Author Topic: Accused for hacking at school.  (Read 62674 times)

i vacuumed the cords of my headphones while they were still plugged in. the tip of the thing broke off and now i cannot hear anything from my computer because its as if headphones are still in there.
how do i get it out?

I was at school. I wanted to show off my little 2d game like star ocean using ruby scripting. The gameplay was only 2 hours long.
My teacher let me. But then. The teacher said: OMG YOU ARE HACKING!!!
I said: Come on. Its only an game.
I sighed.
But then The teacher said: No. You put this video game virus on our computer.
But i showed it off on my computer.
And the teacher still yells at me about a virus. And then i was sent to to the principals office.
Luckily my principals smart and scanned the file. No virus. The teacher was let off with an warning to scan the file before running it.
My lucky day.
This was reposted from last page.

i vacuumed the cords of my headphones while they were still plugged in. the tip of the thing broke off and now i cannot hear anything from my computer because its as if headphones are still in there.
how do i get it out?

Vacuum the headphone jack.

i vacuumed the cords of my headphones while they were still plugged in. the tip of the thing broke off and now i cannot hear anything from my computer because its as if headphones are still in there.
how do i get it out?
Open the speaker.

I need help with a batchfile
Code: [Select]
@echo off
echo Matrix loaded
set input=
set /p input= Start Matrix? [Y/N]
if %input%==Y goto activate
if %input%==N goto deactivate
echo Matrix started.
color 02
echo %random%
color 02
echo deactivating.
timeout 10
echo deactivated.
timeout 5
when i enter Y, it goes to :deactivate, when I only want it to go to :activate.
I want N to only go to :deactivate
help pls

Once I had to get the W-LAN key from the router at my grandmother's house.

They didn't give it to me.

On the router page, I could easily get to the page by just putting in the router model number.


When I changed the key, they called it "hacking."

To this day, they still do.  :cookieMonster:

This site is not blocked. I am posting from school.  :cookieMonster:

My god i openned notepad and started practicing with my scriting skills and was accused of hacking

Teachers are idiots.

im serious
Are they plugged into the computer's audio jack, or one that is an external input (like on a speaker?)

A dumb-ass kid in my class thinks hacking is getting on to someone's account just by getting their password not from them. I'm like, "What the stuff?"

At my school, They blocked the CMD, Task manager, Control panel, and the access to the "C:" drive. I still got into the C drive because my school is handicapped.

My class started randomly talking then for some reason the class' conversation somehow went to "cake" and some kid said "the cake is a lie". Meme abuser, much?
« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 12:16:36 AM by Arcturus »

I hate to be off-topic but what the forget happened to page 28?