

To survive, you must cooperate with other class-D personell to escape the facility while avoiding the SCPs and NTF units. Only those with a keen eye and a thoughtful mind will make it out alive. Good luck.

Maps and the rest of the game assets will be generated and set up following the allocation of Class-D personell.

Forum Games / Would you be interested in an SCP-themed forum game?
« on: January 27, 2018, 03:44:25 PM »
My intention is to replicate the SCP:CB experience but with multiplayer capability and a more narrative/immersion based experience over shock horror. Essentially the same exact game, but more than one player, and relying on coordination to survive. One of those games i suppose.

The game would function utilizing 3D maps which i can view from top-down and in-game, but i do not wish to make this unless people would be interested.

It's kind of hard to fully explain my intentions and how i want to do this, much easier to just do it. But i'd like opinions on if anyone would want to participate in this.

Please let me know, if at least a fair portion of people are interested i will happily start up this forum game.

P.S: Yes i know SCP: Secret Laboratory exists, but i wanted to try this anyways.

Gallery / Library Interior Scene [POLL CONCLUDED]
« on: November 20, 2017, 04:59:48 AM »
So i just threw this together for the purpose of imagery. It's not a full build but is only constructed to cover the viewpoint. Essentially it's like a movie prop, it looks legitimate but if you were to go at any other angle it would stand out as fake.

General Discussion / The State of Blockland.
« on: November 03, 2017, 04:34:00 PM »
I havent touched or played blockland apart from the forums for about half a year, and i'm curious to see how the state of the game itself has changed over that time. Back then people said the game was 'dead', but nowadays it seems to be moderately active.

I'd like some verification on that, looking at it myself can't exactly speak for much so i'd like a general opinion on it.

Would you say it's improved over what it turned into a while back? That there exists a decent amount of adequate servers with at least semi-interesting content? If this is all true i may consider genuinely getting back into it.

General Discussion / I need some build suggestions.
« on: August 04, 2017, 02:05:37 PM »
So lately; i've been wanting to do something with blockland but i can't figure out what i'd like to do or create. So i'm turning to the forums for potential ideas. Since i'm kind of stuff in that regard.

Just give some random suggestions or something along that line. I'd love to do something more then just having blockland for the forums.

Though at the very least keep the build suggestions serious; i'm not building giant snakees.

Forum Games / Poker Night at the BLF.
« on: May 04, 2017, 08:57:10 PM »
"Greetings gentlemen. I welcome you to sphee's Bar & Poker."
"I am shpee. Your host and proud owner of this establishment."

"Have you come to participate in tonight's poker games?"

Each game is a good ol' fashioned round of Texas Hold 'em.
The goal of each game is to knock your opponents out of the match by draining their funds.

To join, state what character you would like to be represented as well as your name for use within the game.
Those unfamiliar with Texas Hold 'em will not have to worry; the game will be explained when a round begins.

Forum Games / B.F.T.B – Blockland Forums Team Battles [PROLOGUE]
« on: February 21, 2017, 01:08:13 PM »

In order to play, post an application and all actions here.

Code: (Application to Join) [Select]
[b]Name:[/b]  [name]
[b]love:[/b]  [love]
[b]Desired Team:[/b]  [desired_team]

Creativity / Heavy Nukem
« on: January 25, 2017, 09:42:06 PM »
This is a little experiment i made using some recorded duke nukem 3D and a bunch of TF2 voicelines.

Feel free to download and watch, unfortunately i didn't get the whole level in as it was just an experiment, but it should have turned out well.

Forum Games / B.F.B.B-2 [No Longer Interested]
« on: December 08, 2016, 05:22:43 PM »

How to play

One player is the boss, everyone else must fight him. Whoever kills him becomes the next boss.

The game operates in "Attack Cycles". When a cycle starts, players and the boss post comments detailing their actions taken for that cycle. When the cycle ends, the OP will update the battle and actions will be executed.

Important Notes

The boss always performs last in the turn order, however their attacks are extremely powerful.

Only players who have commented in an attack cycle can be attacked by the boss.

Do not attempt to control the game, or the outcome of your characters actions. This process will be taken care of by the OP.

Forum Games / Engineer's weird misadventures [A Homoloveual Fanfiction?]
« on: October 18, 2016, 11:48:27 PM »

Scout: Hey...Good lookin'
Scout: Wanna go bonk? If you catch my drift.

Looks like scout is acting gay again. What will you do?

Forum Games / Heavies Amazing Adventures [The Island]
« on: August 05, 2016, 03:08:20 AM »
A POOTIS Production

Here we see our Dumbass Hero, the Hoovy. Asleep.

Suddenly, he wakes up!


Something is different...

It's a beach, with blood everywhere. because gore mod is messy




completely random totally not suspicious SANDWICH!

What will heavy do?

Forum Games / B.F.B.B [Whackin]
« on: July 12, 2016, 05:20:55 PM »

Around a year ago, i started an experimental game, which i was certain would end in failure. A game where you battled another forum user, who was the boss. Landing the killing blow would turn you into the next boss, and this simple cycle would repeat. To my suprise, the game took off immensely, becoming quite popular. Unfortunately, due to complications and a collapse of the system, the game met it's end. But now, a year later, i intend to bring back the glory that was the early, and original Blockland Forum Boss Battles.

B.F.B.B uses the traditional turn-based combat system found in many RPGs.
There are two sides. The PLAYERS, and the BOSS.
During the Attack Cycle, post your actions down in the comments. Both players and the boss may post actions during this time and when the Attack Cycle ends, the game will be updated to display the outcomes of the actions performed. Boss actions perform first, whereas the Players actions will be performed last. This is to allow the boss more oppertunities to get moves in, due to the sheer amount of damage players can inflict.

If a player dies, they are no longer able to perform actions. However, if another player has an ability that can revive dead players, they can use it to bring a fallen player back to life, allowing them to continue performing actions. All players will be fully healed, and dead ones will automatically be revived when the current boss is killed, all debuffs will be removed from players as well.

Players level up if they are alive when the boss dies. Upon the bosses death, when that player is returned to the player team, they will also Level Up.

The turn system repeats itself until either the boss dies, or all players die.
If the boss dies, the player that struck the killing blow will become the next boss, while the current boss is then transferred to the player team to battle the next boss.
If the boss manages to kill all of the players. The game will reset.
Upon a reset, all players will have their stats returned to their basic values, and the current boss will be sent to the player team. A filler boss will then be chosen to determine the first player boss of the new game session.

Every 5th boss is a MEGABOSS, every 10th boss is an OP BOSS.
Megabosses are considerably stronger compared to normal bosses. But are still controlled by the respective player. OP Bosses are non-player bosses chosen and controlled by the OP. They are much stronger then MegaBosses, but defeating them provides great rewards.

While you are free to perform any kind of action you desire, please try to stay balanced with your actions, the boss needs a fair game too.
The system can sometimes make it difficult for certain players to become the boss. And i understand it can be annoying, but try not to get upset about it.
Please try to be patient if updates slow down, i have a life that has to be lived.
And above all else, please do not demand or try to persuade a specific outcome for your actions. I will handle all of the statistical and outcome-related work. Trying to make certain your attack will instantly kill, or never miss, will only give me reason to nullify your move entirely.

Understand that bosses can be particularly powerful due to the amount of players that can attack at one time. Do not think that bosses are mindlessly overpowered however. Each one can be bested if the proper tactic is used.

Before starting the game, i will be gathering information into a Trello Page to allow me to modify information and update player statistics as necessary. Post a comment below so that i can add you to the list of players. If you are not interested in playing, make certain that i am aware about it, specifically let me know in your comment that you do not intend to play, or i will end up adding you to the player list.

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