Author Topic: pie man- The toughest most awesome person on the forums  (Read 18653 times)

how does a pie use a keyboard

I would love to see a bunch of forum members find him and see the expression on his face if we told him we were there to beat the crap out of him.

The toughest 8 15 year old in the world names himself

pie man

From readin this topic I have c

From readin this topic I have c

Sorry I'm on an iPhone and my finger slipped

Anyway from reading this topic I have concluded that if pie man's stories are true, which I highly doubt, he exhibits signs of being proud of those events. Obviously he should not and if he keeps up this sort of behavior he will fail, die, and burn in he'll.

However, because his stories are most likely not true, he is simply making them up to inflate his massive ego. He entered the very thread that concerned this matter with the same attitude when he should have reflected on his actions and entered with a disposition of humility. Yet the facts remain that he has yet to do this and he should gtfo.

Oh wow. This drama topic matured. Anyway pieman you are acting like a tough guy and it's not getting you anywhere around here.

Wrong I do stuff then flush and wash hands

Now to be serious I try my hardest to get out and do something

Someone made me mad so I tried to bash there head in with a bat but he ran away on his bike

I went go-carting illegally on the street at my cousins

I punched this one kid in the face for kicking me in the face

I tackled my cousin to keep him from killing somone

I violently flipped some douche's desk on him because he could stfu after I told him to I became a hero that day c:

I fought this one guy because he was talking stuff

I almost fought this one guy but he turned into buddy buddy and got out of it narrowly escaping a fight that would'v turned out bad (Most likely for the both of us because we had about equal strength)

That real enough? Because my life isn't the same as your's doesn't mean nothing.
It's not real at all.  All of that sounds like bullstuff.

Now it's just incredibly obvious you're just some bullstuffting internet tough guy.

If there was one of someone doing crazy stuff in a go kart then that would describe my Saturday 


better watch out pie man, those blue shells get you and get you hard

bowser had to stop karting for a month because of one

When he posted a picture of 'him' in the topic, he looked really fat.

When Destroyer mentioned he was going to be a firefighter, Mr. Tough stuff brought up "oh we nedded firefighter, i saved teh day with mtn deww"

What a loving coincidence right?

pie man is a piece of JUNK POPS