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General Discussion / Re: "Ana" ARG thread
« on: November 12, 2017, 10:55:57 AM »
As I mentioned earlier, I compiled the source that was given for the DLL. Somehow I ended up with more than 3 times the size than the one Ana. gave us, where only DiscordRPC was more than double the size. But still it worked for people. I cannot say that the DLL was legit, but it was crudely put together, barely working at all. Unless someone de-compiles it, we cannot be sure if it's the real deal or if it's a hoax, as some people said it worked. I tried the source and it worked somewhat. I could make it better if I get time to fix it. But then again, I'm not sure I'll release it here as its not an Add-On.
Lol, dll size can change a lot based on optimizations, standard library type (varies with VS version), if you static compile, use dynamic base, generate meta data, packer usage, etc etc.

But if reversing is involved then I think I have a good clue on who it could be.. 3548!!!

Help / Re: Lost my key!
« on: November 12, 2017, 03:26:06 AM »
If you have your original blockland installation knocking around, and the computer that it ran on, then you can recover it using KeyUtils.

General Discussion / Re: Why is this specific post of mine deleted?
« on: November 12, 2017, 03:01:09 AM »
IDK why it would randomly repeat posts. Maybe there was some kind of database repair tool used that inserted in data and decided some parts were just garbage. My best guess for the 3 hour range is a bad sector on the HDD, ie physical damage like the head scratching that area.

And I would have never guessed post loss could be narrowed down like that, I expected the bounds to be like a week or something, and it's freaking insane that one specific post got caught in it (seriously, the planets must have aligned), which is why I posted in the first place. But I guess you learn something new every day!

General Discussion / Re: Why is this specific post of mine deleted?
« on: November 12, 2017, 02:19:25 AM »
Ok, after checking out the topic number of the deleted post and looking at topics before and after, it DOES look like there's a strip of time that's consistently blanked out. Of all the possible combinations of posts and topic times, it floors me that the one post I lose is a controversial one. Like this is some winning the lottery stuff... I'm glad there's no greater conspiracy though!!

And I guess this topic does a pretty good job illustrating the break in time, there's consistent posts and suddenly a three hour skip.


General Discussion / Re: Why is this specific post of mine deleted?
« on: November 12, 2017, 01:37:03 AM »
Yeah.. I want to give the benefit of the doubt, but statistically speaking, the chance for corruption deleting that specific post is like zero. The posts around it are fine, I think all my other posts are intact too, for a HDD failure to hit that post is EXTREMELY unlikely because I bet the data is stored sequentially as posts are created and I know my post time was probably within hours of the surrounding poster's. If a bunch of posts were deleted that had their time around then, then it would make more sense, but right now it doesn't add up.

Of course I don't really know 100% how the database is formatted or stored or anything so it's speculation for now. Anyone else experience deleted posts, and what times?

General Discussion / Re: Grapple Knife
« on: November 12, 2017, 12:56:24 AM »
I'll throw this in for what it's worth, and this idea came from a friend who probably doesn't want to post on blf anyways: the knife should be in the right hand and clicking will attack like normal, but the grapple hook should be on the left hand and triggered by right click. It's like akimbo and I don't have to frantically switch between my item slots which slows down aerial attacks a lot when I'm focusing on it. Then spacebar or some other trigger can pull the rope in so hanging is not a problem. Add in some style too, like a full body grappling hook like in AoT, I think people will like that.

And if you wanted to prevent hangers maybe you could write something that keeps track of their last position-updating move via MoveHandler, combined with some z-component filtering so they cant just tap left and right or something. Maybe just introduce a "grip strength" mechanic that decreases as the rope gets longer, and higher level players get more grip stamina, and when your stamina runs out the rope is cut. Obviously make this super high for when players play legitimately so it doesn't interrupt the rad moves people like to do like flying around and midairs.

And then there's lots of meme things like tracers and hats, sounds for when you get kill streaks, maybe add a tutorial so noobs aren't overwhelmed because the "mechanics" behind knifing are weird when it comes to lag compensation (although the game itself works really well as a tutorial anyways, but noobs fear strong people they can't kill at all, so throw easy-kill bots at them), and for grappling like speeding around on a horizontal plane and tips to not get stuck or land. Powerups too but make them equal among levels just to throw in a twist to some matches, like giving a noob the opportunity to take out a super experienced person. I hate when I play and a guy who has devoted his entire life to the game just clean-sweeps everybody every round, and I'd imagine it makes noobs want to leave if they think it's bullstuff. But don't make it so that practicing is an unworthy investment, make it so really skilled players can actually dodge certain powerups so it's not BS. Sniper rifles that damage based on range is a cool idea, it would force people to snipe those far away and point blank/near shots would do little damage while large distances are an instant kill.

I guess speaking generally its about creating a way to hone a skill that looks difficult on surface but with a little brainpower can get you far, ie, not a lot of knifers know that the knife really needs to be lag compensated despite its short range, and those who figured it out unlocked a secret and effective way to kill others. They have discovered its not random to kill someone and have a huge advantage because lag compensation is hard to "figure out" (may not be the case now, last time I played was a really long time ago). And this feeling of power is what drives retention-- can't be cheap, have to work for it, can't be just given to players. It's like CityRPG, the climb to power is semi difficult but sustainable and worth it in the long run because its fun to dominate noobs.


I need to remind everyone that """cancer""" is good. I don't really like grapple knife either (it's basically a social server now anyways, who cares if you're good at knifing) but it's like the only game I can think of that has that competitive feel to it that attracts new players easily, and makes them take it seriously. Like I know a ton of other servers attract noobs but grapple knife has this weird competitive atmosphere that is unmatched.

I WANT to go back to the days were there were "too many cityRPGs, knifeDMs, etc" because even if they exist a good server can just steal their players anyways. It's all about the potential.

General Discussion / Why is this specific post of mine deleted?
« on: November 11, 2017, 11:06:05 PM »
I noticed this a long time ago, but at the time there was controversy related to Badspot so I didn't want to fuel the fire or anything by the implication of this post's removal. There are (probably) perfectly legitimate reasons for it being gone so don't get lead astray.

I found out about this when a friend asked me about my opinion on Blockland's wellbeing, and I dug through my posts to find my ideas. This is a reference to the post I wanted, but the link itself leads to no particular post (the post is deleted, and the link will default you to the page). I know for a fact the link worked before since I preview check my posts, and the post definitely existed before.

The contents of the post were just brown townyzing some statistics from this graph, and contained no offensive or targeting language. It was purely neutral and I even stated I didn't want to rile up anybody, just post my thoughts on the subject. (it was related to the derivatives of the graph at certain time periods. Maybe a forum friend can back me up here...)

So, the victim complex us problem users tend to have automatically made me think that Badspot removed it to hide it from players, but after some thinking it could have been lost in the HDD failure that happened long ago.

The post is before that date so it makes sense, but what doesn't make sense is why the surrounding posts are perfectly intact. I don't 100% know how the MySQL is formatted for the SMF database, but as an educated guess it seems like posts would just be entered by date and referenced with the topic as the key. So with that said, there's no particular reason why database corruption would remove ONLY my post and leave the others alone.

And that's why I'm asking... if the database corruption is no excuse, then why was it removed? I kinda get it if Badspot wants to keep "muh v21 ruined the game, blockland is dying!!" posters away, but the content of the post was (and I know it's not worth much coming from me) pretty innocent and neutral.

Off Topic / Re: Good way to passively lose weight?
« on: November 11, 2017, 09:51:34 PM »

I'm kidding, don't do drugs kids.

Off Topic / Re: What is the shape of a foot?
« on: November 11, 2017, 06:26:08 PM »
maybe multiple rectangular prisms

Off Topic / Re: What is the shape of a foot?
« on: November 11, 2017, 06:17:09 PM »
A wedge (triangular prism)

One of us (or Badspot) pay a popular YouTuber to play the game.

It may result in slightly more cancer, but it will increase the playerbase by a lot.
do we really want new players though? pretty much every time some new guy comes in we tend to ignore or screw with them

Cancer is good. So long as the new players are generally clueless then it will make the game that much better for the more intelligent players. That will drive retention and end us up with more players for a longer time.

What makes a server fun anyways? In the end, it boils down to feeling superior: In TDMs, it's about your kill efficiency (ie, k/d). In any rpg, it's about grinding endlessly to overpower others. In strategy games it's just being smarter than your opponent. Do you see why importing dumb people would make this better? It will depend on how satisfied you are by stomping noobs, but generally this is a rule that works pretty well... because a ton of morons actually do feel superior. (See: minecraft factions and the pay-to-win disease, or any pay-to-win crap in general)

And the method of obtaining your superior status needs to be some percent legitimate to reflect the winner's personal skill level-- the more intricate the climb to the top is, the more validated they will feel. That's a big component for determining quality: awesome servers will make it difficult to climb to the top without using some predictable formula, like well balanced tdms and RPGs, and lousy servers will make it easy to win with a copy-paste method, like botting or grinding (hi cityrpg). Cheap and easy happiness like a drug. (And it's not the only component but I'll be damned if it isn't make or break for a ton of servers)

Oh, and the kicker is the validation one feels varies a lot based on how dumb they are. It's why kids can consume heaps of garbage for games because they want the easy route, and it works pretty loving well! (Again, see Minecraft pay2win crap.. I'm not angry...)

Main idea-- cancer is good because it will attract a bunch of noobs. They won't be bright but that makes them much easier to control, if you're into that.. :P

There should be a large variety of quality servers that display the best blockland has to offer before you try to get other people to buy the game. it would have to be a strategic operation that most of the active community would have to participate in. Like a number of community members setting up high quality servers for a week, and at the same time Badspot putting the game on sale for 5-2.50 and possibly getting someone with influence to play the game at the same time.

I've been wondering why the player count has gone down a little faster than in say 2010. Ok, so here's some abstract reasoning: When I "move on" from a game it's usually because there's nothing left worthwhile to remember-- I'll play a game to create good memories and have fun like anyone else, and it's what keeps me playing. So when I think of a good time in blockland, it's all about the environment.. not entirely, but this is an important concept we lack and it needs to be discussed. I've asked a bunch of oldcigarettes what made the game so good for them, and the response is typically how immersive servers used to be. Big maps work a lot better for immersion than small ones, there's multiple areas to explore and mentally divide up. It's why Heedicalking's tdms were so fun, they had huge territories to conquer and actual strategy you had to devote time to and think about. Even if you were no combat genius, you would end up thinking about this subconsciously. Those subconscious thoughts are what generate nostalgia and the feeling of wonder and exploration, they're immersive.

You can see how this ties in for modern blockland: the extent of a map now is severely limited, and unless you cut up the map into islands to create the illusion of size (which works quite well for what it's worth), a bunch of servers will just have small maps because anything bigger takes weeks of effort. They aren't very immersive, and I don't have many good memories of brick/slate maps-- I keep thinking, "THAT'S IT?!" I want to be delusional and feel like the game is bigger than it is, like there's more to explore. Those awestruck from the size of the bedroom know this feeling well, for example. Or the fact that being trapped in a build with no windows weirdly makes you feel like the world outside is bigger for some reason (seeing that ground plane and infinite nothingness is pretty depressing I guess). It follows that small maps won't do this justice.

To get back to the big idea: if I'm going to keep playing a game, there has to be recent good memories so I feel obligated to come back again, because I want MORE (like, duh??) So, why do you think retention has gone down?? Like I said, small brick maps just seem to be less memorable, and there is no reason to check out that lego game on steam I bought on a sale again, because I don't remember anything. Not to turn this into a terrain argument but they did a great job at establishing an atmosphere, an idea supported by what the oldcigarettes said and probably what a lot of blocklanders feel but don't know how to explain.

I guess if you want to make a successful server, or more generally a successful game, it's all about appealing to the basic psyche. Same reason why cancer players exist in large quantities.. it will come down to poking the brain in the right spots whether they know it or not, and some are easier to poke than others (stuffbrains). Let the subconscious part do the heavy lifting!!

This game is 10 years old. How many games that were active in 2007 are still alive? WoW, TF2, and ??? Even those are on the downswing. Minecraft is the juggernaut in the creative sandbox realm and I don't think there's much that can be done with Blocklamd to take any share back.

I'm convinced age does not matter. By mentioning age you are basically saying the game looks old and functions crappy, so as a comparison why does minecraft succeed then? My goddamn grandchildren are going to be playing that game, and there's nothing short of a vasectomy that will prevent that. It helps to break it down into the the big ideas again: blockland and minecraft have that simple design that looks nice and doesn't really age, which happens when simple shapes are left to the imagination to fill in the details, since all the brain cares about is the concept anyways (ie, the brain only cares if something actually looks bad, but otherwise it's satisfied with "simple looking blockhead is holding gun?? That makes sense." It's about how details are broken down to abstract concepts, like reading a book to understand the big picture of a characters actions. OK enough with this sidenote!!) Ok, so it doesn't look crappy for the most part. Functionality wise, the only things I can think of that need improving are better weapon prediction and higher res textures, but even without that blockland still kicks minecraft's ass in both. Actually, blockland kicks minecraft's ass in just about everything if you're going by technical metric. Vehicle physics? Minecraft barely has vehicles. Modability? Blockland is superior by a long shot. Combat? The aforementioned networking superiority makes combat better tenfold. You can't host a popular minecraft server without an anti cheat installed either-- why this is considered acceptable is beyond me. To put age into perspective by technical abilities, I would expect minecraft's """engine""" to be 5 years older than torque. It's just that bad.

So why the heck isn't blockland popular?! It's better?! It's all about that stupid immersion, more generally the appeal to basic psyche. Even minecraft classic-- before weapons, pvp of any kind, or any true interactive blocks were added-- had a stupid amount of players. It wasn't about the cost. Something about the environment just clicked (working skydive, lava flood survival, noxyryan's ancient ctf maps... they were all HUGE and FUN to explore and play in. And amazingly the procedural generator worked quite well doing this too!) It's the same way a ton of minecraft clones are better, why, they have technical abilities that outshadow minecraft by far! So why does nobody play them...

(Note: I edited this later because I feel like it will be an important point later on and it needs to be well thought out)

Gallery / Re: A Medieval City
« on: October 20, 2017, 05:12:20 PM »
oh man this is gorgeous
i so wanna make an RPG out of this
It was originally planned to be used for PRPG (made by Heedicalking)

Games / Re: Blockland-Inspired Project
« on: October 20, 2017, 05:09:14 PM »
Support for controllers would be great.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use a joystick when flying around your creations?

Games / Re: Blockland-Inspired Project
« on: October 20, 2017, 04:10:30 PM »
When supplying absolute data is too mainstream so you have to use pulse width modulation to control your vehicle. :cookieMonster:

But nah, the real question is if they use steering auto return...

Gallery / Re: ModTer Slopes (By Heedicalking)
« on: October 05, 2017, 11:35:58 AM »
I used a quick height map based generator script to make this map for him. Keep in mind there's some corner cases here and there and of course the places where the already placed bricks merged poorly with the generated ones... it shouldn't be too bad though! Maybe go through the map with a friend and clean up the obvious spots I guess.

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