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Messages - DarkShadow6

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Suggestions & Requests / Re: [BITCH] DEAR GOD THE NEW UI
« on: August 30, 2012, 07:54:57 AM »
So what I get from this is that some people like it and some don't.
I honestly hate it.
Yes, baddy, I don't like change.


Eh, I don't even know why I'm moaning about this anyway, not like I play BL much anymore.

He's basically new.
I do, however, take offence to that. I've been around a while.

Do i spy Facepunch speak?
Yeah, I'm a FP friend now. Who knew.
My friend was standing over my shoulder telling me what to write. I gave him leeway by throwing in infintesimal. I guess we both didn't know what it meant.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: [BITCH] DEAR GOD THE NEW UI
« on: August 26, 2012, 02:00:10 PM »
There's nothing to fix......



Suggestions & Requests / [BITCH] DEAR GOD THE NEW UI
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:54:27 PM »
I haven't played Blockland for at least three months.
So I come back
and then

I haven't messed with the new UI pretty much at all because the second I saw it I instantly raged and exploded. Why has Blockland enabled ROBLOX mode (i.e. replace already functioning UI with crappy stuff that (I am guessing) no one wanted apparently there is some want).
I am filled with infinitesimal infinite rage that cannot be output on any singular object of the entire universe, lest it be completely annihilated from the fabric of existence itself.

tl;dr fix itttt
inb4banbadspot is cool guy

Okay I messed with it
still all of my what

Add-Ons / Re: [UPDATED] Tier+Tactical 2.1 • New for the New Year!
« on: January 11, 2012, 01:44:17 AM »
you just wrote the biggest post in the topic that isn't about the op bitching and moaning about how you're so totally not bitching and moaning
i think you need help
Criticism is bitching?
Defending the fact that I'm giving honest criticism while tryimg not to bitch is bitching?
Bah, people confuse me. Dammed opinions...

I love the riotshield in this pack.
When i first saw it, i was like, but we allready have 2.
But then i was like: Me gusta. :3

Oh and the chainsaw is lovey too.
Though why doesn't it have a spinup time or something? :P
Not a big problem or anything, just something i am questioning. :P
I like the riot shield here better than the one I already have. Bushi's shield actually looks like a shield.

And I didn't get to look at the chainsaw when I had it, I guess I overlooked it.

Add-Ons / Re: [UPDATED] Tier+Tactical 2.1 • New for the New Year!
« on: January 10, 2012, 03:46:06 PM »
if i had to guess some random guy making a comprehensive list of every fault, nitpick and personal problem he can find and throwing them all into one big pile for all to see

and then apparently calling the creator non-creative
Qat, I didn't say you weren't creative. I just noticed the Syringe was awfully similar to KF's one and looks like/was apparently named a Stimpack.

i can understand a simple statement about how one specific bug or a few bugs are REALLY getting in the way of gameplay and are beginning to ruin the experience, like guns exploding in your hands or something for no reason at all, but if you're gonna cry about stuff like weird shell ejection angles then i have no sympathy from you
I'm not "crying" about anything, I am alerting you about odd happenings with your add-on. And in my opinion having less that none ammunition gets in the way of gameplay, as when you pick up more ammunition the negativity of the ammo you have is counted towards the final amount.
If you want to tell me I suck for alerting you of things that you broke (or things that I did not like, which, I must add, you don't have to care about if you don't want to) and giving non-rage criticism (which is rare these days), then I guess I'll just let you find them yourself and thus decrease the value of the add-on.

Quality doesn't matter to me, however, as I removed T+T2.1 shortly after I downloaded it, in favor of my old add-ons.

And when did I ask for your sympathy? Why do I even need it?

Edit, afterthough (I have too many of these). Part of creating things and then giving them to the community is creating things that people want. Vendor/consumer relationship can be a good thing, such as where feedback is appreciated and things are added/removed/fixed accordingly, or it can be bad, whereas the product doesn't conform to any likings of anyone. The point of releasing things to a community is to fufill the requirements and consumptions of the consumer.
If you didn't release this mod to do that, and do what you please/see fit with it, then don't expect people to download it. I am not saying it isn't popular/used, because it is. People still use this mod. I'm saying you could get more downloads and have more people use and like your mod if you listened to the feedback of the users of it.
In no way did I give my feedback with the intention to anger you or such, I gave it to help you make the mod better. If you don't want it, then you had better state it in the OP so people don't get the wrong idea and tell you how good/bad you're doing with something (and as such help maintain and update said product).

Cause all the people saying that hitscan is OP come from Call of Duty. Allthough I do agree that hitscan is a tad more difficult, mainly for two reasons:

1. Most of us coming from V8 on are too used to leading a target, thus having the instahit ability of hitscan can throw one off, say, if they switch from a assault rifle to a pistol.

2. YMMV, but in a proper build there's plenty of cover to hide from hitscan snipers, meaning you're spending less time popping wildly at exposed heads and more times focused looking for your target- and thus, exposed for countersnipes.
That's true, when I shoot most weapons that I have I try to compensate for velocity and distance. But instant-collision weapons do hold a few advancements, like being able to not dodge a bullet as it is fired from a long ways away. Then again, this is actually quite realistic, being as it can take three or five seconds for a .50mg bullet to fly a mile or two.

Add-Ons / Re: [UPDATED] Tier+Tactical 2.1 • New for the New Year!
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:55:34 PM »
I probably could remake it for Tier tac

Wow, Corp. You're everywhere, aren't you?

And yeah, I thought the syringe was a little too Killing Floor.
No one has any original ideas anymore, huh? I guess they're all taken already.

Personally I like some of the old models more than the new 2.1 models. Instead of remaking the original ones, I think the new models should of just been made as new skin things, and the old models touched up a little.
I especially miss the old Battle Rifle skin, that thing looked cool.
Oh well, it's not my mod (and if it was it would suck worse than this) so who am I to say?

Help / Bug: Infinite Number of Spawned Vehicles from One Spawn
« on: January 08, 2012, 08:10:42 PM »
So I was mucking around in BL today and found that the following events...

  • onVehicleSpawn > Vehicle > setScale [2.00]
[X] [100] onVehicleSpawn > Vehicle > setHealth
[X] [200] ohVehicleSpawn > Vehicle > respawn

...Makes the vehicle catch fire and not explode. This only seems to happen on some vehicles and not bots, but is confirmed for the Ball and the Jeep (for me).

Using the Add-On Event_Vehicle. I tried it with default Add-Ons and Event_Vehicle only and it still happened.

I don't know if this is the correct place to post this, maybe I'm blind and didn't see a Bugs section. Never reported one before.

I also don't know if this matters at all, seeing how Event_Vehicle is not a default Add-On. But a lot of people I know use it, and I was able to crash my client doing it.

Add-Ons / Re: [UPDATED] Tier+Tactical 2.1 • New for the New Year!
« on: January 08, 2012, 04:58:49 PM »
Doom invented the Stimpack, actually.
Wow, really? I had no idea. Brb Google.
EDIT: That's what those things are called? I just called them health pickups/powerups/whatever.
Hey, learn something every day.

Add-Ons / Re: [UPDATED] Tier+Tactical 2.1 • New for the New Year!
« on: January 08, 2012, 04:52:03 PM »
Wait why isn't the Syringe called the Stimpack anymore?
It's still called the Syringe.
It was called the Stimpack? Funny, I kind of thought that was what it looked like.
I guess Bushido wanted to be original and not rip Fallout o3o

Add-Ons / Re: [UPDATED] Tier+Tactical 2.1 • New for the New Year!
« on: January 08, 2012, 03:35:43 PM »
most of that stuff doesn't even matter because no one ever notices half that stuff.
Am I included in that no one?

and i believe that the dual smgs being green isn't a bug, since they have a different mag size and look different than the rest of the smgs, they're different smgs that are dual wielded.
Yeah, I figured that. But still, they look awfully similar but with small differences. I thought maybe he forgot to update the first model.

also, for some of that stuff, you're just doing something wrong.
I had no other add-ons loaded. Do you want me to load them from a clean install? >:|

sounds work perfectly fine for me, although i do get those console errors.
Have you tried the specific instances I mentioned? Such as, the sounds on the Riot Shield work fine, but the sounds for the Hatchet, for example, do not play. The swishing sound when you activate it plays, but impacts do not.

and since t+t came out with ammo, i have NEVER gotten negative ammo
Just because it didn't happen to Almighty Sami2ss doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

and no one ever reloads with the light key anyway
...I think you're just trying to suck up to OP. Everyone that I know that uses T+T uses Light key reload.

so you can see how that was overlooked.
No, I can't.

oh, and melee doesn't need critical hit, it's just for fancy effects.
Uh, what?
Where did I say that?
EDIT: Oh, you were talking to that guy. AFAIK T+T never used that?

and no, by easter eggs, he means the unexecuted weapons in the server.cs files
I know that, I was just being sarcastic. Just like the scoped Magnum in the last release.

example - the nailgun in one of the packages. probably didn't execute it automatically since a nailgun using 9mm ammo isn't the best idea, and he didn't want to make a new ammo type.
Not that I can say anything, I'm as lazy as they come.

Add-Ons / Re: [UPDATED] Tier+Tactical 2.1 • New for the New Year!
« on: January 08, 2012, 03:45:38 AM »
So wait.  Snipers have less range than normal rifles now?  What?
I dunno, I've been debugging crap for the last hour. I can test ranges.

Edit: ffsdhgj nevermind I'm going to bed.

Add-Ons / Re: [UPDATED] Tier+Tactical 2.1 • New for the New Year!
« on: January 08, 2012, 02:40:33 AM »
TL;DR: Bushido, not to be mean, but, fix your stuff before you release it. Even if it is "beta" or "alpha" or any other Greek letter (some people make that excuse, not saying you will), it shouldn't be released if it is buggy.

What I saw first:
  • See, this is the thing I don't like about T+T. I've used T+T1 and 2, but there were usually tiny, miniscule bugs that nagged me to death, even though they weren't that bad, that made me go back to my other guns. Like in this release, ci_DualSMGs1.png is not in Package_Tier2A. Now, why is that happening? I would have guessed someone would have spotted it.
  • And the fact that, as far as I can see, the tracer projectiles for the instant-hit guns (like the pistols and the Pepperbox) break the Portal Gun because %this is null in the onAdd method. I can understand this error, since it's kind-of old and not everyone has it.
  • I can see from the 2.1 and the fact that some of them don't have an icon that this isn't finished (it would probably be T+T3, then, huh?), but release candidates should at least not break things.

Negativity aside after a bit of looking:
  • The Drum LMG is full of lovey blocko goodness.
  • The dual weapons are all really fancy (I don't like how they are automatic, however. Mouse button press to shoot one and release to shoot the other would of been nice.).
  • The grenade ammo is a plus for me.
  • Your Riot Shield is better than the one I had.
  • Blocky LMG wins. It's so awesome looking.

But, as I kept toying with them, I found more bugs:
  • If you select another item from an empty grenade, your hand remains down (Looks cool, but shooting straight with your barrel in the ground is lame). Only with Lever Rifle Single Shotgun, forgot the name. Nevermind, the Single Shotgun just doesn't play an animation when equipping.
  • Dual Submachine Gun's shell casings come out of the handle.
  • Is it just me, or do melee weapons impact sounds not play? No console errors, though. EDIT:
Code: [Select]
Add-Ons/Weapon_Melee_Extended_II/Weapon_Sledgehammer.cs (155): Unknown command g
  Object L4BCookingKnifeImage(1382) L4BCookingKnifeImage -> tf2MeleeWeaponImage
-> ShapeBaseImageData -> GameBaseData -> SimDataBlock -> SimObject -> SimObject
    An error when using the Chef Knife. Why is the image named that? ...Actually, why does it have L4B AND TF2 nametags on it? Did I download the right thing?
  • Compact Bullpup model has an error on the front. That part needs to be normalized.
  • I picked up the Cowboy Magnum, fired until I reloaded, and somehow got -15 .880 ammo.
  • Submachine Gun dual != Submachine Gun? Just realized, too, Dual SMGs are green?
  • Fire with the Grenade Launcher and the ammo doesn't update. Still shows 1.
  • Used Light to reload the Lever Rifle, I got -53 ammo.
  • Reload with the Military Sniper using Light. I had 3 bullets in the magazine, 4 in reserve. Reload, no ammo in reserve, full magazine. What is going on with the Light-key reloading?
  • More Light key reloading problems: I had 7 bullets in the Semi-Auto Magnum (which has an ugly-ass model by the way, why so many holes?) with 4 in reserve. I reload using Light. Magazine gets 4 bullets, no bullets in reserve. What.
  • Did more Light-reloading testing, ammo bugs seem to only happen when you have less reserve ammo than you can put in a magazine. Doesn't happen for guns like the Slug Shotgun.
  • Some of the sounds don't play. Like, letting go with the mouse button with the Sniper Carbine. You don't hear that distinctive "click" like with the others that do that.
  • WHERE IS MY SLICK SHOTGUN?! That was my FAVORITE shotgun! D:
  • Your left arm goes and stays down when melee-ing with the Riot Shield.

  • A quick fix for those of you with the Portal Gun: Change...
Code: [Select]
function Projectile::onAdd(%this,%a,%b,%c,%d)
  %this.createTime = $Sim::Time;
   if(%this.getDatablock().getName() $= "portalProjectileBlue"){%this.sourceObject.bluePortalProjectile = %this;}
   if(%this.getDatablock().getName() $= "portalProjectileOrange"){%this.sourceObject.orangePortalProjectile = %this;}
    ...To this...
Code: [Select]
function Projectile::onAdd(%this,%a,%b,%c,%d)
  %this.createTime = $Sim::Time;
  if(isObject(%this) && isObject(%this.getDatablock())) // Fix.
   if(%this.getDatablock().getName() $= "portalProjectileBlue"){%this.sourceObject.bluePortalProjectile = %this;}
   if(%this.getDatablock().getName() $= "portalProjectileOrange"){%this.sourceObject.orangePortalProjectile = %this;}
    ...At line 1290 in Weapon_PortGun.cs.
  • I haven't read the thread, so I might be missing something / be late, or maybe someone else went bug-hunting. Oh well.
  • But I did read this:
Is 2.1 on RTB?

I really want to use these. And not download a software.
    qat, they're just zip files, and RTB downloads the same thing.
    I don't think these are on RTB, though. Those are T+T2.
  • If it matters, I downloaded the bundle of zips, just in case one of the add-ons was updated but not the package-deal.
  • Bushido, why are you lying to us?
[...] We've cleaned up our act. [...]
    Ha, no. There's more bugs here than before.
[...] Even more Easter Eggs: If I have to explain this to you, you wouldn't understand anyway. Hunt, Blockheads, Hunt! [...]
    By "Easter Eggs" do you mean bugs?

Drama / Re: Ichverbot - Alt of Iban?
« on: December 03, 2011, 07:51:24 PM »
He got banned for a reason
Yeah, I read that.
He was being a pretty big nuisance. I would of taken the situation a little differently (well, if I were him and I felt such a concentration of hate for said person(s), then maybe I wouldn't).
But still, my statement still stands. Not just about Iban but about all of us.

Drama / Re: Ichverbot - Alt of Iban?
« on: December 03, 2011, 07:42:42 PM »
Oh I guess you're right. Being a friend in response to friendry is a mature and civil response, we should be praising iban for his levelheadedness and civility.

No. Stop it.
Wouldn't you?
And I didn't say we should be praising him, just saying that instead of just typing out lots of fabrications and, as I have seen, lots of out-of-proportion opinions, we should think about what we type.

Drama / Re: Ichverbot - Alt of Iban?
« on: December 03, 2011, 07:39:59 PM »
Actually, I don't even remember how I got here.

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