Author Topic: ►►►[Tutorial] Making a weapon for Return to Blockland  (Read 20496 times)

Cause it coulda been backwards!!! Is it?

Put it in the game and try?

I screwed up quite alot. I suck with milkshape :P Does it looks ok so far though?

Oops  :cookieMonster:
How do I make it a hell of a lot smaller? Just scale it?
[edit] oh ya, it works fine btw.

I scaled it from 1.0 to 0.1, that seemed to do it, don't you think?
triple post :D

K, I completely finished it, I couldn't figure out how to get the materials thing to work since i only had one half of the picture. It does 35 damage, it's pretty cool! Come to my weapon war server if you wanna see it. Theres one triangle in it that sticks out a bit for some reason, I couldn't fix that sadly.

Ok, I exported it to a .3ds and imported it into  3DS Max. This is the render. (Still no skin)

Sadly, It is actually that bad. Cardboard cutout please. Yeah, You're on the right track, but start making it really 3d, instead of a thick cardboard cutout. Hmm?

Look at the back of the grip, not the front. (On a view model, You don't see the front of the grip, do you.)

Actually, I thought that model would look rather good in retail, except for the random slash through the modwl which I have highlighted. It does need some more work though, but that looks about the right shape. Except Retail already has a pistol in it.

As for an actual model, I wouldn't suggest posting it yet D:
Keep practicing, the model would be a lot better if you rounded it out and added details.