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Author Topic: BF3 Pack (RTB)  (Read 164204 times)

You couldn't even given constructive criticism? Really?

Okay, then you model a pack, get stuff talked by people like you, then work on it till it's done. k?

 Good luck.



it doesn't take a chef to know good food you loving DUMBASS
he doesn't need to try to model a pack and finish it to know that walters lazy as stuff.

This is awesome. I don't think anyone has made weapons this good. Theres almost NO difference between the BF3 guns and the blockland guns! Only a small suggesstion:
Ignore those discouraging comments. There nothing. And could you tell me how to reload?

This is awesome. I don't think anyone has made weapons this good. Theres almost NO difference between the BF3 guns and the blockland guns! Only a small suggesstion:
Ignore those discouraging comments. There nothing. And could you tell me how to reload?
Reload=Light key.
But back to the subject, when I mentioned the sight fixes on specific guns, those were guns I was just pointing out.
Everything but the AKs and other fixed guns need ironsight fixes that are respectable to their real life counterparts.
Sorry if I didn't make myself specific enough.

adding on to what I said-
Try looking not just at side view pictures for reference but pictures that show the weapon at an angle, so you'll have  a better understanding of what you are looking at.
And the SCAR, is it a SCAR-H(SCAR heavy, big bullet 20 rounds) or SCAR-L(SCAR light, small bullet 30 rounds)
« Last Edit: December 31, 2011, 11:15:13 PM by The Corporation »

This is awesome. I don't think anyone has made weapons this good. Theres almost NO difference between the BF3 guns and the blockland guns! Only a small suggesstion:
Ignore those discouraging comments. There nothing. And could you tell me how to reload?
They're not discouraging. They're constructive. There are problems with the weapons and we're simply telling him what they are. You also probably haven't played BF3 if you think these are like it. The glocks in BF3 are black. The M4/M16 is a light grey, not black. The AK-74M isn't grey and white. Etc etc...

Has anyone noticed that the flares are messed up.

There are more guns like this but I couldn't take pics all day.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2011, 11:39:15 PM by Caveman1127 »

They're not discouraging. They're constructive. There are problems with the weapons and we're simply telling him what they are. You also probably haven't played BF3 if you think these are like it. The glocks in BF3 are black. The M4/M16 is a light grey, not black. The AK-74M isn't grey and white. Etc etc...

Dude....dude....color doesn't mean anything. Not a thing. I don't care if they're colored wrong. I haven't played BF3, but to me, these are cool simply because they work. I love the sounds, i love the recoil. They aren't perfect, but this is just Blockland.
Also, i JUST downloaded the new version about thirty minutes ago or less. If you haven't used them yet, download it again, cause there is no way that this pack is as bad as people say. Alot of these comments are useless or just a bunch of lies man. But that's toward the beginning of the post. So I assumed that these were the changes he made in the version I'm using.

These are the best weapons on Blockland man. THE BEST. They aren't JUST LIKE the game, but i don't care. They're the best in Blockland. THE BEST. NO one else has made guns like these.

Listen ,I know you're doing CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism, but don't make a big deal out of a pebble bro. The guns not perfect. Ok? It's not like he's making a REAL video-game. This is just Blockland. Nothing has to "look like the original." It just has to work. I can't believe people are complaining about the sizes, hands, colors, etc whatever. Those things are TINY, and should be treated as so. Don't tell the guy that put blood and tears into this that "you're entire project sucks because the m16 is supposed to be a lighter grey."
or "I don't like the hands on the pistol, so everything sucks."
We're lucky to even have these here. I remember SO MANY threads that were potentially awesome, but CANCELED due  to "tiny" and "made-up" comments. I REALLY don't want to see this happen to this thread. Please understand man. I just appreciate what I got.....MAN this thing is LONG.

Don't worry. If he's smart enough to create these awesome add-ons, then I'm pretty sure he is aware of the tiny errors hes making.....like the auto reloading. I wish he'd bring that back. Bots can't use the weapons because its not there.

-sniped because of long paragraphs and such-

We get the point. It's BETA, they aren't perfect yet. You guys are a bunch of cold-hearted critics.

Do they all have the L4D reload sound?

We get the point. It's BETA, they aren't perfect yet. You guys are a bunch of cold-hearted critics.

I tried my hardest to avoid saying that, but since you think so, i guess its true. It's like they're trying to make him either close or discontinue the thread because their jealous.

"You should not tell a man he can't cook if you can't cook better."

.......eh, that just popped up....do I sound old?

NO one else has made guns like these.
I agree that these guns are good, but they aren't that unique.
Plasticman, Gravity Cat, OORick, Zorro Limit, and Altair made guns that had the same features as these.
some with more features, other less, but sgt's are not the "Most unique"

Though the one thing I do like about the pack is that it's "catchy"
I dont' really know how to put it, but if you're like me, they stick to you.
Depsite the fact they have a few shortcomings, people get better over time with improvement and practice.
I say the next pack he releases will probably be 3x better than this.

Do they all have the L4D reload sound?
Nope, custom sounds.
It's pretty good

I tried my hardest to avoid saying that, but since you think so, i guess its true. It's like they're trying to make him either close or discontinue the thread because their jealous.

"You should not tell a man he can't cook if you can't cook better."

.......eh, that just popped up....do I sound old?

I'm just pointing out the stuff that needs work, areas of improvement etc, without being too harsh.
I actually don't want this thing to die like the last one.

I remember when walter made those ww2 weps.

Hes improved alot since then.

Well done walter and i hope you do alot better in 2012.

I agree that these guns are good, but they aren't that unique.
Plasticman, Gravity Cat, OORick, Zorro Limit, and Altair made guns that had the same features as these.
some with more features, other less, but sgt's are not the "Most unique"

Though the one thing I do like about the pack is that it's "catchy"
I dont' really know how to put it, but if you're like me, they stick to you.
Depsite the fact they have a few shortcomings, people get better over time with improvement and practice.
I say the next pack he releases will probably be 3x better than this.

I'm just pointing out the stuff that needs work, areas of improvement etc, without being too harsh.
I actually don't want this thing to die like the last one.
Nah your alright. You're not being harsh. Your just pushing him, but lets not forget to say thanks for the work hes already done. Effort isn't something you come by easily these days.

All those other weapons weren't as good though. They were either too blocky, no ironsights, no reload anim, no ZOOM in ironsights, no hands, or no recoil. I don't know if I've heard of all of those though, so I'll check em' out! Thanks man!

Oh, yeah...Gravitycats firearms was awesome. The shooting, sounds, recoil, etc, it was all good. Wish it had hands and Iron sights though. I forget if it had a reload animation.

Oh, yeah...Gravitycats firearms was awesome. The shooting, sounds, recoil, etc, it was all good. Wish it had hands and Iron sights though. I forget if it had a reload animation.
I think the XCR and the pistols had reload animations.

I think the XCR and the pistols had reload animations.
He's talking about Grav's first pack.
It was pretty good, but I never really did like it that much.

He's talking about Grav's first pack.
It was pretty good, but I never really did like it that much.
Wasn't he the one who brought gravity bullets as a huge thing to BL?

I remember he started it and alot of addons had them after.