
Are you going to PAX?

25 (9.6%)
235 (90.4%)

Total Members Voted: 259

Author Topic: PAX 2010 - Update  (Read 36057 times)


Wish I could. Maybe you could arrange an official Blockland Meeting for people to come to. Preferrably in Colorado.
No it should be in Nebraska because it is in center.

No it should be in Nebraska because it is in center.
No it should be in D.C. because its cool.

No money for passport or plane ticket, otherwise I would attend.

I'm pretty sure I like PAX more than any other yearly event including Christmas. I would go to great lengths to make sure I could attend, because a year without PAX is worse than a year without Christmas.

That's pretty close from where badspot lives.
I don't know anything about it, so I'm not going.
Don't try to convince me.

I wouldn't be able to go because I live in Arkansas, and I have no money.

I wouldn't be able to go because I live in Arkansas, and I have no money.
You are also too young.

You are also too young.

You're younger than him.

According to profiles :I

You're younger than him.

According to profiles :I
He's not saying he's going now is he?

I'm going.  Here's an idea, make a twiter account (if you don't have one). Then at some point Tweet something like: "standing at food court untill 2pm" or "currently at booth 117".

Are there any gaming events near the L.A. - Malibu area that multiple blocklanders attend?

I'm in Tucson Reactor Worker, you need a better excuse that that. This is like the pilgrimage to Mecca. If I were a more sane person, I could say that I'm exaggerating.

I don't really have the money necessary to fly or drive there, never mind the cost of a hotel room for a few days.

It's something I may attempt in the future, but I'll have to plan it out better. Perhaps next time we can carpool?