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Author Topic: Kashik's Map Pack! (New Map!)  (Read 45035 times)

"I came, I saw, I vomited all over my keyboard."
-Julius Caesar

But in all seriousness, have you ever played on another map? Do any of those maps even slightly resemble this stuff? My god the Pluto V.2 Map was better then this.

Next time, go look outside and notice that nature does not produce straight perfect lines and that mountains aren't Huge cylinders. Plus, I doubt you know anything on packaging, good thing you used Default Textures! Also, please learn to relight.

Nice try, but come back later.

Edit: Something else I just noticed, why the hell are the mountain tops dirt? You do know the higher you get, the colder it is, so the more likely it is to snow up on-top.

The second one has all of the same reasons. It looks stuffty. Naturally, you don't see square lakes and perfectly flat ground and FREAKING HIGH, ROUND MOUNTAINS! Seriously those ARE perfectly round. Flame on.

Wow, I was gonna flame him too but... I think you guys have... well... made him cry...beat his sorry butt with a 2 by 4... and spit in his eyes bfore I even saw this post. So... yea, add kindling to the fire, this map sucks.

You people need to read more because you have just proven my Point

Good first map

Says the guy with barrack obama as his avatar, lol funny avatar KFC but still, map sucks.

I think the second map is really nice, but please for the first one kind of make the shores a bit rounder instead of straight... Overall I think they are pretty good for a first... if it really is a first :/
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 05:50:21 PM by Jacky »

Who the hell are you?

Have you even looked outside, ever? This map looks like a complete stuff sack, so I responded in the most appropriate way possible.

And, since I am not worth your time, I hope you go burn in the non-existent hell.
Oasis The first map is not the best, the second i like, and you dont have to be such a god damn bitch to everyone. 

Ehhh, its ok but why is the ground BLOO in da first one?

Ehhh, its ok but why is the ground BLOO in da first one?
Learn to spell.

One i do know how to package. Two your a dumbass. Thirdly i like the look of the dirt on top.Forth and last i havent even seen any of your stuffy maps (if you can make maps).
These maps are horrible colladal islands has a cheap glitch where when you go underneath the water
the texture for the map is gone and the sun is stupid.