Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love THRUSTERRRSSSS  (Read 294560 times)

I suck at anything that is not launching stuff straight up and watching it either fall down, or endlessly fly away.
1) Accelerate upwards
2) Stop accelerating and get to an apoapsis of 70km+ (hit 0m/s)
3) Rotate 90* to Kerbin
4) Turn on engine and open orbital view
5) Watch the trajectory get more circular (4 + 5 can be cut out by looking on the wiki and checking for the orbital velocities)
6) Turn engine off
7) Orbit

That's all there is to it really. Then you can transfer to the moon and stuff from orbit.

If you're really bad and even that, get MechJeb and then all you need to worry about is building a suitable rocket.

Why is this so expensive, It's like a toy not a game :(
It's a game in more or less Alpha, currently version 0.16. V0.17 is set to bring out better physics, a ton more planets and a load of other stuff. Anyway, a game can be a toy :)
Besides, it's not that expensive, and it's probably the best game of its kind available. Oh, and it has mod support.

So guys
Harvester now has a devblag.
Yes, a blag. Not a blog, a blag.

Let it be known that I don't use, and will never use mechjeb.

Let it be known that I don't use, and will never use mechjeb.
Speaking of mechjeb, I had some fun with it in conjuction with other mods today.

Here's a slightly photoshopped photo of Bob kerman orbiting Kerbin with the new solar powered moon lander I've developed.

any tips on how to get higher FPS

any tips on how to get higher FPS

lower graphics settings

get a better comp/video card

Another one buys the game.
Another one buys the game.
And another copy bought
And another copy bought
Another one buys the game.

any tips on how to get higher FPS

I'm running on lowest settings and getting a decent FPS with a terrible graphics card (Intel Chipset Family 4). Basically just turn everything down and don't make uber-complicated rockets and it runs smoothly. Once you're off a planet the terrain details are removed and that helps out too.

Another one buys the game.
Another one buys the game.
And another copy bought
And another copy bought
Another one buys the game.
Yeeaaaa~ Hey!
You're gonna buy one too!
Another one buys the game!

Badabum bum bum.
I was screwing around with the new giant parts. I hate them. There are little update bumps as you go up into the atmosphere, and my ship is too powerful and blows itself up unless I cut the speed to 25%... every 2 little lines on the atmosphere bar. It sucks.
So I flew an older ship that didn't have the fueling set up right, aimed for Minmus, literally, my worst shot at it, and still made it with fuel to spare.

Lol wut.
Long story short. RCS makes it super easy to land on Minmus. My rover landed with completely improper fueling.... buuuut once it landed, it was completely drained. So I wobbled my little Kerbal over to the near-by past mission to Minmus (the one with no landing legs hehehe) And decided to try to return to Kerbin with it.

Cannot accelerate past 1x with Kerbals on ladders.
Estimated time to apoapsis (where I was heading to get back to Kerbin) 1 day, 2 hours.
............................. ............................. ......

Go back to Minmus, and download this:

Attach them to your ships and you can load extra Kerbals if you need to rescue them or whatever.

Why does everyone on the KSP forum say contractions such as I'm, with a foward slash like this: I\'m?

Why does everyone on the KSP forum say contractions such as I'm, with a foward slash like this: I\'m?
The answer is b low me.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 06:44:34 AM by J MASTER »

Why does everyone on the KSP forum say contractions such as I'm, with a foward slash like this: I\'m?

They moved the forum software from SMF to VBulletin and it caused that error in old posts.

They moved the forum software from SMF to VBulletin and it caused that error in old posts.
Ah. Thanks.

Slashes before such things as commas denote them so they aren't factored in code where strings begin within commas, meaning ones as part of the string would break the format.