Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love THRUSTERRRSSSS  (Read 303893 times)

Pics :D
Build a rocket
Use the launchpad strut thingies
Point it at a 45º angle with the engine pointing up
Profit...and Kerbals being launched two and a half kilometers.

I got trydyingtolive on Steam. I never ever talk to him, but I could ask if he's doing a 0.17 video. Not sure he'd respond, but anyone care? I don't want to bother him if it's just me who gives a forget here. :x

I'm sure he is.

Asdf, can't download the update, system overload.

yeah, wishing i could DL the update :-/

yeah, wishing i could DL the update :-/
wait whats 0.17 got to offer?

I'm sure he is.

Quote from: Steam
Never tell your password to anyone.
MegaScience: Inquiry: 0.17 video planned?
trydyingtolive: ohhh mayb
MegaScience: Ah, awesome. And then to travel to every available celestial body in a single trip...
trydyingtolive: probably not
trydyingtolive: depends on how good the atomic engines are
MegaScience: Ah, I hadn't checked the detailed change logs. Interesting minor changes. Fly by of new trees and boulders. lol
trydyingtolive: lol I'll do my best :)
MegaScience: Fly safely, though. :P
trydyingtolive is now Offline.

He was very punctual on responses, oddly enough. Made me nervous - He's a father, he's far into the physics of the game. I'm just a dumb college student, so I don't really know what I'm talking about.

wait whats 0.17 got to offer?

I figured it was released because the KSP server is completely down.
So can anyone tell me the exact changelogs? I can't get on the forum at all.

I figured it was released because the KSP server is completely down.
So can anyone tell me the exact changelogs? I can't get on the forum at all.

This is a worthy bump.
0.17 is out.

That's where I got the forum link from. The forum link is full change log, that's generic.

That's where I got the forum link from. The forum link is full change log, that's generic.

Oh cool.

still can't download/update. hnnnng.

You'll have to wait like a week. :c

Downloaded, first ship attempt got me to the mun (which was my goal).

To my surprise, after day after day of searching for the Mun arch, I couldn't find it, but with the first rocket launch of version .17, it was revealed to me at last!

However, I was 4 fuel tanks short, and had to ditch my landing gear setup.
Sadly, I knew Jeb was stranded. Though I knew a rescue mission was possible.

So I used the remaining fuel to hop over next to it to explore it a bit =D

Neat screenshot of Jeb flying up to it.

I saw the scale of the universe.
It looks insane.