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Author Topic: Phydeoux's Add-on Topic  (Read 96169 times)

stratofortress' new f18 has a very nice weapon switch script going on, but i can never kill anything because i am constantly over-correcting.
He still exists!?

Woahahaha, server was a blast, join now! GOGOGO!

Phy, some day soon will you host a server in that town that the Ferris wheel was filmed in? I love it so much because it looks like my street.

Might I suggest a new bullet model along with a new sound for the guns?

Yeah final release versions will have custom sounds. quieter mgs on the car, lower sound on heavy mg turret

Still hosting?
Nah it shut down a little while ago. Got a headache and want to start working on the pickup.
Also need food.

Shadows looking very lovey. How did you do it?

For milkshape:
Make your model
Make the name of every group end with 32. (example: body32)
Duplicate everything and end the name of that/those groups with 31
Then duplicate that duplicate and end that name with 0
Create a collision mesh ending named collision-1

The groups ending with 32 will be what the player sees up close
The groups ending with 0 will be what the game draws the shadow from, and it will draw this mesh at a far distance
The groups ending with 31 will be drawn at a distance right before the game draws the 0 groups. It sounds unnecessary to have this group but it won't work without it.

so that's why all your models have duplicates of the same thing?

so that's why all your models have duplicates of the same thing?
The game only draws the goups 1 at a time. When group 31 is drawn then group 32 and group 0 is not drawn. (except for group 0 always draws a shadow.

That neighbourhood looks like mine! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7y6wEAkbXk&feature=youtu.be

BTW, will you ever host in that neighbourhood? I love it so much.

holy stuff holy stuff he's back he's back oh god yes asmdfgmfzdsbcmv