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Author Topic: Highler Ridge :: Welcome to the city.  (Read 25726 times)

And then a mighty DOGE from BLOCKHELL comes and FIRES A BEAM OF SPARKS at the 3 LEGGED ANGEL OCTOPUS.

And then Chuck Norris comes and makes everything normal! :O

Back on-topic folks.

Name: Bruce
Status: Scared and a bit confident
Inventory: Jail keys, 10mm pistol, and combat knife
Karma: -30
Location: Goodyear Maximum Security Jail
Objective: Escape before being put to death tomorrow morning
Cash: None

"forget. Get off of me (that's what she said)," I yelled. The guards dragged me into another cell. This time it was empty. An empty gray cell with nothing but a toilet, sink, bench, and a bed. The guards tossed me in the cell making my face slam against the face of the toilet, which hasn't been cleaned in God knows how long.

"Now, you stay in there until the chief comes and decides what to do with you ya lil' rascal," one of the guards yelled. He flicked me off and went down the hallway back to his quarters with his fellow guards.

I sat down on the bench thinking about what to do. I only took breaks thinking when I had to take a stuff and that was often. But, anyway, I had to think of something. I could steal the guard's keys when he gives me my midday meal. But that would be too risky. I poked my head and looked down the hallway. I say 2 guards on one end and 2 on the other end. Then there was one guard guarding the one entrance and exit to this section of the jail. I squeezed my head back behind the jail bars and sat back down on the bench. About then, one guard dropped off my midday meal. It was something that didn't even look edible. Then, I thought of a good plan. Before the guard managed to sneak past my sight, I took some of the inedible food and threw it at the back of his head.

"Why you little piece of stuff prisoner. I'll teach ya a lesson all right," the guard said in pure anger. He rolled up his sleeve and tensed his muscles. I could tell he was pretty mad if a guard would do such a thing. He unlocked my jail cell and started to punch me. I easily blocked it making him fall over and landing face first on the stone wall behind me. I took my mattress and slammed it across the back of his head while I had the chance. He fell down back onto the bench, laying unconscious.

Unfortunately, the noise of the little scoff I got into got some of the guards in my section alerted. I had no time to lose. I quickly frisked the unconscious officer and found his keys and his 10mm pistol. I also managed to take a knife right when the guards came in. I tried to look and sound as casual as I could.

"This guard just had a heart attack. He collapsed onto the bench," I said obviously faking. The guards weren't buying it since they could see the mattress on him too. I acted quick and pulled out my combat knife on one of the guards. I quickly gave him a slice across the forehead and then threw the knife at the other guard's chest. It went right in resulting in the guard falling over, dropping the pistol he was just about to fire. I pulled the knife from his chest and slipped it back into my pocket. Step 1 was complete. Now I just have to escape.

Name: Max
Status: Fine
Items: Nothing
Location: Kelton
Cash: $11,100
Karma: 0
Objective: No current objective
Gained: Nothing
Lost: Nothing

Jake and Carter were taking WAAAY to long. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I noticed guards running toward the exit. "WHY ARE WE DOING THIS AGAIN?!" one said. "SOMEBODDY IS TRYING TO ESCAPE THE GOODYEAR JAIL!" another said. As they all ran off one of them tripped. He dropped his keys. He didn't notice, he just got up and ran off. I nabbed the keys and unlocked my cell. I then headed for the OPPOSITE direction the cops were going. Thanfully all the cops left the west wing. I entered the boss's office slowly. He wasn't there. I opened his window and hopped down to the parking lot. Jake and Carter were trying to get in the window I jumped from. They stopped. "How did you get out?" Jake asked. "Cops all left to stop some guy from escaping from the Goodyear jail" I responded. Carter nodded. "He could prove some use to us!" Jake said. "Agreed" I said. "We're a bunch of failures!" Carter joked. I gave him a dirty look. "HEY!" Somebody shouted. I looked up at the window to find a cop. He pulled out a gun and started firing at me. I made a dash for the nearset cop car. I didn't take it, I hid behind it. Jake and Carter did the same. "Guys, get out of here, I'm not letting us all go to jail" I said. "What?!" Jake said astonished. "I'll take this car and go find the convict, you guys get out of here. I don't want jail on your records. Me and Goodyear convict boy both have jail on our records, which means we will be targets for the cops! Get out of here and don't get caught, I don't want you guys to be targets!" I explained. Jake nodded. I hopped into the cop car and headed for Goodyear. Only God knows if convict boy is gonna play nice...

But Jokey, this is hard enough to imagine. Now you make me try and partner with you? :|

Let's just see where this goes

But Jokey, this is hard enough to imagine. Now you make me try and partner with you? :|

Let's just see where this goes
I'm not MAKING you partner with me, I'm just sick of star and morningstar taking to long to post. You can decline to being parnters if you want, I really don't care

I'm not MAKING you partner with me, I'm just sick of star and morningstar taking to long to post. You can decline to being parnters if you want, I really don't care
I could. I finished my primary objective. Let's see how this'll play out and go from there.

It appears I love this thread.

And I love GTA IV more. :o

It appears I love this thread.

And I love GTA IV more. :o
That's what you said about the Broken World RP and then abandoned it.

That's what you said about the Broken World RP and then abandoned it.

Because I found the style repetitive and there was only so many things you can do. This is modern. Plus Im the only cop so it leaves me to hog the attention.

Plus Im the only cop so it leaves me to hog the attention.
Artist's Rendition:

« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 05:55:24 PM by *Magick* Mage »

Silly Mage, in my sentence, "hog" was a verb, not a noun. :o

Silly Mage, in my sentence, "hog" was a verb, not a noun. :o

Artist's Rendition:


Because I found the style repetitive and there was only so many things you can do. This is modern. Plus Im the only cop so it leaves me to hog the attention.
Damn you. Stop whoring attention ;_;

Name: Bruce
Status: Worried
Items: Combat knife, 9mm pistol, and set of keys.
Gained: Freedom
Lost: None

Freedom was at hand. Until the entire police force came to neutralize me. The west wing was on the other side of the jail and I was on the east. More forces were pouring in as I knew it. I had to think quick. I looked at the air duct in the ceiling. I decided to climb up the wall and take it hoping that this would take me to the west wing. I kept crawling through, seeing guards at every entrance of the east wing. Luckily, they were pretty stupid to hear no noise. After what I thought to be in the west wing, I was in the south wing. I jumped out of the duct and silently assassinated a guard. I took his clothes and disguised myself hoping it would help.

Suddenly, I could hear footsteps all around. They knew I was in the south wing. I took a doorway and acted like I was guarding it.

"Is everything ok here Sarge?" one of the officers asked

"Yes. Nothing has come by yet," I could've assassinated them with my knife but that would have just caused more trouble. I asked for an M16 from one of the troopers which he handed to me. My reckless side took the best of me. I drew my gun and shot both of them in the chest, making them fall over and laying still.

I headed west and could see prisoners begging for help. I ignored them. The last thing I wanted was a prison riot. I finally found the captain's office. The same captain who had acquired me earlier and tortured me. I could see an open window with a rope hanging outside of it. Outside was the key to victory. I saw a few people ahead shooting at someone else. I carefully took aim and shot them. I climbed down the rope and ripped off my police disguise. The three men came up to me and started to introduce themselves.

"Hello, I'm Carter," one said

"And I'm Jake," the other said

Then the other came out of a police car which I presumed he was hotwiring. "Hello, I'm Max. I presume we have met before. You look quite familiar."

"Strange. Well, anyway, I'm Bruce. I suppose you have a plan to get out. The entire police force is ready to come over to the west wing," I said a bit frantically.

"Sure. But first, let's wait," Max responded

I have decided to partner with Jokey, Star, and morningstar :D   

I wanna meet up with Jorici in the middle of a shootout with swat and my target's guards.

Not to burst your bubble ipod, but I ditched star and morningstar since they pretty much never post. I'm just gonna ditch them now.

Name: Max
Status: Fine
Items: Nothing
Location: Wallack
Cash: $11,100
Karma: 0
Objective: No current objective
Gained: Nothing
Lost: Nothing

"BRUCE, GET IN!" I shouted. Bruce hopped into the back. "What about the others?" he asked. "I'm letting them escape, the cops are gonna be all over me since I just busted out of the hold!" I responded. He nodded and we drove the #$%& out of there! Jake and Carter ran for another car and drove in a different direction. Of course the cops were after me. "BRUCE, SHOOT THEM!" I shouted at Bruce. He leaned out of the window and shot at the cops. A few were hits but more then half of the pursuing cops remained. He stopped. I decided to head for my warehouse. I made a sharp turn and noticed the bridge was up. "HERE WE GO!" I shouted. I floored it and drove onto the bridge. We made a leap of faith. I blacked out for a  second. The jolt of hitting the ground knocked me back to Earth. After a minute I hit the breaks and pulled it into reverse into my warehouse. I hid it behind a few boxes and shoved Bruce and I into my mattress box. The cops stopped right in front of the warehouse. They searched the surrounding area. They left with a few rocks unturned, like my box and the boxes in front of the police cruiser. The cops drove off and I exited the box. I pulled Bruce out. "Now then, where were we?" he asked.