Author Topic: Terraria - 2D Minecraft More focused on RPG/Action, surprise 1.3 :^)  (Read 1432638 times)

Currently playing with someone else on a server and sadly there is crimson.
I personally like Corruption more, but Crimson is okay too.
The face monsters are really terrifying though. :P

Deffo prefer crimson to corruption. Cooler enemies, creepier, a less annoying design to cave system (not likely to plummet to your death, and have enemies attack from all areas, rather than funneled in).
The only crimson thing I do not like (or didn't when just starting hardmode), is the Derplings (Derplings are crimson ones and Herplings are the jungle one, right?)

Deffo prefer crimson to corruption. Cooler enemies, creepier, a less annoying design to cave system (not likely to plummet to your death, and have enemies attack from all areas, rather than funneled in).
The only crimson thing I do not like (or didn't when just starting hardmode), is the Derplings (Derplings are crimson ones and Herplings are the jungle one, right?)
Herpling is crimson
Derpling is jungle

didn't some of the forums get pissed over that naming

How similar is this game to Starbound?

How similar is this game to Starbound?

Not very, besides the fact that it's a 2d sidescroller and there is mining and combat

It's very similar in mechanics. You are a 2D character in a 2D world made of squares that you can break or place.

I've played Starbound and frankly it was extremely boring, because there wasn't that much to do.
Is Terraria any better?

I've played Starbound and frankly it was extremely boring, because there wasn't that much to do.
Is Terraria any better?
It's a complete game, so yes.
As you play the game there are generally some set goals for you to do (which you don't have to), which include gathering resources to get next-tier items, visiting the different biomes, defeating the pre-hardmode bosses (there are 3), exploring the dungeon, exploring the jungle, finding sky-islands, getting to the bottom of the map and the underworld, fighting the Wall of Flesh (the hardest pre-hardmode boss in tricky terrain), entering Hard Mode as a result, getting brand new resources and tier items, fighting new bosses and new enemies, defeating Plantera, a hardmode boss who opens up the final part of the game, exploring the Jungle Temple, fighting the boss there.

Then after that you're probably at the end of a normal exploration run.
But you can fight more bosses, different monsters in different biomes, there are random events, like goblin or pirate invasions, and then there are Pumpkin/Frost moon events, which you trigger, and start a full-scale invasion of enemies with unique powerful bosses who attack in waves, earning you special loot.

Then you also have the option of playing with friends, joining servers with other players, creating cool houses/bases, gathering all the NPCs, playing PvP with other players (including a CTF gametype).
There is a lot to do.

I was thinking yesterday about how before this game was released  everybody was all concerned about how it would be too much like Minecraft, but I think they've done a great job distinguishing the game from it.

ii dont really remember anyone being concerned about it being too much like minecraft.
but i literally found the game the day before it came out and got it the next day so i didnt know much about it at the time.

I found the game on the day of release because a bunch of let's players released videos of it, but it didn't look too interesting to me so I never clicked on any of those videos. But 2 months later I accidentally stumbled upon a Terraria video of three people fighting Skeletron, and I was immediately convinced that I had found a great game.

And I was correct. Three years later, this game is still a masterpiece. In my opinion it's way better than Starbound (in its current state, anyways) because it has much more to offer and, of course, is a complete game that doesn't have important functions that still need to be added.