Author Topic: Cube RPG, a BYOND Project (REVIVAL!)  (Read 17016 times)

Will this have multiplayer?
It's lookin' good.

It will, it will be multiplayer, go play Cow RP if you want an example of what I'm making.

I'd love to give the chef a accent, either swedish or french!Very nice, It'll do great for the knight, if you want, i could make the directional sprites for you, or you can do them yourself?

A side view without anything equipped would be nice, I don't want to screw up by making it too wide or something lol.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 10:46:59 AM by naturemon »

Oh god, I love little games like this. I need to post a link to a game that was absolutely beautiful that was a little like this; small and pixellated. I found it on a random website full of strange stuff, so don't blame me if your eyes start bleeding.
Anyway, if I could help, possibly in making sprites, though I stink at it, I would love it. I could attempt to make stuff and you could give it all a touch-up, if that's ok.

Here's a horribly stupid looking suit and hat attempt, just because everything needs a formal suit and hat.

Hao2sprite? :C
You're silly. What I did is I used the king clothes and then drew over them.
To make it look a little more realistic, I used slightly lighter colors on one side to add depth and lighting.
Other than that, just draw pixel by pixel.

Looks amish!

Also, I'm toying with foliage generation so trees will be in random places every time, and holy stuff.

That's a lot of trees.

What do you think of mah clothes? I can do different angles too if they are anything other than biomass.

Aphtonites, can you post a picture of the default side view?

Let me tell you about the directions.
The character's body [cube] does not actually have any directions! However, the face does, so, really you only need one sprite to make clothing.

Oh okay then, does the face extend over the side at all?

Right, I guess I better help out the we can't rip sprites citizens in need.

Lern2rip guize. Look, they're even in neat 32x32 boxes so you can sprite over the character, erase him when you're done, and post them to save Aphtonites the hassle of positioning them on the character!

Well I never saw a shot of it at all from the side...

Anyways thank you.

Iron armor is finished completely.



Right, I guess I better help out the we can't rip sprites citizens in need.

Lern2rip guize. Look, they're even in neat 32x32 boxes so you can sprite over the character, erase him when you're done, and post them to save Aphtonites the hassle of positioning them on the character!
However, the light upon these is the opposite of the light angle from the king outfit. Simple to fix, but important.
This post was horribly stupid.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 10:17:00 AM by Katadeus »