Total Members Voted: 365
Kalphiter wants the dough!
this is illegal you idiot. your breaking the code of conduct that you agreed to when you bought the game. you CANNOT profit from this game, because you do not have the rights to.i suggest you stop.
start 45 min ago, around 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm... that total about 4k files inside per each zip folder. They still transfer folder from my add-on into this server add-on.
So, what's the problem then? Too slow transfer?
Furling are you handicapped? Dedicated servers enable ALL those add-ons. Your server is sure to break from conflicting mods.
How do I alter which colorset is used by the server?
May I ask what service you use to pay for this?
These 3 people haven't used their server in the last day:Pecon7DrenDranHeedicalkingWhy?Anyways, if 11 people voted for a price that we're currently charging, then where are 11 people? I only see 6.