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Messages - speeddog73

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Help / Re: Blockland Crashes When Hosting Server
« on: June 29, 2017, 12:26:44 AM »
After going through addon after addon and trying to figure out the main cause of the lag I think I can confirm that BL is still somehow being overloaded by mods and/or content. After getting down to about 100 addons, I had finally disabled the one that seemed to stop the crashes; but when I re-enabled all the addons except for the bugged one, the server had the same crashes again. I will attempt to run as minimal addons and music as possible, then host. Hopefully I can get my client down to a low-power level. Somehow Blockland seems to just overload its total capacity for client hosting. If that's not the case, I have no idea what the hell is going on.

Thinking deeper, this could be something with my harddrive's reading speed, although it has never failed me before with any other type of server-hosting. (That's my last resort of a fix, get a new harddrive.)

For now, does anybody have any other ideas of a fix?

Help / Re: Blockland Crashes When Hosting Server
« on: June 28, 2017, 08:07:31 PM »
Image above had failed, use this link:

Help / Re: Blockland Crashes When Hosting Server
« on: June 28, 2017, 08:06:18 PM »
Could be a problem with PTG
I had removed PTG entirely after I had finished generating the world.

what happens if you host without addons?
what about on a clean install?
how much of your hardware is being used at crash?  (check task manager?)
If I host without addons I don't crash. I have tried getting a clean install already, but left only the Addons and Save Files. (Some addon known for crashing maybe?) I checked the amount of processing power and ram that was being used for Blockland.exe when it had crashed, and came up with this.

General Discussion / Re: OrangeMan's City RPG
« on: June 28, 2017, 12:57:36 PM »
I like your rules, keep the furcigarettes out of here lol

Help / Blockland Crashes When Hosting Server
« on: June 28, 2017, 12:51:59 PM »
Hi all,

So I'm trying to host a server with a big PTG terrain that I had saved and built off of. I can load up the save file just fine, but randomly my game seems to overload and crash randomly. The crashes are abrupt, not locking up and having Windows search for a problem, but immediately showing a "Blockland.exe has stopped working" message, with the code name "APPCRASH". The crashes seem to occur once I load up a saved environment and change its day/night cycle time. I have found a mild workaround to this and that is to load every configuration for the environment slowly so the game has time to process it. Once the environment is loaded, I leave the computer alone for a few minutes to process, and about 1/5 of the time I won't experience a crash in the next 3 minutes. If I don't crash then and I start to either build or drive around in a vehicle, the game will crash in the next 10-15 minutes. Strangely, none of this will occur when I load the save and environment in Singleplayer mode, only BL's Internet mode.

From many past experiences of debugging I checked the console.log various times, and even using the command, "trace(1);", I still came up with no reason whatsoever as to why the server is crashing. Nothing shows up as an error, and even after trying to fix some potential problems (which is me taking out the last few addons that last loaded in the console.log) my game still experiences these crashes. I also have tried cutting my brick count in half by modifying the save file to load in on an offset, which brought the bricks from ~80000 to ~40000. I still experience the exact same thing, and cutting the brick count does not help at all. I have tried clearing vehicles and bots, but that doesn't provide anything of help. Finally, I tried messing with my settings to bring BL to a lower grade of rendering and graphics, but nothing changed.

I speculate this to be an error involving some sort of overload of the game. My PC specs (posted below) can more than enough handle Blockland, and I have seen many hosts load big saves of heavy ModTer-Brick content. What seems to make no sense whatsoever is that the game has no signs of struggle. No lagspikes, drop of FPS, or ghosting is present. My OS seems to just close out of the game in error.

This is getting extremely aggravating and I can never keep my server hosted. I have looked into dedicated hosting for a workaround, but unfortunately I have a Steam copy of BL, and can't run a dedicated server and be on it at the same time. To clarify, I am using the In-Game hosting service.

As far as my knowledge of troubleshooting goes, none of this makes sense, but since I have only played BL for almost half a year I suspect somebody out there atleast knows what is causing this error. Please help in whatever way you can.

:::PC Specs:::
MotherBoard - Biostar A880GZ Gaming Motherboard
CPU - AMD 6300 FX Six-Core Unlocked Processor (Equipped with Corsair H100iGTX Cooler)
GPU - EVGA Nvidia GeForce 750Ti OverClocked
RAM - 8GB of total ram, 8GB active and useable by Windows
OS - Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (Activated)
Internet - Ethernet

Thank you for your help.

Music / Owl City - Fireflies (Bass Boosted Meme Version)
« on: June 11, 2017, 12:18:27 PM »
Wus poppin B,

If you have been on the memes side of the internet lately, you'd know about one of the latest song memes, an "Ear R*pe" of the song "Fireflies" by Owl City. I have composed a .ogg file of it so it can be yet another spicy meme in Blockland's community.

Warning: this is REALLY loud!

Hope you enjoy it!

General Discussion / Re: The End of Blockland's Online Support?
« on: June 09, 2016, 10:37:52 PM »
Pretty funny that this got a thread started. I'm a mod at Tezuni's and can confirm that the Super Admins do this to mess with the players. I've seen this happen 5+ times while online and yes, it's events or a command.

Glad to see this is wrapped up. I suppose I myself overreacted for this whole message. I suppose I am to blame for this because of my lack of knowledge behind how Blockland's servers and their security work. And as well the player's support for the belief this was real really made me think this was serious. Never have I tried logging on as another name to a server, and I figured that it would stop you and verify your BLID and your username. I suppose the game is even less secure than I thought. xD

(Also I may be completely wrong and we may be getting "Blockland 2: The Search for More Money" on shelves in the next year)

General Discussion / Re: The End of Blockland's Online Support?
« on: May 31, 2016, 01:36:32 AM »
Nice jokes you all, but this does seem serious. I'd at the least want a confirmation on all of this. Who knows, maybe there will be an announcement pinned tomorrow on this.

@McZealot, you do bring up a really good point. To be honest I know almost nothing about Blockland's administration methods and player confirmation, other than that players can connect with whatever name they want and do so. This is why I figured it might have been a real message.

General Discussion / Re: The End of Blockland's Online Support?
« on: May 31, 2016, 01:25:32 AM »
@Defendor, I hope it's some situation like that. Hopefully it will be. Although it all makes sense now due to the lack of players online and server activity.

@Shift Kitty, I highly bet that he coded his BLID into Blockland/Blockland's main servers for forced administrator.

General Discussion / Re: The End of Blockland's Online Support?
« on: May 31, 2016, 01:21:38 AM »
That's quite depressing......I suppose it could be the end of Blockland. :(

General Discussion / The End of Blockland's Online Support?
« on: May 31, 2016, 01:13:59 AM »
About half an hour ago before writing this, I was playing on a Prison Escape server when all the players had quite a surprise...

...we had a visit from the owner of Blockland, Badspot.

(FYI: The server is "Tezuni's Prison Escape".)

That's right everyone, Blockland may soon to be no more. Without online servers, the game is let alone simple and dull. We've reached the end of our fun experience.

Not much players are left online today, so it makes sense for Badspot to shut them down for good. I'd recommend that you all pay your last visits to the online community while you still can. I know I sure will. But maybe there's hope: maybe if we can gather enough people, we can show Badspot that we still care for Blockland, enough to keep it up for another month or two. And then fund the server costs from there through donations and funding.
That's just an idea, but as of now, I don't see anything changing.

And for all you who don't believe this whole scenario, I don't blame you for your disbelief. Anyone could log on as "Badspot" and say whatever they want. But being automatically added to administrator? To be honest, I'm not sure. It could have been an admin that went and pulled a prank, or who knows what.

Still, with not knowing the exact truth of this all, I think we should all prepare for doomsday and play the last few multiplayer sessions ever of Blockland.

Let's just all hope that this is in fact a prank, and not serious.

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