Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love THRUSTERRRSSSS  (Read 293752 times)

I now have seven "Titan" series ships, three have returned, the rest are in space or have exploded. I have six "Apollo" series ships, three "Oddessy" series ships (two of which carry space shuttles), one orbiter (orbiting the Sun), and a prototype Moon Landing Vessel.

I've never successfully made a docking satellite that could safely be put into orbit D=

I've been playing the balls out of this game

File editing:

Code: [Select]
name = Badspot Kerman
brave = 1
dumb = 0
badS = False
state = 1
ToD = 5485.02131736738
idx = 0
name = Buttforgeter Kerman
brave = 1
dumb = 0
badS = False
state = 0
ToD = 8573.37811017175
idx = 1
name = forgetbutter Kerman
brave = 1
dumb = 0
badS = False
state = 0
ToD = 9831.81118751233
idx = 2

Dill, how is the center fuel getting to the outside engines in your first picture?
Did you forget the fuel lines?

How do I launch my rocket? I made one with plenty of rockets and I want to see it fly like a bitch.

How do I launch my rocket? I made one with plenty of rockets and I want to see it fly like a bitch.
Wow now, watch that language.

After you've settled down, there's a launch button in the vehicle assembly buildings menu. It's very hard to miss...

Dill, how is the center fuel getting to the outside engines in your first picture?
Did you forget the fuel lines?
Their in the bottom, hard to see, that or I don't have them and the wings have fuel cross, although the 'damned robotics' pack's pivots or whatever don't have fuel crossfeed so i dunno.
it flies though right.
Nice satellite core there mate.
Thanks. the eye is creepy though, it aims at you wherever which way you move the camera, but it's fancy.

No one gets what I posted... :( You children...

No one gets what I posted... :( You children...
Cowboy bebop

I had to look it up to be sure though :3

The satellite with sentient AI. His thing reminded me of it.

Its been a while since I watched Cowboybebop