
What to focus on first?

Polish and mod completion (add special functionality to bugs and stuff that have been needing it)
Finish and release the MAS Magma Exo-suit
Finish the MAS Scarab-Wasp playertypes
Create more ASN (robotic) playertypes
Finish up and release the currently exsistant but unrelased bugs (the Tremormites, the two spiders, BugMod 3, ect)
Work on the remainder of the wasps
Work on new bugs!
Create more MAS weapons/suits/items/ect

Author Topic: The Bug & MAS Mods (Server coming maybe)  (Read 645623 times)

oh god he escaped the jail!

That 42% skilled no rope water shot though.

i found this scroll that fell from the sky and its somehow about me for some reason

No need for that, I have other ways to track him down. Tracking devise! :>

but the scroll also said in the back of it that it would give you more technology c:

but the scroll also said in the back of it that it would give you more technology c:
How about this, if my plan doesn't work, I'm pretty sure it will though, then we will go with what the scroll said.

i found this scroll that fell from the sky and its somehow about me for some reason


Just no.

Sorry but this is a silly idea, and is completely random.
Plus your not really in this story.

Ya, lego is right on this one. :/

That is really nice, I like it.

these mods are not ones that I intend to use on the server. Not any time soon, anyway.
Get your prioritys straight, please.
I am sorry if I sound rude but you should just focus on one mod genre right now. This meaning the Bug/MAS/Dread centipede things, and save the off-topic mods (swifty, energy bosses, etc) for after the fact, because right now most players want the bugs, rather than the same old BugVSmas TDM with the same exact bugs/classes as last weeks and a random new 50% done playertype that they can't play as. I am sure they would much rather have more progress on the bug/MAS mods at this point.

The point is, try to work on only one mod pack right now, whether it be energy bosses, dragons, MAS/bugs, etc. Pick your favorite.

Again, sorry if I sound rude.

Get your prioritys straight, please.
I am sorry if I sound rude but you should just focus on one mod genre right now. This meaning the Bug/MAS/Dread centipede things, and save the off-topic mods (swifty, energy bosses, etc) for after the fact, because right now most players want the bugs, rather than the same old BugVSmas TDM with the same exact bugs/classes as last weeks and a random new 50% done playertype that they can't play as. I am sure they would much rather have more progress on the bug/MAS mods at this point.

The point is, try to work on only one mod pack right now, whether it be energy bosses, dragons, MAS/bugs, etc. Pick your favorite.

Again, sorry if I sound rude.

You are mostly correct and I agree with you (Swifty is not an "Off-topic" project. Dragons are equal with the bug/MAS mods, and certainly people have pestered me about the dragons and bugs/MAS on a roughly equal basis). You aren't the first person to suggest that I work on a single project, and I have attempted to do such a thing in the past.

Thing is, I have always had a very hard time focusing solely on one project, due to various reasons. Most commonly I'll just become burnt out on a project, so progress slows, and then I get a great idea for another project and feel very motivated to work on that instead.
Also I'll simply get stuck on a project. In the case of the Bug/MAS mods, I've either been undecided on a design (the huge gap in Scarab-Wasp progress was caused by this) or in need of scripts that are beyond my capability to create. These are mostly bad habits/problems of mine that I need to overcome. I am sorry that everything has been going so slowly.

My current main Blockland project is technically not the Bug/MAS Mods, nor is it the Dragon or Elemental mods. However it does require some things from my other projects (new Dread bug, anyone?), so those projects won't be totally set aside (except for the Elementals pack, which has always been a side project). Think of it as a more directed attempt on my part to meet requirements/finish mods needed to complete the actual project.

Oh and about my priorities, they look something like this:

  -IRL non-college things
  -Not getting burnt out from college (so I have the motivation to work on Blockland things)
  -Blockland projects

And I excuse any possible rudeness on your part. :P
Sorry if my answers aren't very satisfying. This whole subject is a little difficult for me to talk about.