*Someone asks for link to this thread
*Starts looking for thread on page 4
*Gets to page 8 and is confused
So uh, I have been crazy busy with school. I got to bed at 1:30 last night for a fantastic 5 hours of sleep, which is the most sleep I have gotten in the past two weeks. I have actually been working a little on the TMBI mod and the terrain generator, but both of them are far from finished. I scrapped BuildBot v3 because the event loader I created was so difficult to use and so non-user friendly, that I decided I need to strengthen the basic code of BuildBot to make it simpler and more effective before I can continue expanding it. That is pretty low on my priorities.
You may be interested in a gamemode I am working on based off of Star Wars Battlefron 2 spacebattles. So far it is going very well and if I could get a couple of people to help me finish the building interiors, that would be fantastic.
I need supermacro :c
oh god it's cool
Is the download broken?