Author Topic: Haven & Hearth; World 4!  (Read 1117439 times)


Damn, I think mine froze. It's stuck on a white screen after click "Create Character."

Ninja: nvm It just loaded

Double toast; Where are you, colten and why is it so laggy? :c

Are you in a little villiage?
Also add Netloc95 to your hearthlist thing

Are you in a little villiage?
Also add Netloc95 to your hearthlist thing
It's a lean to and a few trees.

Oh stuff I forgot we abandoned that site...
Go north until you hit a desert. Ill meet you there.

Oh stuff I forgot we abandoned that site...
Go north until you hit a desert. Ill meet you there.
What could I type to get there in the hearth secret thing?

Nick it'd be easier for you make ANOTHER character and just type Netloc95 as the hearthsecret
That will take you to the village center

Nick it'd be easier for you make ANOTHER character and just type Netloc95 as the hearthsecret
That will take you to the village center

Add me, hearth secret is 'gunman'

We need to consolidate our efforts and form one nation of villages.

I am game for being the leader due to my time on the last world.

I am game for being the leader due to my time on the last world.

I vote Chesse20 to be the leader, due to his experience being a leader and a cool kid.

Why do we need a leader

We should have a leader from each village or no leaders.
The main point is that we should consolidate our efforts.

I vote no leader
I dont feel like having some conceited prick telling me what to do :/