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Author Topic: Escape Overlay Released [NARG]  (Read 485157 times)

well wtf is a floating island supposed to look like? jurk
I can make it more like an ice cream cone shape if that is what you want
Have it taper down towards the bottom. Doesnt need to be a cone, just smaller at the bottom.

Have it taper down towards the bottom. Doesnt need to be a cone, just smaller at the bottom.

That is what I kinda tried to do, using the graph of y=-x^2(x-32) as the general shape for the height axis.  Honestly I don't really know what more I can do about the shape of the island, unless people drew me pictures of what they want.

ok so mostly a more drasic transition between "top" and "bottom" ?

Okie dokie can do

Although that waterfall thing could be a problem.

if you can do it do it

but really i think we can do it ourselves

Update it so it works with multiplayer?

fasf didn't even notice this was dead

hurry up nexus where have you been

I need supermacro :c

oh god it's cool
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 08:36:42 PM by 300spartan »

fasf didn't even notice this was dead

hurry up nexus where have you been
Working on a TDM.

*Someone asks for link to this thread
*Starts looking for thread on page 4
*Gets to page 8 and is confused

So uh, I have been crazy busy with school.  I got to bed at 1:30 last night for a fantastic 5 hours of sleep, which is the most sleep I have gotten in the past two weeks.  I have actually been working a little on the TMBI mod and the terrain generator, but both of them are far from finished.  I scrapped BuildBot v3 because the event loader I created was so difficult to use and so non-user friendly, that I decided I need to strengthen the basic code of BuildBot to make it simpler and more effective before I can continue expanding it.  That is pretty low on my priorities.

You may be interested in a gamemode I am working on based off of Star Wars Battlefron 2 spacebattles.  So far it is going very well and if I could get a couple of people to help me finish the building interiors, that would be fantastic.

I need supermacro :c

oh god it's cool
Is the download broken?

I like the existing floating island you have.  Maybe make an option?

You may be interested in a gamemode I am working on based off of Star Wars Battlefron 2 spacebattles.  So far it is going very well and if I could get a couple of people to help me finish the building interiors, that would be fantastic.
can't wait

with slayer's new team tickets we can actually do conquest correctly.

can't wait

with slayer's new team tickets we can actually do conquest correctly.

I wasn't planning on using slayer, just writing my own whatever.  For some reason I feel like it would be faster and more effective for me to just write up the support code so I completely understand it than to figure out modding support for something like slayer.

TMBI at 1336 lines and growing