Author Topic: Terraria - 2D Minecraft More focused on RPG/Action, surprise 1.3 :^)  (Read 1432635 times)

shameless copy and paste from facepunch
As a lot of us know, Minecraft is a hot thing right now, and we've all probably either groaned at another trailer for Fortresscraft, or been lucky to first run into a good kind of imitation like Ace of Spades.

This however is an imitation I can safely say has got the idea of inspiration right.

Right now there's not much aside some trailers and LP vids, but apparently there's lots more to come (reddit had about 20 LP vids at one point, apparently they're already all uploaded and they're just swapping them from private to Public as they go, currently at number 5).

A list of features I've found on Facepunch:

PvP can be turned on and off at will. It also includes color-coded teams.
Water behaves realistically, flowing and draining.
Ore can be mined, then smelted to ingots for crafting.
By default, you sink (and drown, after a time) in water, but later on you can make artifacts that will allow you to swim, breathe underwater, etc.
Antique pots spawn with the world and contain money when smashed.
Mushrooms spawn with the world and can be eaten for quick health at low levels.
Dying consequences aren't yet determined, but the most likely path they'll go with is losing money when you die.
Once you have a wooden sword, you might try to gather some gel from slimes. Combine wood and gel to make a torch!
Underground there are crystal hearts that can be used to increase your max life. You will need a hammer to harvest them.
Stars fall all over the world at night. They can be used for all sorts of useful things. If you see one, be sure to grab it because they disappear after sunrise.
If you gather 10 fallen stars, they can be combined to create an item that will increase your magic capacity.
There are many different ways to attract people to move into your town. They will of course need a home to live in.
Two people will not live in the same home. Also, if their home is destroyed, they will look for a new place to live.
In order for a room to be considered a home, it needs to have a chair, door, table, and light source. The house should have walls as well!
If you want a merchant to move in, you will need to gather plenty of money. 50 silver coins should do the trick!
For a nurse to move in, you will need to increase your maximum life.
If you had a gun, I bet an arms dealer might show up to sell you some ammo.
You should prove yourself by defeating a strong monster. That will get the attention of a dryad.
You can make a grappling hook from a hook and 3 chains. They can be made from iron bars. Skeletons found deep underground usually carry hooks.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 09:33:36 PM by Dropshock »

« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 03:23:00 AM by weaver123 »

is there a development blog?

The question... Is it free?
No. It will have a price.

is there a development blog?
As far as I know, no. You can still watch their Twitter and check out the unofficial forums for updates and such.

No. It will have a price.
Okay. I might end up getting it after it is released and I have seen some more gameplay of it. This looks like it could be tons of fun...

This is the only minecraft-based game that looks worth playing

This is the only minecraft-based game that looks worth playing
It's not really Minecraft based at all. You can compare the two because you can remove and place blocks, but that's about it.

It's not really Minecraft based at all. You can compare the two because you can remove and place blocks, but that's about it.
Really? Interesting.

It's not really Minecraft based at all. You can compare the two because you can remove and place blocks, but that's about it.
It also has mining and crafting, correct?

It also has mining and crafting, correct?
Removing blocks doesn't count as mining? And yes, it has crafting, but it's not the same.

Much more similar to Clonk Rage than Minecraft. I've been keeping up with the LP and it looks neat.

Much more similar to Clonk Rage than Minecraft. I've been keeping up with the LP and it looks neat.
Yes, I agree. After seeing this game and wanting to play it extremely badly, I went and started up Clonk Rage and played for a bit. I haven't played Clonk Rage in over a year.

This looks awesome. When there's an open beta/whatever we should all get together and play.