
How embarrassing was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

A little

Author Topic: Embarrassed?  (Read 13200 times)

There was a dance in 5th grade, and you could pay $10 to make a music video of you dancing with your friends.

Me and my friend were chatting and one of the teachers grabs us and tells us to do a music video with some mentally handicapped kids. And the girl that I had a crush on was watching me the entire loving time. I ran out of the school before I could get a copy of the music video.


I crapped in my pants and it stuck out so it looked like I had my upper body on backwards. (I was like 3)

For a whole day in 2nd grade I walked around with a giant ass hole in my pants. Nobody told my, not even my teacher :O
Fail teachers

I remember having to go to a dance with friends. The problem was that I couldn't dance worth stuff and I had to dance in front of everyone. So I had to dance like a 2 year old for about 2 hours. I could not stay for the next hour after embarassing myself.

It's sad that what is so embarrassing people won't even point it out to you, and when you get home your parent are all "HOLY SHAT DID YOU GO AROUND SCHOOL LIKE THAT?!" And then FINALLY you realize it and go "Oh god..." >_<

Hey bro, nice topic! Much better than mine  :panda:

Hey bro, nice topic! Much better than mine  :panda:
When he says 'bro', he literally means bro. He is my handicapped brother.  :cookieMonster:

When he says 'bro', he literally means bro. He is my handicapped brother.  :cookieMonster:


When he says 'bro', he literally means bro. He is my handicapped brother.  :cookieMonster:
I have enough insults from the Drama section, I don't need any more.

Sometime around first grade or so. I was in class and had diarrhea. I was sitting in my seat and crapped myself right there all of a sudden. Went to the bathroom, there was a enclosed toilet in the classroom, took off my underwear and threw them under a low table when I came out. I crapped my pants and had to sit in it until recess started. After everybody left I told my teacher and went home.. :c

Sometime around first grade or so. I was in class and had diarrhea. I was sitting in my seat and crapped myself right there all of a sudden. Went to the bathroom, there was a enclosed toilet in the classroom, took off my underwear and threw them under a low table when I came out. I crapped my pants and had to sit in it until recess started. After everybody left I told my teacher and went home.. :c

so... you did it twice??? xD

so... you did it twice??? xD
Actually, I think I did it three times in class. Twice when I had no underwear.

I pooped my pants why I was like 6

I was very self confident in sixth grade and thought I was strong. I got my ass handed to me by my friend and didn't talk for the rest of the day.

One time i was outside *i was like 8* playing with my friends then i had to go take a whiz while im taking a whiz my friend scared me so i farted and it sounded like a crapped my pants and he laughed so hard my friends thought it was for real when he said "he crapped his pants!" i was freaking embarassed.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 01:14:29 AM by Gimmedagun »

I accidentally walked into the girls bathroom in like fifth grade. Luckily no one was in there, and I was able to walk out and go into the guys restroom without being noticed :P