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Help / Re: Stuck on Loading Datablocks
« on: December 16, 2018, 04:21:38 AM »
Well this is embarrassing. Turns out I didn't disable ALL the addons, and interestingly enough one of the last few was the problematic addon as I suspected 6 hours ago. Addon Weapon_GluonTau causes the issue, I really like these weapons and the are literally involved with the map so I guess I'll just remove them from the server.

Help / Stuck on Loading Datablocks
« on: December 16, 2018, 03:01:46 AM »
When trying to connect to my own dedicated server, the loading bar freezes and doesn't progress... I've tried everything, and the only thing that works is doing a fresh install of the dedicated server. The problem then arises once again after I disconnect and try rejoining the server. The server and console logs state nothing of the matter. I can type in chat but I won't see anything but it does in fact go through to the server. It's not related to addons. I already tested disabling and outright deleting all the addons for both client and server but the problem still persists. At the moment the server is active and open to the the public but I won't be able to even play on it myself. I can host a non-dedicated server with IDENTICAL setup just find and it's flawless besides the simple fact that it's non-dedicated.

I'm posting this after multiple hours of testing and reconfiguration. I've never had this issue before, but having this happen on top of the continuous run time errors that still occur is really killing my vibe for this beautiful game.

I'm about 30 seconds away from running this game within a Windows XP virtual machine in hopes my issues will go away; but that'll likely generate more issues than actually solving anything.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated. As I'm already sure I tried everything I could, I want to at least know if others happen to encounter this as well. Feel free to make fun of me if it's something mind blowingly obvious.

General Discussion / Half Life 2: Deathmatch v2
« on: December 15, 2018, 02:59:53 PM »
A brand new take and redesign of an original map made by jirue. The original map that was made back in 2009 was meant to be Half Life 2: Deathmatch styled.(albeit the only thing resembling Half-Life was a crowbar)
post of origin here

I really liked this map when I first played on the server and I kept the save ever since, luckily the post is still available and with the original save(?).

I liked it so much in fact that I spent the last month rebuilding it from the ground up using fancy new brick addons that will make your load times excruciatingly painful. I used the entire original map as reference but all of it is completely rebuilt from the ground up.

The total brick count is an amazing 21,254 bricks compared to the original 9,084 bricks.


24 Spawn Points
           4x4 spawn bricks

Half-Life 1 Weapons

Half-Life-Like Playertype
           Blockland Glass

Crouch Jump
           Blockland Glass

Health Chargers
           100% functional true to the original games. One full charge gives 50hp (each unit heals by 1/8th, since I couldn't do +6.25hp it's +7hp).
           HOLD CLICK to use, technically you can spam click but I fixed a bug that -WarBoy- found unintentionally where it would heal you quicker.

Logical Complex Architecture
           The original map had limitations that forced the layout to be what it is, even though I lacked these restrictions I tried staying within the same layout but made up for it with details.

Borderline Unoptimized
           I have a decently aged gaming rig.(AMD FX8350/GTX 970) It seems to play it pretty well with shaders on, but I tried making it look good with shaders set to minimum, off makes it too bright.

Boring Color Pallet
           Colorset_Trueno Another limitation for me personally is not being comfortable enough to experiment with new colors, so you're stuck with whites and greys with a few anomalies.

Screenshots (click to see larger view)

~                                                                   ~                                                                   ~

~                                                                   ~                                                                   ~

I'm not fond of Blockland's lighting because I build with shaders completely off, I apologize if the lighting is terrible, I blame Blockland for always making interior lighting miserable to work with but that's a topic of discussion for another time.(like 5 years ago)


OFFLINE <-- click for suprise


I'd love to upload the save to public, but currently I lack the time and resources to hunt down every single addon I used in this project. I've dulled down quite a bit already so I can host for people with decently reasonable load times.

If someone wants to make a cool title graphic for me please do so. I'm 100% fully capable of doing so myself but lack free time. It seems people like a bit of professionalism to these things, and that helps.

I'll put up a video of people playing on the server, if it gets reasonably populated.

I want to make more of these, consistently. Possibly generate a map pool to play through. I already made a complete 1:1 replica of Half-Life 1 Crossfire in 2015, that would be the first addition.

General Discussion / Re: stupid stuff you used to think as a newbie
« on: November 19, 2018, 04:17:35 PM »
for some reason thought dedicated servers autosaved, came surprised to find an empty server upon restarting it after probably 80+ hours of up time.

General Discussion / Re: master server is NOT DEAD (11/13/18) (11/12/18
« on: November 14, 2018, 12:56:55 AM »
oh stuff forgot about my tdm wip. uh, i quit blockland again this stuff too hard

General Discussion / Re: ™ in the Blockland Logo
« on: October 08, 2018, 02:59:15 AM »
hehehe.. .isi t.. roosterland ........ ?? Lol.

The mod is finished.  Here are the contents of the /clanHelp command.

Please let me know if it breaks horribly.  I did as much testing as I could, but uh- 20k characters over 724 lines.  I may have missed something.

Thank you so much, I cannot express how appreciative I am of your hard work. I've been rather busy as of recent but I'll let you know what I find; if I find anything that is.

Gallery / Re: Potential TDM
« on: September 29, 2018, 09:34:55 PM »
can i help

Sure, I'm not sure how active I'll be. I'll PM you the invite.
I'm probably gonna start the dedicated server so I won't have to be online.

Gallery / Re: Potential TDM
« on: September 28, 2018, 09:15:56 PM »
do you have a discord

I do have a private one that's empty.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Server/Minigame - Client Controlled Clans/Teams
« on: September 28, 2018, 08:58:47 PM »
Should clans persistent between server restarts?
     You may desire to have /saveClans [filename] and /loadClans [filename]
          Excellent question, that would be extremely useful to choose what clan file is loaded. This would definitely come in handy in the event of changing the servers theme (e.g. from Deathmatch to Freebuild).
Should a client be able to be in multiple clans at once?
          This one I'm honestly not sure about. I thought I had good reason for limiting one clan per client, but as of right now I don't remember, and I can't really see anything wrong with it atm. I would suggest a limit on clan creation though.
Should a clan have an officer rank which can accept requests to join?
          This would be a great addition, possibly able to have multiple officers? In the event of a 24/7 server and different clan members want to recruit throughout the day.

Thank you Tendon for taking the time to look over this. I really appreciate it. I hope that this would be able to give a hint of originality to gameplay in some servers and maybe draw a small crowd for a while.

Gallery / Potential TDM
« on: September 28, 2018, 04:06:01 AM »
I didn't want to go public with this until it was done but I'm doing it anyways because the next stage of development is really boring and time consuming, but ultimately worth it *and possibly will kill the project so please motivate me thx*.
The theme is an extraterrestrial planet with opposing bases idk. I was planning for it being Mars but i'm still unsure. This is a proof of concept at best due to it's extremely early stages of development. I was kinda steering towards having the two bases be completely different from one another for playable sake (so it wouldn't get too repetitive) and also grants and incentive to join the other team from time to time.

I'm considering opening this up for anyone that wants to help, I really just need someone to help me outline a layout and I can easily do all the heavy lifting.

I originally intended to use default addons only, but evidently I couldn't resist the additional bricks and events. This still doesn't stop me from trying to match a LEGO aesthetic (as few non-brick models as possible).

The Video

Gallery / Re: Enhanced Graphics Screenshots + Graphical Resources
« on: September 28, 2018, 03:16:42 AM »

Blockland 360°

huh, never actually noticed that my video was on here.

Suggestions & Requests / Server/Minigame - Client Controlled Clans/Teams
« on: September 26, 2018, 01:59:11 AM »
I don't have a single clue of how to word this when searching, so don't kick my ass if some form of this already exists.

Firstly the idea isn't super complicated, but I have no understanding of torque to know if this is even possible due to the way clients communicate with the server.

What I'm looking for is a server sided addon that allows clients (specifically non-admins) to have the ability to create clans/teams on the server or in a minigame. The utility of being able to do this would give the players ultimate control of joining a clan, creating a clan, who can join, user defined clan names, and clan filtered events.

No UI is necessary imo, chat commands should be sufficient.

Example Commands (or whatever this is all being thought up on the spot let alone the fact that I have no idea how this works).

/clanList                               - Shows a list of all current clans on the server (hopefully includes number of clan members in each clan).
/clanJoin {clan name}      - Joins clan or sends join request to clan owner. Limits the player to one clan. (i have no clue how a clan owner should be able to lock a clan. Ideas 100% welcome).
/clanLeave                           - Leave current clan.
/clanCreate {clan name} - Creates a clan. Limits the player to one clan. Maybe have /clanCreate "{clan name}" "{o/c}" (o=open c=closed) if possible.

Clan Owners
/clanRequestList                 - Shows a list of all requests to join a closed clan. List shows both IGN and BL_ID (due to odd charters in name or name lengths).
/clanDecline {BL_ID}        - Declines client request to join your clan.
/clanAccept {BL_ID}         - Accepts client request to join your clan.

/clanDelete {clan name}  - Deletes a specific clan. Used for moderating offensive clan names and removing empty clans.


Giving a player the ability to generate an input based on being in a specific clan. Similar to Output Event checkTeam and Input Event onTeamCheckTrue


How should clan owners of locked clans be notified of join requests?
How should clan owners be able to block requests from specific BL_IDs?
Should clans be deleted when the clan owner disconnects?
Should clan owners maintain ownership upon reconnect (if clan still exists); and if so, how? (player persistence?)
Should admins/clan owners be able to limit maximum members per clan?
More ideas welcome.

Please excuse my limited knowledge of all of this. I never spent the 20 minutes to learn Torque, and have been busy in other game engines.
In the event that this doesn't exist in the way i'm imagining: I can see really interesting ways this addon could be used. Having a clan-based deathmatch or fortwar are two examples of that.

General Discussion / Re: Hello
« on: March 20, 2018, 02:35:00 AM »
why does this exist

Add-Ons / Re: e
« on: November 05, 2017, 04:54:59 AM »
this is r e t a r d e d and so am I for being here

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