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Author Topic: RuneScape - I'm not skilled enough to brush some dirt off this herb  (Read 726263 times)

anyone wanna go dungeoneering with me? It gets boring by myself after so long..

That's junk. Valueless.
anyone wanna go dungeoneering with me? It gets boring by myself after so long..
CBT level is 51, dung is 36, trying to finish the first floor of furnished.

sure why not
just add me, I have stuff internet so dont expect for me to be in the same world every day


sure why not
just add me, I have stuff internet so dont expect for me to be in the same world every day

world 45.
I'll be waiting.

I was just there, didnt see anyone besides high levels
World 116 has the lowest ping for me, can you meet me there?

I dunno when I'll renew my subscription and start playing. I'll need friends to play with if when I do.

i hope they get that combat update soon, it's the only reason i actually give a stuff about this game anymore.

I did it. I beat the cheese wheel roll. I'll get a vid up soon.

Anyone wanna play for most of the day tomorrow? Got a date around 6 pacific time, just wanna do something til then

Scream_12589's my name, just post if you wanna play and I'll get on in the morning. c: I'm not a member anymore either, by the way.

I'm bored off my tits, anyone want to do low-level dungeoneering right now?
I'm only, like, level 8 in it because I don't like grouping with people I don't know :I

Does it really make that much difference who you group with at level 8? Do a 5:5 with a random group on the highest floor you can do large, and you'll get 5-6 levels per floor.

I did it. I beat the cheese wheel roll. I'll get a vid up soon.
Forgot to post video last night, was really tired.

insta-kill dart
remote deposit
extreme heal box
(please for the love of god pick 2 revivals and 2 kill darts if you need to deposit something that bad then just use an imp box)
then again you need membership for august/september
you also get a free costume, more spins, extra XP
also xp necklaces lol
oh look i'm running cannonballs and it is extremely low maintenance and takes forever
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 07:38:13 PM by Moriarty »

insta-kill dart
remote deposit
extreme heal box
(please for the love of god pick 2 revivals and 2 kill darts if you need to deposit something that bad then just use an imp box)
then again you need membership for august/september
you also get a free costume, more spins, extra XP
also xp necklaces lol
oh look i'm running cannonballs and it is extremely low maintenance and takes forever
i would pick all revivals, i'm patient in combat.

oh look i'm running cannonballs and it is extremely low maintenance and takes forever
i would've loved to have you run cannonballs for me when i actually had money