Author Topic: Accused for hacking at school.  (Read 62660 times)

On Friday I wrote and ran a .bat script that shut down everyone's computer in my class. (I had to shut mine down too for cover :C)

I wasn't accused of hacking but the IT teacher that saw me must have thought that I was hacking.
I made a simple calculator that ran in the command prompt, and used in math class, playing mathletics an IT teacher passed by and saw me, he asked what was the thing happening in the command prompt and I told him it was my own calculator, result: congratulations. my heartbeat went and stayed up for a short while.

On Friday I wrote and ran a .bat script that shut down everyone's computer in my class. (I had to shut mine down too for cover :C)
Gimme dat bat.

At my old school which I got kicked out of, we were in a free lesson of IT, I decided to mess around with windows programs (PowerPoint, Word etc) and look at some batch files, I decided to write a couple lines of codes, executed it, teacher saw, for some reason she didn't look bothered, I opened up Task Manager & CMD and as soon as she saw CMD she shouted at me for hacking, I was sent down to the office where I was yelled at more :@

and oh yeah, I remember the time I litteraly scared the forget out of my class mates by doing..
Code: [Select]
@echo off
echo Preparring to

hack... Loading Trojan!

Done! System32

Deleted! PROFIT!
goto a
Lol you should have seen them they were like "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"
« Last Edit: May 23, 2010, 06:56:22 PM by Superlolman »

My actual storah:

I was messing around on Blockland in my class's freetime, During a time on a server, my teacher came up to me, as I was saving my key's notepad onto a sharedrive, FLIPPED OUT, and beat the living stuff out of me with the keyboard. The next day, I rang up the five-oh in the classroom, Immediately the class was SWARMED by cops. They looked at my wounds, sent the teacher in cuffs, and all we heard was the flash of sirens going off as they pulled away. The principal wouldnt hire anyone, so he named it "Free Class." No teacher, no rules, play whenever we want. Now I'm serious. I made a batch file. Made a wordart snake and opened the file on the principals computer, we both laughed, he had no problem with it.


and oh yeah, I remember the time I litteraly scared the forget out of my class mates by doing..
Code: [Select]
@echo off
echo Preparring to

hack... Loading Trojan!

Done! System32

Deleted! PROFIT!
goto a
Lol you should have seen them they were like "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"
Yeah, too bad that little code you made doesn't work at all. It scrolls to fast for anyone to even see a damn word. Try again later.

ok. for our language arts class, we were supposed to make a blog on blogspot about a book we read. in order to do this, you need a gmail or google account. alot of people made them then, but i used my normal one. I got banned from computer because my gmail address is :(

ok. for our language arts class, we were supposed to make a blog on blogspot about a book we read. in order to do this, you need a gmail or google account. alot of people made them then, but i used my normal one. I got banned from computer because my gmail address is :(
Time to give that to 4chan.

Yeah, too bad that little code you made doesn't work at all. It scrolls to fast for anyone to even see a damn word. Try again later.
Slow computer ftw

Time to give that to 4chan.
Heh, I'm so cool because I think 4chan is my personal army and will hack anything I post there!

ok, so for april fools i decided to prank my non tech savy friends by making this .bat file look like internet explorer:

@echo off
color 04
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto a
 hahahahaha my friend thought his computer died!

lol, your schools are over paranoid, at our school command prompt isnt blocked!

Hey, what's the directory for the IE icon? I wanna try and prank someone by using the rainbow code wedge had.

Code: [Select]
@echo off
color a3
color b3
color c2
color e5
color d0
color a2
color f4
color a3
color c8
color b9
color d3
color b4
goto :a
Anyway to make it auto full screen?