Author Topic: Hello.  (Read 5501 times)

2 people posting while I was. Legodude just as I hit post, so I quoted, pressed again, UnDivided. You know how annoying that is?

but never bothered to join due to the complete idiocracy and ignorance of a lot of the members.
Heh, i'm surprised i'm still here, plenty of people've gotten on my nerves (not starting a flame fest or anything)

Welcome to the Blockland Message boards anyway :)

And i'm not a idiot, nor a spammer, sometimes i joke around, but i know how to be a good member unlike others XD

Yes, you're one of the more fun members.

who am i?
Date Registered:     April 02, 2007, 08:10:26 pm
Last Active:    Today at 07:44:10 PM

An idiot and a spammer.
Wtf are you talking about?!

One of your many, many pointless posts.

An idiot and a spammer.
Wtf are you talking about?!

One of your many, many pointless posts.
That wasn't spam, I was laughing at how he actually posted that. I don't think anyone expected to post something like that, probally somethign ugly as a joke, but that was real.

This guy is like the ultimate forum spy and critic..
How would rate me as a member? ("who am I?" as many would say)

To be honest I don't run across your posts that often.

hmm ok, don't forget I got 2 other accounts which I don't use anymore,
I got Partizan (which is also my ingame name)
and Heroms

Perhaps you ran across one of those accounts?

Second one was a response saying what it was saying, other people have posted the aboves avatar, too.
Forth was to state how old that topic was
Fifth was not in any way spam, I was asking the topic starting why they were asking about the possiblity of making particals without milkshape when you can't in milkshape and legodude throught I was asking so I quoted to show what I meant
Sixth is Same as second one
Seventh one was a quote so I wouldn't be just simplely repeating the same thing from another post (also helps when the same person posts over and over and you can't keep thinking up things)

Please note those are all in offtopic, excluding the first, where you are allowed to be a noob aslong as it doesn't go to the extreme.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 09:05:23 PM by -=>RR<=-MasterCE »

hmm ok, don't forget I got 2 other accounts which I don't use anymore,
I got Partizan (which is also my ingame name)
and Heroms

Perhaps you ran across one of those accounts?

I don't recall. If you're not a spammer, self-proclaimed sophisticate, or modder then I don't really know you that well.

hmm ok, don't forget I got 2 other accounts which I don't use anymore,
I got Partizan (which is also my ingame name)
and Heroms

Perhaps you ran across one of those accounts?

I don't recall. If you're not a spammer, self-proclaimed sophisticate, or modder then I don't really know you that well.

lol, I gotta admit I had to look up what that word means..
your using some big words there xD
So I'm guessing Modding interest you more and you have been looking over the modding sections more than anything.

Second one was a response saying what it was saying, other people have posted the aboves avatar, too.
Forth was to state how old that topic was
Fifth was not in any way spam, I was asking the topic starting why they were asking about the possiblity of making particals without milkshape when you can't in milkshape and legodude throught I was asking so I quoted to show what I meant
Sixth is Same as second one
Seventh one was a quote so I wouldn't be just simplely repeating the same thing from another post (also helps when the same person posts over and over and you can't keep thinking up things)

Please note those are all in offtopic, where you are allowed to be a noob aslong as it doesn't go to the extreme

Just because you can be an idiot in off topic doesn't mean you should. Keep your sense of decency (if you have any).

hmm ok, don't forget I got 2 other accounts which I don't use anymore,
I got Partizan (which is also my ingame name)
and Heroms

Perhaps you ran across one of those accounts?

I don't recall. If you're not a spammer, self-proclaimed sophisticate, or modder then I don't really know you that well.

lol, I gotta admit I had to look up what that word means..
your using some big words there xD
So I'm guessing Modding interest you more and you have been looking over the modding sections more than anything.

Pretty much. I try out almost anything worth my time or to my interest.