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Topics - GavinTheZavin

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Off Topic / What was Blockland?
« on: September 09, 2023, 09:56:11 PM »
Looking back, a lot of the drama on this forum was pretty pathetic. It never really took much for some crybaby to write an entire drama thread for not liking you because you're acting immature or some stuff. Cough cough, Lord Tony
7 years ago, when I was a handicapped 11 year old, I was glad to have been the center of one in which I managed to set off a stuff ton of dumb teenagers on a lego forum.
I am supermarioRX1029.

I could list off so many funny takes of mines, but I would fill up this entire thread doing so, so I implore you to look into it yourself. Just incredible, immaculate, words of intellect, really. I think about how Badspot had to wake up the next day to see that his community was arguing with this one random handicap posting this stupid stuff, lol. Reading some of the stuff I had said back then makes me cackle, and even more so when I think about how all of those people were taking an argument with an 11 year old so seriously. But honestly, this forum did teach me a bit of a lesson on how to not act like a complete loving idiot online as I was maturing. But looking at the forum now, all I've seen is people looking in retrospect on what this community used to be, or what it could have been. Everyone is grieving, sortof. This community, on the surface, was friendly if you were an innocent Blockland player just playing the game and getting along with people on the servers the players had to offer. But once you got too deep, once you started hanging around the likes of the people on this forum is when it got forgeted up. This place did expose me to some weird stuff before I had even hit puberty. I remember being a part of the Blockland Furries discord with my friend, for whatever reason, because I used to absolutely hate all things furry and research. I think I was in there just to speak with people from Blockland, and I remember regularly just stuffting on people like Prjizevire for being weird. It was long ago, so a lot of my memory regarding that time is quite vague, but as I was reading over this forum the other day, I saw mention of Pie Crust and his incident in which he posted a stuff ton of dog research to the server.

Don't click this if you have a weak stomach. The material is censored, but barely.
I was the G A V I N guy. I forgot I was even there when that happened... like that memory was just so far in the back of my mind. I just remember thinking that he was handicapped and nasty and I probably just went on with my day after. Looking at Swollow's final message to badspot, and their use of phrase "handicapped and traumatized children", this place, looking back, really was forgeted up. Sometimes I wonder if Prjizevire knew what the hell he was doing erping with people in the single digits back in Blockland Furries. He was like 14 though, no offense to him should he happen to read this. Compared to other competitive titles such as Roblox, or Minecraft... Blockland was the game to be abandoned and never change as a result. Now one is a stuffty soulless corporate monopoly and the other is a stuffty grindfest with mediocre updates. No matter how you look at these games, they simply are not as fun anymore, just like Blockland. But technically, it never changed. We did.

Blockland right now is basically the exact same game that we would have so much fun on a decade ago. But at this point, I doubt anyone would really care if the there was a blue moon, and the loving stars aligned on Friday the 13th and V22 happened to release. We can't fight change, and we can't fight growing up no matter how hard we try. My little brother has started using my Wii lately, and sometimes when he leaves it on, the menu music and the interface will draw me in. I'll sit down, and I'll stare at the screen thinking about how a decade ago, there was time where I would play on this console night and day just beating people up in Brawl. And now my brother's sort of doing the same. It's like he inherited the Wii from me. It's a strange thought. Life will always go on, things will come, things will go. One day every single one of us who has posted on this forum will die and the world will keep spinning and we'll be being read about a century later. All of these things that we've enjoyed online have made an impact on humanity, and people will one day look at it just like how people look back on stuff like old mickey mouse cartoons.

Also, on the topic of Badspot, when I was young, I used to think badspot was cool and deserved respect until I grew up and realized he was a loving stupid ignorant research addicted incellious manchild. I don't really know if he was any better back then compared to now, but I imagine so. It needs no introduction, but his handicapped article where he throws a tantrum about how every woman in every videogame ever isn't a peak 11/10 big boobie super love goddess says plenty. Change didn't do that dumb bastard very well, and I think everyone on this forum has made that pretty clear. I wonder when he'll shut this forum down. Subpixel seems to be rotating boards, so he's probably making an archive right now. It is quite sad to see what this forum has become, but it's time to move on and continue on with our lives. It's nice to look back on what this place was, maybe not so good to regret what we should have done regarding certain bad actors, but it's all in the past now and we should focus on making the present and future better. Sorry for my meltdown half a decade ago.

Well, those are some of my ramblings. Farewell Blockland, that game where you built stuff!

Music / Fatty Spins - Doin Your Mom
« on: July 13, 2018, 06:52:33 PM »

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