Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love THRUSTERRRSSSS  (Read 279729 times)

How do I get rid of random orbiting debris?

How do I get rid of random orbiting debris?
Hyperedit is a good mod for that, and cheating so planets will crash into eachother

that feel whenever your rocket loses fuel just as you're getting out of the atmosphere and it becomes a guided-kamikaze-missile.

that feel whenever your rocket loses fuel just as you're getting out of the atmosphere and it becomes a guided-kamikaze-missile.

How do I get rid of random orbiting debris?
You can end the flight. Go on to one of your satellites and double click the trash in the orbit screen. Should bring you to view the debris, and then you can end the flight like any other mission.

You can end the flight. Go on to one of your satellites and double click the trash in the orbit screen. Should bring you to view the debris, and then you can end the flight like any other mission.
Except the debris will still exist, which is why you use hyper edit

Except the debris will still exist, which is why you use hyper edit

Is there any way to currently unlock it on Steam if you bought it before Steam?

>already 4 months into this game
>i don't know how to dock

help pls

I'm a master at rockets but when it comes to space planes, I can never get them to take off.

If I speed down the runway, I veer off to the right or left and crash. I align the center of lift correctly and center of mass, but the plane just refuses to take off. It's not until the very end of the runway when it ramps off the edge and I can tilt it up to get it going. Is there some unknown secret to actually making a plane fly?

this should be a mod

just sayian

Is there any way to currently unlock it on Steam if you bought it before Steam?
They're working on it.


anyways, this is my 3rd satellite in orbit

You can now unlock the steam version through the store page, just so you know. Just log in to your account on the KSP store and scroll to the bottom. Big button says "Unlock Through Steam" or something. It worked flawlessly for me.