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Messages - Filipe

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 ... 729
Add-Ons / Re: [1.0] (Vehicle) Rivera Genesis
« on: June 04, 2021, 10:16:13 PM »
Nah. Any -ist thing is in regards to discriminating something specifically because of something (such as race or love, or in this case, cars). Saying they all look the same isn't discriminatory.
That was clearly a joke, by the way congratulations on the car man! A fine sedan indeed, wish they sold these here in Brazil.

Off Topic / Re: Get ready, china is at it again: H10N3 bird-flu.
« on: June 01, 2021, 06:24:19 PM »
I keep seeing news about a new type of flu showing up on China every month.

Soon we'll develop a test version of the gamemode, which it will be hosted a few times publicly so everyone can join in and host, once we get more information about this it will be announced here.

The endurance racing Stuttgart Streiter is finally released everyone! It was commissioned by Mickey, enjoy!

How about "Cavalier"? Or "Sprinter" (GMC made a rebadged version of this generation of the El Camino called Sprint. I just found out today).
Both are good names but they're sadly taken, there is the Chevrolet Cavalier and the Mercedes Sprinter.

I thought the purpose of using separate textures for each color was so that they'd be faster to download? Or is it somehow faster to download the whole palette as a single texture rather than a bunch of small single colored textures?
Being a single texture is better, it's still a small file, plus it optimizes the vehicle model much more, so we don't have to separate each node for the car for it's respective material.

what happen when taste exhoost fume????

How about La Ruta? ‘Cause Camino means “path” or “way”.
It sadly sounds a lot like la "puta" which means bitch lol, but if you guys have any more name suggestions please, let me know.

It's been a little while since my last update here right? Well good news everyone, new cars are in development! Most of them commissioned by members in the community.

This is the Dalton Bronx commisioned by Kane, it's a car based on the 1992 Chevrolet Caprice, currently it includes a Taxi and Police variants, but a wagon will be made soon.

This is the Avant Voiture commissioned by Corpora1Bird, it's based on the Peugeot 505, variants will be made for it soon.

This is the highly requested Dalton Camino commissioned by Master King Deaddude, obviously based on the 1968 Chevrolet El Camino, by the way this is not the final name of this vehicle, we're still thinking of a fictional name for it, if you have any suggestions let me know.

More will be revealed hopefully soon.

General Discussion / Re: Should you release your private addons??
« on: May 05, 2021, 06:04:18 PM »
There are three types of private add-ons that I know of:

1 - You have an unfinished mod that is not in a stable state to be released, which can lead to glitches or even crashes in the game, and you don't have the time or want to finish the project, so it's often abandoned.

2 - You have an add-on in the works that you're taking your time to develop so it can be released when it's ready, until then it can be considered private before it goes public.

3 - You have a fully functional mod that not only works perfectly in-game, it's also fully finished and ready to be publicly available, but you want to keep it for yourself and for a select group of players.

You should add Script_Filmbots in the add-ons list, it allows you to record your movements and then it's replayed as a bot, you can do as many as you want and it can be very useful for when you don't have enough players to join your server, here's a video I made by solely using bots.

This video was also made with just Filmbots.

New showcase video available everyone! Showing 4 tracks that are coming for the gamemode.

The Modena GTS has a bugged steering wheel. Badge doesn't rotate and the wheel looks weird through glass.
Try redownloading it, I released the small 1.1.0 update which adresses this issue, you should have received the update notification in-game actually.

New Karts! Wagon and Truck by Nighthawk, and Bumper by Speedist.

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