Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 323015 times)

Yeah, there is a whole bottle of expired Vicodin sitting in my moms med cabinet that she hasn't thrown away. I'm smart enough to know not to take that stuff so I'm selling it to a lot of people my age who do it. Ya know, suburban kids
That's the American dream in progress.

i don't think that anything that can harm you permanently should be legal for everyday use

meth/cocaine/MDMA is quite harmful if taken regularly. but pot is not very harmful, other than breathing in smoke, which isn't needed as you can ingest it through foods. Two of the legal drugs we have in the USA (Alcohol and Tobacco) are both very harmful if taken regularly and irresponsibly. both are directly linked to several types of cancer, (lung cancer and liver cancer). alcohol causes nearly 4% of deaths worldwide, and pot? zero. not a single person has died directly from weed. quite frankly, i'm not exactly sure why alcohol and tobacco are legal when pot isn't. studies funded by the government have shown that it is not harmful unless taken in very large quantities at once that it is not only non-harmful, but also non-habit forming, it doesn't stunt or damage your hormones, and that it is even beneficial to your health.

a lot of over-the-counter painkillers (such as Tylenol, Advil and your generic aspirin) and household products are very, very harmful even in small quantities. why they let those be purchased at any pharmacy and not non-harmful drugs such as pot is insane.

a lot of over-the-counter painkillers (such as Tylenol, Advil and your generic aspirin) and household products are very, very harmful even in small quantities. why they let those be purchased at any pharmacy and not non-harmful drugs such as pot is insane.
Think of all the side effects we have for prescription drugs these days which can do more harm than good.

But yeah bloodthinners like Tylenol, Advil, Bayer, aspirin etc. can really forget up your liver and kidneys.

Yeah, there is a whole bottle of expired Vicodin sitting in my moms med cabinet that she hasn't thrown away. I'm smart enough to know not to take that stuff so I'm selling it to a lot of people my age who do it. Ya know, suburban kids
my mom has a bottle and a half of oxycodone that she has no intention of using, but I'd have to be a big scubag to sell them around here.
I'd either have to talk to this kid that I hate or I have to find people who would want them. It wouldn't be easy enough to justify selling them.

lol we have generic xannax party hard lolol jk i doubt it would do stuff and I wont try it either

lol we have generic xannax party hard lolol jk i doubt it would do stuff and I wont try it either

Xanax is kind of a weird high imo. It's like the dizzy/slurs/blackouts of being drunk with some aspects of being on weed. I don't know how to explain it all too well because I've only been on it a few times, but they're really recognizable.

But be careful with Xanax, those can be really bad for you at high doses, and the withdrawals from getting addicted to that can literally kill you. If you want to do it, I'd only recommend 4mg tops on an empty stomach. But remember, play it safe and don't expect yourself to act like a handicap. Just relax, listen to music and enjoy the evening.

my mom has a bottle and a half of oxycodone that she has no intention of using, but I'd have to be a big scubag to sell them around here.
I'd either have to talk to this kid that I hate or I have to find people who would want them. It wouldn't be easy enough to justify selling them.
Don't sell them. Don't use them, either.

My firsthand experience with any kind of opiates has led me to know 3 things:
  • Feel great for a long time
  • Really quickly built tolerance
  • Constipation up the wazoo

They're really great and all, but when people say they're addicting, they're serious about that stuff. It's not really so much that stupid "omg I NEED THESE" desperation, but more along the lines of "This feels really good". Kind of like when you have too much fun with games and you play it for weeks and weeks on end.

quaaludes ain't notin to what was I typing?

quaaludes ain't notin to what was I typing?
Prescription drugs are the worst yeah. Although, I've always thought that if someone wants to use them for recreational purposes, it's fine as long as it's not a daily habit and they're old enough to understand the damage it can create.

Prescription drugs are the worst yeah. Although, I've always thought that if someone wants to use them for recreational purposes, it's fine as long as it's not a daily habit and they're old enough to understand the damage it can create.
Pillheads are some of the worst  fiendish people you'll ever meet too.

Pillheads are some of the worst  fiendish people you'll ever meet too.
they are also cheap as forget and never pay you loving BACK

i don't think that anything that can harm you permanently should be legal for everyday use

meth/cocaine/MDMA is quite harmful if taken regularly.
Take MDMA off that list, you're wrong. Read the articles you post. The only long term effect MDMA is theorized to have is a reduction of serotonin receptors in the brain, it's negligible and wouldn't lead to depression on it's own. It's not even confirmed that MDMA does this, there's debate over the neurotoxicity of MDMA. If, however, it is neurotoxic, it's less neurotoxic than ethanol and less is required to achieve desired effect.

We're splitting hairs, both are the result of rogue electrical impulses. I thought you were meaning tripping hard = only seeing fractals.

Fractals fall under visuals (even if they're closed eye visuals). They're naturally occurring in nature, mathematical in composition, and you're perception of them is heightened by tripping on hallucinogens. Whether they're scary or overwhelming is completely up to whoever's tripping because it's neurochemistry you're tinkering with when you drop acid. Effects differ from person to person so it's better to take one tab with people who won't forget with your head too hard.

bleh I don't wanna be a jerk but for the sake of content there's my answer

Oh yeah, that I totally agree with. I was seperating fractals and like visual hallucinations because when people think hallucination, they think walking up to your mother and her face being adragon is a hallucination only. But yeah, you're totally right. we were making the dame point just wording it differently.

The only drugs I have done are basic alcohol and nicotine along with weed and nitrous so not really that much. I used to smoke weed a lot but not for a while now because I'm focusing on transferring my highschool. But besides that nothing else but I may plan on trying psychedelics like shrooms or acid when I am older. Any first time experiences you guys want to share with me (acid/shrooms)?

bump because earlier today my cuz gave me a joint for free, and then 3 hours later i bought beer on my own for the first time and im drunk now

bump because earlier today my cuz gave me a joint for free, and then 3 hours later i bought beer on my own for the first time and im drunk now
Off one beer? or did you drink more
Because of my body mass and my low tolerance for a lot of substances I get a pretty decent buzz from just one beer